Chu Anqin's face was dark, and his consciousness entered the [Micro Black Dragon Space]. There were more than 600 [First-order Essence Cores] in it. It looked like a lot, but it could only synthesize six second-order essence cores.

"This thing is a bit useless."

He sighed. He had evolved to the peak of the second order. The second-order essence core was not of much use to him, but the number of second-order essence cores required for the third-order essence core was as high as 100, which was impossible to make.

What was the concept of 100 second-order essence cores? That was 100 second-order alien species.

If the first-order essence core was used for synthesis, it would take 10,000 first-order alien species to synthesize a third-order essence core.

"It's impossible!"

Yesterday, more than a thousand first-order locust alien species forced him into the river. Ten thousand first-order alien species.

The more Chu Anqin thought about it, the more desperate he became. No matter how he looked at it, this [Primary Essence Core Synthesizer] didn't seem to be very useful.

However, he still took out several materials needed for production.

No matter how outrageous the synthesis ratio is, the materials used to make the synthesizer are still within the acceptable range. He happened to carry it with him, so he might as well make it directly. Maybe it will be useful in the future.

"Make it!"

As the materials disappeared, a strange-looking instrument appeared in front of him.

It was more than one person tall, the upper part was silver-white, and there was an entrance on the front, which looked like a place to put the sperm nucleus.

In the middle was a virtual screen with two synthesis options.

The lower part was a black box structure, which should be the storage place for the synthesized sperm nucleus.

He observed for a moment and roughly understood how to use this synthesizer.

It was very simple. Put the low-level sperm nucleus in from the entrance in the upper part, select "make" on the middle screen, and wait for a while, and the synthesized high-level sperm nucleus will come out of the black box in the lower part.

The quality of the synthesized high-level sperm nucleus is affected by the quality of the low-level sperm nucleus put in.

He took out a hundred first-order sperm nuclei, put them in from the entrance in the upper part, and selected "synthesize second-order sperm nucleus" on the screen.

A low hum suddenly sounded in the synthesizer, and the synthesis work began.

After just a few breaths, there was a sound of collision from the lower half of the black box. He squatted down and opened it. As expected, there was an extra second-level essence core inside.

He took out this synthetic second-level essence core and held it in his hand to check. It seemed to be no different from the essence core in the alien body, and the size was about the same.

The color was dark, and it should be an essence core with a quality between the second-level ordinary and the second-level peak.

He observed for a moment and did not find any abnormality, so he turned his eyes to the covetous Xiao Qingzi.

"Here, take it."

Chu Anqin threw the essence core into the air, and the Little Mouse King rushed out.

When it landed again, the essence core had been swallowed into its stomach.

He took out a bottle of water, drank a few sips, and then stood aside to observe the reaction of the Little Mouse King.

Since there was no abnormality on the surface, let the Little Mouse King swallow one and try.

After about five minutes, the Little Mouse King still did not show any abnormal behavior.

"Do you feel anything different?" He asked in a deep voice.

The Mouse King shook his head, his eyes widened, looking at him eagerly.


Chu Anqin smiled slightly, knowing what the Mouse King meant.

He took out another 400 first-order sperm nuclei, put them into the [Primary Sperm Nuclei Synthesizer] in four batches, harvested four second-order sperm nuclei, and fed them all to the Mouse King.

After the Mouse King ate these four, he wanted to continue eating, but he did not choose to synthesize again.

It was not because there were not enough first-order sperm nuclei. There were more than 100 in the [Black Dragon Space], which could synthesize a second-order sperm nucleus.

The main reason was that the remaining sperm nuclei were prepared for making hunting wine. It would not be too late to synthesize them for the Mouse King after hunting new sperm nuclei.

"This synthesizer is like it was made for you."

Chu Anqin complained to the Mouse King. Judging from the current situation, it is most appropriate to synthesize the second-order sperm nuclei, which can be swallowed by Xiao Qingzi to accelerate its evolution.

He himself has evolved to the peak of the second order, and swallowing the second-order sperm nuclei will have little effect.

