Chu Anqin drove the armored vehicle three or four kilometers away from Jiangcheng, and took the Mouse King, Xiaoyi and Xiaoer out of the car and started walking.

At this distance, many alien species have appeared, and driving an armored vehicle is prone to accidents.

One person and three mutant mice carefully passed through a village. It was dead inside, and many corpses were rotten and incomplete. No alien species were found.

Passing through this village, continue to go south.

With the experience of the last trip to the wilderness area, he was fully prepared this time. The [Black Dragon Suit] has been turned on the combat mode.

In addition, the blood vine leaves are also integrated into the body, and can attack at any time.

Along the way, he has encountered several alien species, both first-level and second-level, all of which were killed with blood vine leaves.

The attack power of the third-level blood vine leaves is very terrifying. If you stab it casually, it will have the power of a [Black Dragon Knife] to cut it.

But this is not the most surprising thing about the blood vine leaves. The vines of the third-level blood vine leaves have mutated barbed thorns, which are highly toxic.

Once a first-level alien species is poisoned, it will die within a minute. Although the second-level alien species will not be poisoned to death, it will be paralyzed and will soon lose its mobility.

As for whether the poison has a deterrent effect on the third-level alien species, this can only be tested when encountering the third-level alien species.

Chu Anqin looked at a tall forest in front of him, with a thoughtful look on his face, whether to enter or not.

This forest is very large, and it seems to be a plant and animal protection area in his memory.

It blocked his route. If he wanted to continue to move south, he had to cross it, otherwise he would have to take a big detour.

Not long after, he made a decision and stepped into the forest with three mutant mice.

Since he wanted to hunt alien species, the forest was definitely a good place.

As soon as he entered the forest, he felt a gloomy atmosphere. The towering giant trees were probably a hundred meters high, and even the low plants, grasses, and ferns below were two or three meters high.

Such a forest would not have appeared before the doomsday.

However, only one year after the doomsday, everything in the wild was changing dramatically.

The sun barely penetrated the dense vegetation and shone on the moss, leaving a little light in this dark and humid forest.


Xiaoyi and Xiaoer made strange noises, as if they were not used to this environment.

Even Xiaoqingzi was a little timid and followed Chu Anqin closely.

Chu Anqin took a deep breath and looked for a trail that looked good.


From time to time, the sound of leaves rubbing against each other could be heard in the forest, and there were even afterimages running rapidly around him.

The life detection system showed that there were no less than twenty alien species gathered around, most of which were at the first level, and no second level appeared.

At this moment, a black shadow could not help but rushed out of the bushes on his side and headed straight for Xiaoyi.

Chi Chi!

The Little Mouse King screamed and bit off the black shadow, which turned out to be an insect mutant.

After a few bites, the insect alien was swallowed by the Little Mouse King.

However, Chu Anqin's face was a little ugly. Just when the insects rushed out to attack, seven or eight alien species surrounded nearby, including a second-level alien species.

"There are too many alien species."

It has only been a short time since we entered the forest, and the density of alien species has reached such a terrifying level. If we go deeper, what kind of scene will it be?

However, the more this happened, the more excited he became.

There are second-level alien species at the edge of the forest, and there is a high possibility that third-level alien species will appear in the depths.

He stared at the fast-moving red dot on the virtual screen, his eyes were focused, and the blood vine leaf suddenly jumped out of his hand and plunged into the bushes on the left.

Since the fusion of the blood vine leaf, when using the [Black Dragon Set], an opening will be left in the palm of the left hand to allow the blood vine leaf to attack.

There was a scream in the bush, and a one-horned wild boar was tied and entangled by the third-level blood vine leaf and dragged out from the dark.

The entanglement of the blood vine leaf is also very useful. Combined with the paralysis poison on the hook, it can greatly restrict the opponent's actions.

This one-horned boar is the size of a rhinoceros, with two fangs and black steel hair all over its back. It has evolved to the second-order alien level.

