"It's the creatures on the stone sculptures just now!" Guo Haiji shouted.

"It's not a creature, it's a robot!" Nie Yuan punched a phantom, and all kinds of parts and metal fell to the ground in an instant.

Chu Anqin and Jiang Cai also found out what these attacking things were.

They were all robots very similar to velociraptors, or more accurately, mechanical beasts.

Chu Anqin's heart was filled with shock and he chopped a mechanical beast to death with a knife and glanced at the corpse that fell to the ground.

Real scales and skin, with precise mechanical parts hidden inside.

These things are actually the same category as his bionic mechanical beasts!

"Everyone be careful, these are mechanical beasts, they may explode!" Chu Anqin shouted.

His own bionic mechanical beasts can explode, and if these are the same as his, they are likely to explode.



As soon as the voice fell, the two mechanical beasts attacking Guo Haiji suddenly exploded.

The huge shock wave immediately blew Guo Haiji back and fell into the black fog.

"Old Guo!"

Nie Yuan was closer to Guo Haiji and felt the power of the explosion firsthand.



Just as he was about to rush into the black fog to save Guo Haiji, two more mechanical beasts exploded in front of him.

Nie Yuan was unable to dodge and was hit by the explosion head-on, flying out and also falling into the black fog.



Jiang Cai and Chu Anqin were not much better at this moment. The mechanical beasts that attacked could not take them down and all began to self-destruct.

Boom boom boom——

In the black fog, waves of terrifying energy fluctuated.

Chu Anqin relied on the [Destroying Armor] and was not afraid of these explosions. After chopping two mechanical beasts with one knife, he rushed into the black fog to find Nie Yuan.

Jiang Cai directly enlarged his body, with muscles all over his body knotted, and he could actually withstand the explosion.

Bang bang bang——

Hundreds of mechanical beasts exploded one after another as if they were free, and the black fog in this area was blown away.

Chu Anqin located Nie Yuan and Guo Haiji through the life detection system.

After the two were hit by the first wave of explosions, they were probably attacked by many mechanical beasts. At this moment, they were seriously injured and unconscious.

Without hesitation, he controlled the blood vines to quickly condense and entangle, forming a temporary protective wall to protect the two in the middle.

He himself continued to use [Devouring Knife] and [Black Dragon Cannon] to kill mechanical beasts.

On the other side, Jiang Cai, who had transformed, was like a god of war, and began to tear the mechanical beasts apart with his hands, attracting most of the attacks.

After destroying twenty or thirty mechanical beasts, Chu Anqin finally stopped.

Not far away, there were continuous explosions. It should be Jiang Cai fighting with mechanical beasts.

He took out two bottles of hunting wine, drank a few big gulps, and hurried to check the injuries of Nie Yuan and Guo Haiji.

But when he saw this, Chu Anqin's face became solemn.

Nie Yuan and Guo Haiji had their eyes closed, their faces were pale, and there were wounds all over their bodies, especially in the chest area, which was sunken. It is estimated that many ribs were broken.

The combat armor of the two was damaged when they fell down before. They were caught off guard and suffered the explosion head-on, which caused serious injuries.

The two of them were able to breathe now, and they were both third-level peak superpowers.

"These mechanical beasts are actually all third-level!"

Chu Anqin picked up the remains of the mechanical beasts he destroyed and checked them. Combined with the power of the self-explosion, he had reason to believe that these mechanical beasts were at least third-level, otherwise it would be impossible to seriously injure third-level peak superpowers.

He built a third-level bionic mechanical beast himself.

"Is this the relic of ancient civilization?"

Chu Anqin was shocked. Hundreds of third-level mechanical beasts, how many third-level essence cores and third-level alien fur and bones would be consumed.

His consciousness sank into the [Micro Black Dragon Space], and took out two bottles of [Primary Life Water] from it, feeding them to the two people respectively.

[Primary Life Water] has the effect of treating serious injuries, and it should be able to save the two people.

After killing those rock-skinned aliens, he made six bottles while they were not paying attention, foreseeing the danger ahead.

As it turned out, there was no waste of essence cores and materials.

Although the materials for making [Primary Water of Life] require third-level essence cores, it is still worth it if we can save Nie Yuan and Guo Haiji, two third-level peak psychics.

After feeding the two with [Primary Water of Life], he did not choose to help Jiang Cai, but protected them.

With Jiang Cai's fourth-level psychic strength and the other party's special ability, it should not be a big problem to deal with these third-level mechanical beasts.

About ten minutes later, the sound of fighting in the black fog gradually became smaller until it disappeared.

"Commander Guo?"

"Commander Nie?"

"Chu Anqin?"

After a while, a call came from the black fog.

Jiang Cai did not have a life detection system, and only remembered that Guo Haiji and the other two were blown to this direction.

"This way!"

Chu Anqin heard the voice and knew that Jiang Cai had solved those mechanical beasts.

Jiang Cai followed the sound and soon saw Chu Anqin and a wall made of blood vines.

He had seen blood vines before, a special ability of Chu Anqin, so he was not too surprised.

"Commander Guo, where is Commander Nie?" Jiang Cai asked anxiously.

Chu Anqin took away the blood vines, and Nie Yuan and Guo Haiji appeared.

Jiang Cai saw this and immediately rushed over to check.

"It should be fine." Chu Anqin stood aside and said lightly.

Nie Yuan and Guo Haiji took [Elementary Water of Life], and their physical injuries are recovering quickly.

It's just that the sunken chest was injured too badly, and I probably won't wake up for a while.

Jiang Cai checked and was extremely shocked. He knew firsthand the self-destruction power of those mechanical beasts. Even he had to use supernatural powers to strengthen his body defense and add silver and blue armor to resist it.

With the bodies of Guo Haiji and Nie Yuan being third-level peak power users and without combat armor, they would definitely be seriously injured.

But looking at the way the two of them look now, they have been seriously injured, but they seem to be recovering?

Jiang Cai looked at Chu Anqin in confusion, wondering if Chu Anqin had given the two of them some magical elixir.


After Jiang Cai checked, he confirmed that Guo Haiji and Nie Yuan were not in danger, and he was relieved.

No matter how Chu Anqin saved the lives of the two of them, he should thank him.

Being able to bring a seriously injured person back from the brink of death in such a short time, Jiang Cai felt that Chu An and Qin must have paid a high price.

Chu Anqin waved his hand, took out a bottle of red fruit wine and handed it to Jiang Cai, saying, "It's okay."

Jiang Cai was slightly startled when he saw the red fruit wine, but did not pick it up immediately.

"Hmm, red fruit wine is much better at restoring physical strength than exotic hunting wine." Chu Anqin explained.

Even though Jiang Cai didn't suffer any serious injuries, the tired look on his face suggested that his physical strength had long been drained.

"Um, no need for semen."

Is it better than the restorative effect of hunting exotic wine?

Jiang Cai's eyes lit up and he took the red fruit wine with some hesitation.


"Need not."

Hearing this, Jiang Cai opened the bottle cap and drank.

"Well, it tastes delicious!" He exaggerated, but the next moment his face flushed, and he hurriedly sat on the floor and said excitedly:

"What a good thing. Commander Nie actually hid such a good thing."

Chu Anqin smiled slightly. Jiang Cai and Guo Haiji always thought that the hunting wine belonged to Nie Yuan, but now they also felt that the red fruit wine was a good thing that Nie Yuan had hidden.

He didn't bother to explain. Nie Yuan was covering him, saving him the trouble of talking.

"Have you noticed that the black fog seems to be dissipating?"

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