"Make it!"

"Make it!"


With the rapid disappearance of black gold and various materials, pieces of [Natron Chips] about the size of [Black Dragon Chips] were produced.

At the same time, he did not let the three alien species stop. The Wolf King and Gorilla continued to carry steel, and Xiao Qingzi was in charge of the purifier.

Black metal is a long-term consumable. He has to take advantage of the fact that he has a steel mill now and seize the time to purify it more to avoid trouble in the future.

When he produced 100 nano-gold chips, Chu Anqin's eyes suddenly lit up.


He opened the panel and his consciousness moved:

[Destroyer Armor: Combat armor made of Black Destroyer Gold. It has all the functions of the Black Dragon suit. It has stronger defense and self-healing function.

Materials required: 1 black dragon suit + 1 fourth-level essence core + 100 D-level energy crystals + 100 units of black destruction gold + 100 nano-gold chips]

Chu Anqin's heartbeat quickened, he walked to the mechanical table, took out the remaining materials, and at the same time took off the [Black Dragon Suit] he was wearing.

Complete materials.

"Make it!"

As he groaned, all kinds of materials disappeared quickly, the mechanical table made a low hum of machine operation, and the mechanical arm on the operating table started to move.

After a day and a night, his equipment will be updated.

After finishing the production of [Black Destruction Gold], Chu An and Qin quickly came to Xiao Qingzi and made the Najin chip again.

Right now, this page only needs [Junior Bionic Mechanical Beast Production Center] to unlock a new page, and the production stage also requires 100 nano-gold chips.

All in all, this page of production options should be the fastest for him to complete the production options and unlocking conditions besides starting to touch the panel.

However, this is only due to his accumulation over such a long period of time.

It got dark very quickly. Chu Anqin fed the three major alien species a lot of alien flesh and blood, ate some food himself, and then went to work.

By the middle of the night, the 100 gold chips were collected.

He brought up the panel and his consciousness moved:

[Primary bionic mechanical beast production center, workbench for making bionic mechanical beasts, required materials: 100 black gold + 100 nano gold chips + 10,000 units of metal]

"Hello production!" Chu Anqin groaned a little tiredly.

Several materials disappeared, and a machine appeared in front of him.

Chu Anqin, who was still a little sleepy, was shocked the moment he saw this machine.

He originally thought that the production table was a high-precision machine tool similar to a mechanical table.

But the machine tool in front of me looked like a building.

[Primary Bionic Mechanical Beast Production Center] The overall look is like an ancient military camp used for marching and fighting, but the whole body is shining with a dark blue metallic luster and is more than five meters high.

Fortunately, the factory is big enough, and he cleared a lot of space in advance, otherwise he wouldn't be able to accommodate such a large production center.

Even Xiao Qingzi, who was diligently refining the black metal, was shocked.

In addition to this middle station, there is also a mechanical beast controller that is similar to a mobile phone.

This thing is used to control the bionic mechanical beast. It can be used alone, or it can be connected to the system of [Black Dragon Suit] or [Destroying Armor].

An Qin did not rush to check the new unlocking options on the panel. He walked around the production center. While sighing, he consciously checked the specific usage of the production center.

After some inspection, he also roughly understood how the building worked.

[Elementary Bionic Mechanical Beast Production Center] also requires energy supply, but it consumes D-level energy crystals, which have special slots.

Fortunately, he had hunted many alien species before, and had accumulated a lot of alien flesh and blood, as well as a lot of D-class energy crystals.

Walk to the front of the production center, put in the energy crystal, and the center will immediately project a virtual screen.

On the screen, the production options for making a bionic mechanical beast are displayed, as well as the required material instructions.

First-order, second-order, and third-order mechanical beasts require different materials.

First of all, a first-level mechanical beast requires not only the same class and type of different skins and bones, but also at least 100 units of metal, which is determined according to the type and size of the mechanical beast.

Secondly, there is an F-class energy crystal, a first-order fine core, and a nano-gold chip.

The second-level mechanical beast is similar to the first-level one, but it requires at least 1,000 units of metal and 3 nano-gold chips.

As for the third-level mechanical beast, it requires at least 2,000 units of metal, 1 E-level energy crystal, 1 third-level essence core, 5 nano-gold chips, and an additional 10 units of black destruction gold.

Chu Anqin's eyes flickered, and he took out a pile of fur and bones belonging to the mouse alien species from the [Micro Black Dragon Space], as well as a lot of first-order sperm cores and F-level energy crystals.

As the consciousness moved to the production options of the first-order bionic mechanical beast, a light curtain was emitted from the middle stage, scanning various materials.

Then, the middle station automatically screens and selects the materials that can be used.

Then, amid a roar, another light curtain came out.

Chu Anqin squinted his eyes and saw that there seemed to be a bionic mechanical beast under the light curtain.

He curiously went over to check it out. This mouse mechanical beast was very similar to a mutated mouse, and was covered in fur.

But if you look closely, you will see that the eyes of the rat mechanical beast are not spiritual, and it is difficult to tell that it is a dead thing.

Under the hair of the mouse mechanical beast, there is a mechanical metal shell, and a combination of various precision devices inside make up this mechanical beast.

The light curtain withdrew, and the mechanical beast suddenly came to life, with its mechanical eyes moving, very stiffly.

Chu Anqin picked up the mechanical beast controller and tried to command the mechanical beast to move.

As the consciousness command was input, the mouse mechanical beast immediately jumped up in the factory. Its every move could not be said to be similar to the real mutant mouse alien species, but it could only be said to be very close.

Whether it was the speed or the fierce momentum of the alien species, it was perfectly reproduced.

Xiao Qingzi looked at the mouse bionic mechanical beast curiously, with a light flashing in his eyes, and no one knew what he was thinking.


Chu Anqin raised Xiao Qingzi from childhood to adulthood, and he could probably guess what Xiao Qingzi was thinking.

Xiaoyi and Xiaoer, who Xiao Qingzi brought with him, died halfway, and he has not received any subordinates until now. Among his three alien species, he is still the weakest.

Xiao Qingzi is the rat king. Unlike the wolf king and the gorilla, he is best at commanding thousands of rats.

He thought that he had to find an opportunity to let Xiao Qingzi collect the rats.

Chu Anqin waved his hand and put away the rat mechanical beast in front of Xiao Qingzi.

Then, he continued to make bionic mechanical beasts.

This time, he chose to make a second-level mechanical beast, and the material was still the rat species.

The middle platform also shot out a light curtain to scan and select materials.

Compared with the first-level mechanical beast, which was made instantly, the second-level mechanical beast took almost half a minute to make successfully.

Time flew, and the sky was bright before he knew it.

After using up more than ten D-level energy crystals in the [Primary Bionic Mechanical Beast Production Middle Platform], Chu Anqin had made nearly a thousand mechanical beasts.

Among them, the first-level mechanical beasts included 500 rat, cat, and dog mechanical beasts, 300 locusts, sparrows and other flying beasts, and the rat mechanical beasts were the most, because he collected the most rat species materials.

The second-level mechanical beasts were made of various alien materials, and the number was only 200.

As for the third-level mechanical beast, Chu Anqin only made one, a third-level black eagle bionic mechanical beast that can fly.

The main reason is that the current demand for third-level refined cores is relatively large, and it is not suitable for mass production of third-level mechanical beasts for the time being.

After Chu Anqin finished all this, he found a clean place to sleep and rest.

When he woke up again, [Destroyer Armor] had been completed.

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