He smiled bitterly, waved his hand, and put away the [Primary Essence Nucleus Synthesizer].

As for the synthesis of the third-order essence nucleus, forget about it for now.

He left the house and came to the river bank. Yesterday, due to the death of a large number of locusts, the originally clear river water was smelly and dirty, but now it seems to have become clear again.

He walked along the river bank, turned on the life detection system, and began to scan the nearby alien species.

His current evolution level has reached the peak of the second order, and he urgently needs a third-order essence nucleus to break through.

Moreover, one third-order essence nucleus is not enough, at least two are needed.

One is made into a [Gene Recombinant Agent] to enhance the evolution effect, and the other is used to swallow, so as to break through and enter the ranks of third-order mutants as soon as possible.

Only after breaking through to the third order, he has the confidence to hunt the third-order winged flying alien species, obtain the third-order feathers to make [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings], and unlock the next page.

On one side of the river bank is a weedy farmland, and on the other side is a river that cannot be seen to the bottom. There are many alien species hidden in both areas.

Not long after walking, several red dots appeared on the virtual screen. He looked towards the center of the river, where there were three first-level fish species.

The three fish species were playing, and when they sensed movement on the shore, they dived to the bottom of the river without any bloodthirsty aggression of the alien species.

Chu Anqin ignored them and continued to walk along the river bank.

These scattered two or three first-level alien species did not have much appeal to him.

If he met someone who was not afraid of death and ran into a knife, he would not mind taking some blood and flesh, but if he ran away cleverly, he would not bother to chase him.

With his current strength, it would not be difficult to hunt down a first-level alien species, unless he encountered a group of thousands of entry-level alien species.

But if he really encountered a group of entry-level alien species, he would probably have to run away.

After walking for about a few minutes, five red dots were detected on the virtual screen again.

This time it was not in the river, but in the farmland area.

He stood on the path and looked into the weeds.




Five yellow shadows rushed out.

Five crustaceans of unknown species, all yellow, and not even at the first level.

Chu Anqin did not move. The Little Mouse King rushed out first, killing two with one claw, and then killing the remaining three with three bites, with great ease.

In this way, he walked along the river for half a day. Every few minutes, he would encounter three or five alien species, either insects in the farmland or fish in the river.

The degree of evolution was not high. Some were non-entry alien species, one was first-level alien species, and none of the second-level and above were encountered. They were all solved by the Mouse King.

Even so, he was secretly shocked. The frequency of alien species in the wilderness area was too high, and half of them were entry-level alien species.

If this happened in the city, there would probably be no survivors. They would probably be eaten as food.

"Are there no high-level alien species that are lost?"

Chu Anqin had a dark face, and he didn't know whether his face was white or black.

Yesterday, he was chased by a swarm of locusts, dozens of second-level alien species, and even two third-level catfish alien species.

But today, all that came out were small shrimps, and it can be said that there was no harvest at all.

He even took out [Beast Attraction] to set bait, but it was just a thought, and he didn't dare to do it.

From the experience of using it several times before, [Beast Attraction] has an irresistible temptation for alien species.

This is the wilderness area again. If he really takes it out, the consequences can be imagined.

He looked at the energy warning on the virtual screen and took out three E-level energy crystals to replace it.

[Black Dragon Suit] has been in combat mode, and the energy consumption is very fast due to the active expansion of the detection range of the life detection system.

If you really count, today is still a loss.


Just when he was a little depressed, two slightly larger red dots appeared on the virtual screen.

"Second-level life form!"

Chu Anqin's eyes lit up and looked towards the river.

Although it is not a third-level alien species, it is at least not a first-level or even a non-level alien species.

On the river bank, two brown-red shadows hid under the water, and a white wriggling worm was breaking out of the mud on the river bank.

The next second, two large pincers suddenly broke through the river surface and clamped the white worm.

Chu Anqin looked closely and saw that there were actually two huge lobsters in the river, ten times the size of ordinary lobsters, fighting for the bloody white worm.

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