Chu Anqin dragged his tired body back home and counted the current supplies.

In terms of food, there was not a single piece of compressed biscuit left, and there was still a large piece of high-energy rations. More than a pound of rice had not been touched, which could probably last for three or four days.

In terms of medicine, there were three boxes of anti-inflammatory drugs, a box of painkillers, a roll of gauze, and a small bottle of spirit wine, which temporarily increased the strength.

In terms of weapons and tools, there was a metal spear, a prying tool, and the other prying tool was left at Xiaoya's house and was not taken out.

A rapid-fire pistol and more than 50 ordinary bullets, four powerful armor-piercing bullets.

In addition, he also had an F-class energy converter that was comparable to a generator.

Chu Anqin stood up and connected the converter to the circuit at home.

"There is electricity!"

The chandelier in the living room flickered a few times and lit up, and then several electrical appliances in the house also made the sound of running power.

He stared at the F-class energy crystal on the groove of the converter for a moment, and there seemed to be some liquid flowing inside the crystal.

Doomsday, with or without electricity, there are two different lives, the difference between modern civilized people and primitive savages.

He took out two sperm nuclei the size of soybeans, held them in his hands, opened the panel, and called up detailed information about sperm nuclei and alien species.

According to the system, the two sperm nuclei he got were [first-order sperm nuclei], which were bred by first-order alien species.

"First-order alien species?"

Chu Anqin's mind flashed the mouse alien species that was as big as a house cat. This mouse should be a first-order alien species.

Above the first-order alien species, there are second-order and third-order.

The information after the third-order is in a state of being unable to be viewed. He guessed that he had not unlocked the panel enough.

He took out the 'treatment antibiotic'. A total of 5 pills were made before. One was given to Wang Dongfu, and the remaining 4 pills were of great use to him.

'Therapeutic antibiotic' can cure the virus, which has been verified on Wang Dongfu.

Chu Anqin's eyes moved back and forth between the two [first-order sperm nuclei] and the 'treatment antibiotic', with entanglement and worry in his eyes.

Suddenly, he picked up a [First-order Essence Nucleus] and a ‘Therapeutic Antigen’.

“Eat it!”

He opened his mouth, swallowed the [First-order Essence Nucleus], ​​and leaned on the sofa quietly waiting for the virus to break out.

In just a few minutes, he felt chest tightness, difficulty breathing, and his body temperature gradually rose, but he felt chilly.

“This is the rhythm of a fever.”

The virus broke out in his body, and Chu Anqin knew that he had been infected by the virus.

He held a ‘Therapeutic Antigen’ tightly, and brought it to his mouth several times without taking it.

“I want to see what’s so powerful about this virus!”

Chu Anqin was still wondering why the ‘Therapeutic Antigen’ needed his blood. There must be something special about his body, such as virus antibodies?

The virus carried on the [First-order Essence Nucleus] was very toxic. Soon his body temperature soared to the level of a high fever, black blood vessels on his forehead bulged, and his consciousness began to blur.

He didn’t dare to be arrogant. His body was not immune to the virus, and he didn’t care about the question of why his own blood was used as a material. He immediately swallowed a ‘Therapeutic Antigen’.

However, it takes time for the ‘therapeutic antibiotic’ to take effect.

“It’s so hot.”

Chu Anqin pulled open his collar, and his body temperature was still soaring.

“It’s so cold.”

His teeth chattered, and the cold wind poured into his chest. The high fever made him feel hot and cold, and he felt that he was about to die.

“Water… water”

Chu Anqin’s mouth was dry, and the water in his body was evaporated by the high fever.

He reached for the water on the coffee table. The bottle was clearly in front of him, but he couldn’t grab it.

He even had hallucinations, and the coffee table, water bottle, and ceiling all had double images.

“It’s too much”

This was Chu Anqin’s last thought, and then he fainted.

At sunset, the moonlight was bright, and under the silver light was the shadow of the powerful alien hunting. The once prosperous city became a hunting ground for aliens.

“Cough cough.”

