At the moment when the gorilla tore the giant lizard apart, Chu Anqin controlled the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings] to quickly rise into the air and distance himself.

As expected, the gorilla suddenly grabbed a huge rock on the top of the mountain and smashed it fiercely at Chu Anqin.


The boulder was three meters in diameter, and it broke through the air like a meteorite from outer space, breaking through the dense forest and rushing straight towards Chu Anqin with an unstoppable momentum.

Chu Anqin turned sideways in the air and easily avoided the boulder.

Then, he suddenly dived down, two blood vines shot out from his left hand, and the [Black Dragon Cannon] on his right arm aimed at the gorilla.

There was still a good chance of killing a severely injured and exhausted third-level peak alien.


The hot beam rushed straight into the dense forest and hit the huge body of the gorilla.

Two blood vines followed closely, one on the left and one on the right, entwined into its arms, and instantly locked the gorilla.


The gorilla roared and crushed half of the monitor lizard's body with one foot. The muscles in his arms bulged and he struggled wildly.

However, the gorilla was exhausted from the battle with the monitor lizard and had multiple injuries on his body.

In particular, the bloody cut on his left arm seriously affected his combat effectiveness.

This wound was also the breakthrough point of the blood vine.

I saw a blood vine wrapped around the wound on the left arm, tightening quickly, and the barbed thorns pierced directly into the flesh and blood, injecting paralyzing venom.

If the gorilla was in its prime, its strength would be more violent than that of the monitor lizard that had not devoured the corpses of two black eagles.

The monitor lizard could tear off a blood vine, so this blood vine would definitely not be able to tie it up.

But at this time, the madness of the seriously injured gorilla was just a spent force, a counterattack before death.

Boom boom boom——

A series of hot beams shot down from the air and exploded on the gorilla.

The gorilla stared with his eyes wide open and his teeth bared, his muscles knotted, trying his best to tear the blood vine.

His head was constantly bombarded, and he felt dizzy.

The bombardment of the [Black Dragon Cannon] and the paralyzing venom of the blood vine soon made the gorilla unwilling to fall to the ground.

Roar... Roar.

With heavy breathing, the gorilla still held on with his limbs to prevent himself from really falling.


Another [Black Dragon Cannon] was fired, like the last straw that broke the camel's back.


The gorilla fell down helplessly, and his sunken eyes were full of unwillingness.

Chu Anqin was overjoyed when he saw this, and controlled the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings] to slowly fall down.

He summoned the [Black Dragon Sword], and the two superpowers of ‘Strange Steps’ and ‘Force Explosion’ were opened at the same time.


The first knife was chopped out, and the huge rebound force shook him back a step.

There was only a very fine blood mark at the place where he just chopped.

Even though the gorilla was subdued by him and was in a semi-comatose state, the fur and condensed muscles on its body had such a high defense.

Chu Anqin felt a chill in his heart. If the gorilla had not been injured, he might not be able to hunt it.

After scanning the gorilla's body, an idea suddenly came to his mind.

The blood vine suddenly tightened again, and the gorilla would not wake up suddenly after the injection of the hemp paralysis venom.

At the same time, he took out a synthetic third-order essence core and several materials.

Called up the panel, and the consciousness moved:

[Primary Yuling chip, after being placed in the brain of a third-order alien or below, it can forcibly control its behavior. The required materials: 1 third-order essence core + 1 D-level energy crystal + 1 black dragon chip + 10 units of own blood]

"Make it!"

With a low groan, he had an extra [Primary Yuling chip] in his hand

Such a powerful gorilla must be taken in as a thug.

Jumped onto the gorilla's head and attached the chip to its forehead.

At the same time, turn on the life detection system to observe the situation of nearby alien species.

It takes more than one minute to insert the chip, and it cannot be interrupted during this period. He has to pay attention to whether there are alien species coming to make trouble.

Fortunately, the screen is empty, without a red dot.