The one-horned boar howled and struggled frantically, trying to break free from the entanglement of the blood vine leaves.

But the harder it tried, the faster the paralytic venom flowed through its blood. The one-horned boar soon ran out of strength and its cry became smaller until it completely lost consciousness.

"Xiao Qingzi, kill it!"

He commanded the Little Mouse King to bite the fainted one-horned boar to death, and two vines sprang out of his palm again, and three vines shot out forward and backward.

The blood vine leaves can shoot out three vines as long as forty or fifty meters at the same time, just like he is now.

The three vines, like three poisonous snakes, entangled the alien and quickly retracted.

The three gray rabbit-like aliens, about the same size as Xiaoyi and Xiaoer, were now poisoned to death by the venom of the blood vine leaves.

Then, the vines hit out again, dragging back the alien corpses, and after several times, all the red dots on the screen disappeared.

Seventeen non-level aliens, nine first-level aliens, and one second-level alien.

"Good harvest!"

Throwing the second-level essence core to the Mouse King, except for the three gray rabbit alien corpses, the first-level essence core and other essence cores were all collected into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

After sorting it out, Chu Anqin continued to move forward with the three mutant mice.

Along the way, many lost aliens were killed by blood vine leaves and became his materials.

After about an hour of travel, Chu Anqin had been attacked more than a dozen times and harvested hundreds of essence cores.

Just as he was controlling the blood vine leaves to kill a yellow deer species, a noise suddenly came from deep inside.

On the virtual screen, eight red dots of the second-level life level were running towards him.

Chu Anqin looked at the trees in front of him shaking, and the eight second-level species that came were probably not small in size.

Sure enough, in just a moment, eight one-horned wild boars rushed out from inside, like eight large trucks, which made people's scalps numb.

He snorted coldly, and three blood vine leaves were the first to hit, and then he himself turned into a residual image, holding the [Black Dragon Sword] to meet.

Swish swish swish——

Three blood vine leaves entangled three one-horned wild boars, and he chopped three times in a row, knocking down three of them, and the remaining two rushed straight to the Little Mouse King, Xiaoyi and Xiaoer.

One of the two one-horned wild boars that rushed over was a second-level ordinary species, and the other was a second-level peak species. Although the Little Mouse King could not beat it, he could use his agility to dodge.

However, if it dodges, his two men will be in trouble.

The Little Mouse King suddenly opened his mouth, and then a piercing hissing sound that shook his nerves came out of his mouth.

Mental shock attack!

Chu Anqin's eyes lit up. He was very familiar with this cry. When he met the Little Mouse King's father or mother, he had suffered from this trick.

Unexpectedly, the Little Mouse King actually inherited this trick.

When the two unicorn wild boars heard the hissing sound, they suddenly ran wildly with four hooves as if they were frightened, and their route deviated. One of them hit a giant tree, and the giant tree broke and was about to fall to the ground.

The other one fell directly, fell hard, and its four legs were up in the air.


Chu Anqin directly shot out two vine leaves, entangled and paralyzed the two unicorn wild boars.

Then, the black shadow swayed, and the [Black Dragon Sword] wiped the necks of the five unconscious unicorn wild boars.

He took out eight second-order essence cores, put three into the [Micro Black Dragon Space], left five, and gave three to the Little Mouse King to swallow, and threw the remaining two to Xiaoyi and Xiaoer.

Xiaoyi and Xiaoer were too weak, and were completely a burden, so he had to train them.

Although they did not use the [Primary Yuling Chip] to control them directly, it was not a big problem with the Little Mouse King.

After getting the consent of the Little Mouse King, Xiaoyi and Xiaoer opened their huge mouths and swallowed the second-order essence cores.

After swallowing these three second-order essence cores, the Little Mouse King was very close to the second-order peak alien level.

"Not bad." With another third-order essence core, the Little Mouse King could evolve.

He consciously entered the [Micro Star Black Dragon Space] and counted the number of first-order and second-order essence cores, which were not enough to synthesize a third-order essence core.

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