Chu Anqin rode the wolf king through three blocks and came to the place where the black smoke was.

Here, a charred iron frame was burning. The fire was not big and it was estimated that it would be extinguished soon.

From the appearance, it could barely be seen that it was a crashed helicopter. Only a messy base of the original propeller remained.

A blade was stepped on by the wolf king's giant claws. It should have been thrown away when it crashed and was not burned.

Chu Anqin jumped off the wolf's back and checked the blade.

The standard military green metal blade had three very conspicuous scratch marks on it.

On the edge of the blade, there was a trace of red blood and a few messy hemp feathers.

"This is."

His eyes lit up, and he first got close to smell the blood. As he expected, the fishy smell of the alien species came to his nose.

He picked up another bloody feather, the familiar hemp color, which was not much different from the feathers of the tit species in the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

From the blood and hemp feathers, Chu Anqin had reason to believe that the helicopter was attacked.

Moreover, it was an attack by the tit species.

He calculated the time when he encountered the bloody hand, the state of the several corpses he saw in the square before, and the helicopter that was about to burn out.

The helicopter crashed probably last night.

Thinking that the number of tits he killed yesterday was reduced by half, he speculated that the other half that did not appear should be the murderer who crashed the helicopter.

However, where did the tit species fly to now?

"Did they go back to those hills again?"

Chu Anqin frowned slightly. The materials for making [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings] were only 20 units of third-level feathers.

If he could find this group of tits and kill them successfully, he would have a great chance of collecting all the materials.

He looked up at the sky and the situation of several nearby buildings, but found nothing.

Although this is the first scene, the tits have already flown away.

Chu Anqin rode on the wolf king and walked along the road out of the city.

Soon, they went out from the south of Hongxi County.

As soon as they left the city, they saw a vast reservoir with clear water and rippling blue waves.

Inside the reservoir was a white and yellow mountain that had been dug and emptied, and surprisingly no plants grew on it.

Around this broken mountain, there was a green area.

Behind the mountain, there were ups and downs, and there was no end to the mountains at a glance.

Chu Anqin turned on the life detection system to check, and found that there were many water species hidden under the reservoir.

He looked at the mountains and waters of the same color, and his heart was inevitably relieved.

However, the most important thing at the moment was to find the third-level winged species.

Without stopping for too long, the wolf king carried him and Xiao Qingzi around the high dam of the reservoir and came to the mountain inside.

This mountain was about the same height as the previous hill. One side was opened, and the rest was still full of vitality.

If there is a place where you are most likely to find a third-level winged alien species, it is undoubtedly into the mountains.

However, not long after he rode the wolf king into the forest, the life detection system found a third-level alien species.

Chu Anqin was delighted. Hunting third-level winged alien species is important, but other types of third-level alien species are also good things.

After all, he is in urgent need of third-level essence cores.

The red dot on the screen is moving rapidly, about 200 meters away from him.

Due to the dense forests and the crazy growth of various ferns and vines, the vision in the mountains is very poor and it is difficult to move.

Fortunately, there is a life detection system for positioning, plus the wolf king is a pure natural mount.

Not long after, he found the first-level third-level alien species, a giant bark-colored snake.

The snake was coiled around a thick and tall tree, and the bark-colored scales were camouflaged very well, and it was basically impossible to distinguish it with the naked eye.

The thick body is definitely more than half a meter in diameter, and the length cannot be seen directly. One can only see that the whole tree is wrapped with the snake body.

The giant snake's triangular head is suspended in the air, motionless, just like a thick branch growing from a tall tree, and its vertical eyes are locked on something extremely coldly.

Under the tall tree, a group of one-horned wild boars are strolling slowly, not realizing that a disaster is coming.


As the one-horned wild boars completely enter the hunting range of the giant snake, the triangular snake head spits out scarlet snake tongue.

Then, the tall tree is full of snake shadows, and the bark-colored snake body twists and jumps in rapidly.

Although the giant snake is large in size, its hunting speed is extremely fast, like an arrow from a string, rushing into the one-horned wild boar group in a flash.


The one-horned wild boars sense the danger and flee in all directions in an instant.

However, everything is too late. The giant snake opens its huge mouth, revealing its terrifying fangs, and bites a one-horned wild boar in one bite.

At the same time, the huge body twisted and turned, and the two unicorns were entangled by the snake.

Three of the dozen first-level unicorns died in the blink of an eye.

The giant snake seemed to be unsatisfied, and its half-meter thick tail was like a taut iron chain, and it swung out violently.

Bang, bang, bang!

The branches and leaves burst out, and the tall trees were broken and flew away.

With the giant snake as the center, all the trees more than ten meters high nearby were broken.

The dozen unicorns that escaped were dead or injured, and none of them escaped.

The giant snake raised its head and threw the wild boar in its mouth high up, and then fell directly into the giant snake's bloody mouth.

It was visible to the naked eye that the body of the unicorn was inside the giant snake's body, and it slid along the giant snake's bloody mouth and the snake's body into the snake's belly.

Then, it was the second and third.

Just as the giant snake devoured the six unicorn wild boars, the entire snake's abdomen became extremely bloated and weird.

The giant snake was too lazy to move, and swung its tail to roll up the remaining dozen unicorn wild boar corpses.

At this moment, three blood vines passed through the tall ferns and headed straight for the giant snake.

The giant snake had just finished eating, and the six unicorn wild boars in its stomach had not yet been digested, so its body speed dropped sharply.


The scarlet snake tongue spit out, the inverted triangle snake head slightly raised, the vertical line-shaped eyes suddenly turned, the bloody mouth opened wide, revealing terrifying fangs.

It seemed that it wanted to scare off the blood vines.

But the blood vines were more professional than venomous snakes. They ignored the deterrence, pierced through the air, attacked the giant snake, and twisted and entangled.

The next second, the barbed thorns pierced through the gaps between the giant snake's bark-colored scales, and the paralyzing venom was injected into the flesh and blood.


The giant snake felt pain, and its scarlet tongue spit out wildly, and its huge body twisted wildly.

But the corpses of the six unicorn wild boars in its stomach seriously affected the movement of the giant snake.

In less than half a minute, the giant snake began to show signs of fatigue, and the effect of the paralysis venom gradually increased.


Dead leaves flew across the sky, and rocks splashed.

The stubborn head of the giant snake fell heavily to the ground, and it was difficult to lift it up again.

Chu Anqin rode on the wolf king, carrying Xiao Qingzi, and walked slowly from behind a giant tree.

Xiao Qingzi on the wolf's back was full of green hair and bared his fangs.

Snakes are the natural enemies of mice. Xiao Qingzi was particularly jealous when he saw the giant snake.

Chu Anqin jumped off the wolf's back and walked to the seven inches of the giant snake.

The knife fell with his hand, and the [Black Dragon Knife] chopped down.


The first sound made a crisp metal collision sound, and the [Black Dragon Knife] chopped on the hard scales of the giant snake.


The second knife directly broke through the scales and cut into the flesh of the giant snake, killing this third-level giant snake.

He waved his hand and directly put the body of the giant snake into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

He rode on the wolf king and took Xiao Qingzi with him and continued to move forward.

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