Two great third-level peak alien species are fighting, which alien species dares to approach. Even if they are close or in the battle range, they will be killed early.

Chu Anqin glanced at the two giant lizard corpses under the gorilla, and his face was full of joy.

This trip was originally to experiment and familiarize himself with the effect of the newly made [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings]. I never thought that after hunting two third-level black eagles, two third-level peak alien species would fight for it.

"I don't know if this giant lizard is at the peak of the third level or the fourth level."

Chu Anqin is a little looking forward to it. This giant lizard eats the body of the black eagle and is in the breakthrough stage. It is really hard to say whether it is a third-level alien or a fourth-level.

But, if it is a fourth-level, then his gains on this trip will be great.

"Level 4 Essence Core."

Resisting the excitement in his heart, he still pressed the chip tightly against the gorilla's brow.

Compared to the unknown of whether the giant lizard could bring him a Level 4 Essence Core, the success of controlling this gorilla was real.

A top Level 3 fighter, and one that was very strong, would definitely be of great help to him at the moment.

As time passed, the chip gradually merged into the gorilla's forehead.

When the chip completely disappeared, Chu Anqin's consciousness had already added the part about controlling and commanding the gorilla.

"It's done!"

He smiled, feeling very happy.

In fact, the control requirements of this chip are quite high, and it can only be implanted in the body of an alien species that will not resist, which is much more difficult than hunting an alien species.

Fortunately, he cultivated a blood vine containing paralysis venom and awakened the ability to fuse the blood vine, which gave him the opportunity to subdue the alien species instead of hunting them.

With this gorilla, the wolf king and Xiao Qingzi, his chances of survival in the wilderness area were greatly improved, and hunting alien species would be easier.

Chu Anqin jumped off the gorilla and stood in front of the gorilla, but his brows suddenly frowned slightly.

This gorilla was too seriously injured and paralyzed by the blood vine. It seemed that he would not wake up for a while.

Moreover, even if he woke up, it would be difficult to fight with all these injuries.

He thought about it, and his consciousness sank into the [Micro Black Dragon Space] to find the [Primary Water of Life] to repair his body injuries.

This thing was originally for himself to prepare for emergencies, and he didn't know if it would work on alien species.

For now, he could only wait for the gorilla to regain consciousness and try again.

Chu Anqin exited consciousness, summoned the [Black Dragon Knife], and came to the gorilla's abdomen, where the upper jaw of the giant lizard was pressed.

The gorilla at the peak of the third level successfully controlled the spirit, and now it was time to see what the giant lizard that had swallowed his two third-level black eagle corpses and essence cores was like.

[Black Dragon Knife] cut open the giant lizard's head, reached in, and grabbed a round bead.


There was only a sound of swallowing saliva, and Chu Anqin stared at the round bead stained with blood and flesh in his hand.

"It's really a fourth-level essence core!"

His eyes lit up, and his heart beat like a drum.

In fact, this giant lizard and the gorilla are both in a state of stepping out of the third-level peak, so they competed for the third-level black eagle corpse, just to take that step.

In the end, the giant lizard succeeded, but also failed.

The gorilla failed, but survived to the end.

In general, whether it was controlling the gorilla or getting this fourth-level essence core, it was all unintentional, but it was also a facilitation.

Chu Anqin's heartbeat was surging, and his face was slightly red.

This fourth-level essence core means that he may break through to the fourth level.

"Fourth-level superpower"

He complained in his heart. The strongest person in the whole Jiangcheng was Nie Yuan, a peak third-level existence.

I heard from Yang Lisheng that only a few super first-tier cities such as Suhai City and Jingfeng City, which have established survival bases, have existences beyond the third level.

Chu Anqin waved his hand and solemnly put away the fourth-level essence core.

This battle was indeed fruitful, but the consumption was very large. Even a blood vine was broken, and I don't know if it can be cultivated again.

Turning to call up the panel, he finally freed up energy to check the new unlocking items.

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