Chu Anqin suddenly woke up after a violent cough.

Thirst, so thirsty!

Grab a bottle of water on the coffee table and gulp it into his stomach.

After drinking a whole bottle of water, he felt his thirst dissipate.

"My body?"

He looked at the place on the sofa where he had just lain, and it was wet with sweat.

No wonder he was so thirsty. He suspected that the water in his body had been squeezed out during his coma.

Chu Anqin rubbed his swollen forehead. He vaguely remembered that when he was unconscious, his body was very hot, as if he was thrown into an iron pot burning firewood and steamed.

And his consciousness was pulled into a dark and boundless space by an invisible big hand, like being trapped in a quagmire, unable to extricate himself, and the pain was unbearable.

Chu Anqin stretched his muscles and bones, and there was a crackling sound. A force burst out from his muscles, and his body was refreshed as never before.

He tried to jump a few more times, and his body became very light. He could easily touch the ceiling more than three meters high.

"Is this the effect of [First-level Essence Core]?"

Chu Anqin's physical fitness has been significantly improved, his strength has become stronger, and his body is light.

He even felt that his eyesight and hearing have improved a lot.


No man can resist the temptation of power, and he is no exception.

Especially in such a doomsday, with alien species rampant, his chance of survival is greatly increased with the improvement of physical fitness.

Chu Anqin picked up the remaining [First-level Essence Core], put it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it.

One [First-level Essence Core] made him feel reborn, so what about the second one.

The sperm nucleus slid down the esophagus into the stomach. Within a few minutes, the familiar feeling of suffocation surged up again, and the body temperature gradually rose.

He was infected again.

"It seems that the effect of 'therapeutic antibiotics' is one-time."

Chu Anqin did not rush to swallow the 'therapeutic antibiotics', but waited for a few minutes.

"The symptoms of this infection are much lighter than the first time. Although the 'therapeutic antibiotics' cannot make me immune to the virus forever, they can improve the body's resistance to the virus."

As time went on, the virus broke out completely in his body. He felt his breathing stagnant and his consciousness became blurred. He quickly swallowed a 'therapeutic antibiotic'.

This time, he did not faint again. Chu Anqin could clearly feel the 'therapeutic antibiotics' melting in the stomach and flowing through the body with the blood.

About half an hour later, as the body temperature returned, the symptoms of infection disappeared.

Chu Anqin mobilized his body muscles, waved his arms, and swung his legs, and his physical fitness improved again.

"Very good!"

He went into the bedroom and changed into clean clothes. His clothes had been soaked with sweat twice and were uncomfortable to wear.

Chu Anqin took out the remaining high-energy ration and ate it in a few big mouthfuls.

He had a high fever twice in a row, which consumed a lot of energy, so he couldn't be careless about replenishing energy.

He came to the kitchen, took out more than a pound of rice that he had hidden, hesitated again and again, and put it back in the cupboard.

"Forget it, the last bit of food, let's save it a little."

Chu Anqin ate a piece of high-energy ration, and his stomach was still very hungry, but there was really not much food left.

Before he found new food, this pound of rice was his only food. If he couldn't help eating it directly, he would really have to eat compressed biscuits made of alien flesh and blood.

When he thought of the taste of compressed biscuits made of alien flesh and blood, he felt sick.

Chu Anqin glanced at the time. It was probably more than nine o'clock in the morning.

"There is plenty of time today. I have to go to the East District to take a look."

He had basically searched the West District, and the East District was still an area to be developed.

He watered the spider plant on the coffee table. After being moisturized by water for a few days, the spider plant became more and more vigorous.

Chu Anqin was sorting out his equipment for going out, and suddenly saw that the alien flesh biscuit that had been thrown next to the spider plant seemed to have shrunk again.


However, he didn't care too much, mainly because the food problem had not been solved, so he didn't have too much thought about it.

"Metal spear, prying tool, rapid-fire pistol, bullets, spirit wine, schoolbag, gloves."

Bring all the weapons and tools buffs, he must find something to eat today.

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