Chu Anqin originally didn't want to provoke this third-level black eagle in order to allow the Mouse King to break through smoothly, but the black eagle had obviously discovered him and the armored vehicle long ago.

Three blood vine leaves flew out and entangled directly towards the giant black eagle that was swooping down.


With a strange cry, the blood vines bound the third-level black eagle tightly, and the venom on the hooks penetrated the feathers and pierced into the black eagle's flesh and blood.

The black eagle struggled frantically, trying to escape from the blood vine leaves.

But the more it struggled, the faster the venom flowed through its blood.

Chu Anqin's eyes flickered, and his mind moved, controlling the blood vine leaves to shrink and tighten quickly, and suddenly dragged the black eagle in the sky to the grass.


The third-level black eagle fell heavily on the grass, shoveling over the turf, splashing mud and grass, and slid for more than ten meters before stopping.

With a "trick step", he instantly came to the side of the black eagle.


With a sharp movement of the knife, the [Black Dragon Knife] fiercely chopped the black eagle's neck, leaving a shallow wound.

The black eagle wailed weakly, pouted its head, and showed a painful and unwilling look.

His expression remained unchanged, and he controlled the blood vine leaves to bind tighter, tightly wrapping the black eagle, making it unable to move.

Compared with the scales of the previous third-level colorful snake, the feathers of this third-level black eagle had a much lower defense.

He only chopped three times in a row, and the neck of the third-level black eagle was cut off by him, killing this third-level alien.

"Not bad!"

Chu Anqin was in a good mood. The ability of the fusion of plant life and the third-level blood vine leaves greatly increased his combat power.

The three blood vines of the third-level blood vine leaves, each of which was dozens of meters long, and the third-level black eagle dived without thinking, giving him a full opportunity.

In the past, in order to kill flying aliens, he could only use the [Black Dragon Cannon], but now there is a more violent method.

He took out the third-order essence core and decomposed the corpse of the black eagle.

The flesh and blood were stored separately. Together with the colorful snakes and dark snakes killed in the forest before, he has now collected a lot of third-order alien flesh and blood.

In addition to the third-order flesh and blood, he harvested another third-order essence core.

Of course, this is not the most important thing.

Chu Anqin's eyes lit up, opened the panel, and counted the feathers of the black eagle.

"Twenty units of third-order feathers!"

He waved his hand and put all the flesh and blood and third-order feathers into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

In addition to the thirty units of third-order feathers harvested from the corpse of the third-order bird during the previous alien tide siege, he has collected fifty units of third-order feathers, which is halfway done.

A third-order winged alien can provide twenty to thirty units of third-order feathers. According to this standard, he only needs to hunt two to three more third-order winged aliens to make the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings].

He dealt with the third-order black eagle and returned to the pit. The Mouse King was still in the pain of breaking through, and his life force was still fluctuating. It seemed that he would not be able to break through in a short time.

Xiaoyi and Xiaoer had been guarding the Mouse King, and they were very loyal.

Chu Anqin took a deep breath and looked at the gradually darkening sky, his face looking a little ugly.

As far as the current situation of the Mouse King is concerned, he may have to spend the night here.

There was only one pit in the wilderness area at night.

He was a little worried. The number of alien species in the dark was several times more than that in the daytime, and they were also more brutal and bloodthirsty. He didn't know if he could spend the night safely.

Of course, he could also take the Mouse King through the farmland. Maybe there was a village at the end of the cement road.

The safety of hiding in the village was much higher than being directly exposed in the wilderness area.

But the danger of crossing the farmland was also very high. When he thought of the dense locusts flying all over the sky, his scalp tingled.

After walking around the pit and cleaning up the blood of the alien species, he returned to the pit with a lingering heart.

Night soon fell, and the sky seemed to be covered with a silver screen, with a silver moon hanging in the void.




When the night came completely, the sound of crickets first rang around the pit, and then, like beating gongs and drums, various calls came one after another, which was very lively.

I don’t know whether the owners of these sounds are ordinary insects or mutated and evolved alien species. Anyway, the life detection system did not detect them.

In theory, it is unlikely that ordinary insects exist in the wilderness area, at least he has never seen or heard of them.

After the virus raged, the animals that survived basically had more or less mutations, otherwise they would have become food for other alien species.

Therefore, he guessed that these insect sounds should be the calls of insect alien species far away.

Chu Anqin lay on the slope of the pit, and the breeze caressed the grass. It seemed that everything was normal.

But he knew that in this seemingly safe night, a hunting alien species or even a group of them could rush out at any time.

He concentrated on observing the surroundings, and at the same time paid attention to the life detection system with a trace of consciousness.

At this time, the life detection system had been actively expanded by him. With him as the center, within a range of 200 meters around him, as long as any alien species appeared, he could find it in the first time.

The range of 200 meters was enough for him to react.

After the life detection system expanded the detection range, red dots appeared one after another. The life strength was not high. There was only one ordinary first-level alien species, and the rest were all non-level alien species.

In fact, with his current strength, he was not afraid of ordinary third-level alien species. Even if his luck was extremely bad and he encountered a peak third-level alien species, he had the ability to protect himself.

But in the wilderness, especially at night, the most terrifying thing is not a few alien species, but groups of alien species that come out to hunt.

For example, the locust swarms in the farmland, he was not very willing to offend, because he could not get any benefits, and the consumption was very high, which was not worth the loss.

The chirping of insects around him became more and more cheerful, and he felt a little annoyed and short of breath, and the blood flow in his body slightly accelerated.

Chu Anqin walked out in search of the most piercing sound, but he only followed the sound for a few dozen meters, and the sound of the cricket stopped abruptly.

He looked at the only red dot of the first-level life strength on the screen, frowned, and retreated to the earth slope of the pit, thinking that this would shut it up.

However, just a few seconds after he retreated to the pit, the annoying chirping of insects sounded again.

These insect chirping sounds were like the sound of mosquitoes and flies lingering in the ears, making people extremely uncomfortable.

It was not difficult to kill these annoying insect species, but he was worried that the noise he made would be too loud, and the smell of the alien flesh and blood would easily attract the alien species that were foraging and hunting at night, so he could only endure it.

Just when he was getting impatient, the chirping of insects around the pit suddenly disappeared, and the grass that was just bustling became very strange under the cover of silver light.

Chu Anqin's heart skipped a beat, and he felt something was wrong.

These insect species are extremely alert, and they will stop chirping as long as they sense movement from the outside world.

The sudden silence at this moment is likely to be due to the approach of alien species.

Sure enough, the chirping of insects disappeared for only a few seconds, and a slowly moving red dot appeared on the screen.

"Second-level alien species."

He frowned, and the red dot was approaching the pit where he was.

If it were daytime, he would have gone straight to kill it, but now it was night, and the Mouse King was still breaking through, so it was really not suitable to do it.

The alien species in the wilderness area are very sensitive to the smell of blood. Killing this second-level alien species would expose their own position.

He lay on the slope, staring at the darkness.

Not long after, he saw a giant black shadow swaying towards him.

Chu Anqin looked closely, his eyes penetrated the night, and he could barely see the original appearance of the black shadow.

The alien species was sturdy, more than three meters tall, with bulging muscles on his limbs, baring his teeth, moving his nose, and sniffing the smell in the air. It was a second-level wolf alien species.

When the wolf beast was only thirty or forty meters away from the pit, three blood-colored vines suddenly jumped out of the darkness.

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