Chu Anqin had a dark face and glanced at the panel:

[1.E-class energy crystal, energy material, upgraded version of F-class energy crystal, required materials: 10 F-class energy crystals]

[2. Precision parts, a part more precise than mechanical parts, required materials: 10 units of mechanical parts + 100 units of metal + 1 E-class energy crystal]

[3. Electronic components, a more sophisticated component than electronic chips, materials required: 10 units of electronic chips + 100 units of metal + 1 E-class energy crystal]

[Conditions for unlocking the next page:

1. Complete the above three productions

2. Make the black dragon suit, which has powerful combat capabilities. Materials required: 100 E-class energy crystals + 100 precision parts + 100 electronic components + 100 units of pure gold + 10,000 units of metal]

The production options on this page have a clear division of labor. The first three items are all more sophisticated or advanced materials, and they are obviously all for making the [Black Dragon Suit] that unlocks the option.

"[Black Dragon Suit]."

Chu Anqin was thoughtful. Let's not discuss how powerful the combat capability of this equipment is. The materials required are incredible.

[Black Dragon Set] requires a total of five materials, the first is the first 100 E-class energy crystals.

According to the panel option, 1 E-class energy crystal = 10 F-class energy crystals, 100 E-class energy crystals = 1000 F-class energy crystals.

1 F-level energy crystal = 10 units of alien flesh and blood. An ordinary mouse alien species can provide about 10 units of alien blood and flesh. It is almost 1 F-level energy crystal = 10 units of alien flesh and blood = 1 rat alien species.

Therefore, 100 E-class energy crystals = 1,000 F-class energy crystals = 1,000 mouse alien species.

Chu Anqin's mouth twitched. He didn't know if there were so many rat mutants in the basement of the community. He had only hunted about 150 of them so far.

Let’s talk about 100 precision parts and 100 electronic components. The production of 1 precision part requires 10 units of mechanical parts + 100 units of metal + 1 E-level energy crystal. 100 units is equal to 1,000 units of mechanical parts + 10,000 units of metal + 100 E-level energy crystals. crystal.

In the same way, 100 electronic components are equal to 1,000 units of electronic chips + 10,000 units of metal + 100 E-class energy crystals.

The two advanced materials require a total of 1,000 units of electronic chips + 1,000 units of mechanical parts + 20,000 units of metal + 200 E-class energy crystals.

Finally, adding 100 units of pure gold and 10,000 units of metal, a [Black Dragon Suit] requires 1,000 units of electronic chips + 1,000 units of mechanical parts + 30,000 units of metal + 300 E-class energy crystals + 100 units of pure gold.

This means that with just 300 E-class energy crystals, he needs to hunt down 3,000 rat mutants.

As for mechanical parts and electronic chips, they are also measured in thousands, while metals are even more terrifying, directly measured in units of tens of thousands.

In addition, 100 units of pure gold is also very troublesome. According to the detailed instructions on the panel, pure gold is not 99 gold. The purity must reach 100%.

Fortunately, the panel can actively extract pure gold from various types of gold. Otherwise, with his ability, it would be impossible to find gold with 100% purity.

In general, the production options on this page ultimately serve the [Black Dragon Suit].

"The panels are so stupid, I can build a building with so many materials!"

Chu Anqin cursed angrily and thought about unlocking a new page, but this is the result?

"Made, it seems that the material collection business needs to be expanded. Wang Dazhuang and Teacher Huang are under a lot of pressure."

None of these materials is easy to collect.

He remembered that Wang Dazhuang said yesterday that most of the people in the community had been searched, and the difficulty of collecting would gradually increase.

After a thorough search of the community was completed, Wang Dazhuang and Teacher Huang conducted a community search.

However, the outside of the community is very dangerous, with alien species running rampant, and the "Poison Fang" organization burning, killing, and looting. It's hard to say whether the two of them can save their lives.

Moreover, where should he put so much material? Although the two houses on the first floor are connected, it is only more than 100 square meters, and there is definitely no room for so much metal.

The veins on Chu Anqin's forehead were beating wildly, and he was not in a very happy mood.

Headache, upset.

He came to the mechanical table, put in the metal spear, and selected the [Strengthen] option.

[Black Dragon Suit] Forget about it for a while, he thought it would be better to strengthen the weapons and tools in his hands first.

The strengthening function of the mechanical platform is limited to the weapons and tools made from the panel. The materials required for strengthening start from the production materials and multiply each time they are strengthened.

The crafting material of a metal spear is 15 units of metal. The first enhancement requires 15 units, the second enhancement requires 30 units, the third enhancement requires 45 units, and so on.

Chu Anqin placed the remaining metal next to the mechanical platform. The mechanical platform has a material radiation range, and anything within the range can be used as corresponding manufacturing or strengthening materials.


Following his order, the mechanical platform immediately roared, and the mechanical arm above began to work intensively.

Strengthening takes time, and as the number of times of strengthening increases, the time consumed will gradually increase.

It takes about an hour to strengthen the metal spear for the first time.

Chu Anqin took advantage of this time and ran outside to collect metal materials.

He also needs to strengthen the prying tool and rapid-fire pistol, which requires a lot of materials.

After spending most of the day and consuming a lot of materials, the metal spear was strengthened twice, the prying tool was strengthened three times, and the rapid-fire pistol was strengthened twice, and the power was more than doubled.

Chu Anqin packed up his things and suddenly realized a more serious thing. The mechanical table was on the first floor, which meant that it was easy for others to see it.

"Oh my God, what should I do?"

He tried to move the mechanical table. Although his body was strengthened by 5 [First-order Essence Cores] and his strength had reached 300 to 400 kilograms, no matter how hard he tried, the mechanical table would not move at all.

Moreover, even if he could lift the mechanical table, the width of the corridor was not enough for the mechanical table to pass through, and he could not move the mechanical table to the tenth floor.

"It's a mistake!"

Chu Anqin cut off the F-class energy converter and found a piece of dust cloth from a house to cover it. I don't know if it works, but at least it can hide people's eyes and ears.

After all, the mechanical table is not food, and it is not very attractive to most people. It is not a big problem to put it here for the time being.

However, it can only be temporary. It is not a long-term solution to keep it here.

"That supermarket seems good. There is a warehouse behind it."

He suddenly thought of the supermarket base where he had a conflict with "Venom Fang". The area there is large enough, but it is a pity that it is within the control range of "Venom Fang" and is located on the side of the road, which is easy to attract alien species.

"Forget it, let's do it this way first, try the enhanced weapons!"

Chu Anqin came out of the house and went directly to the basement.

The rat alien species in the community seemed to be from the same nest. Whether it was the basement of Xiaoya's building or his basement, these rats were getting fewer and fewer, and they ran away as soon as they saw him, making it difficult for him to collect alien flesh and blood now.

However, there are always a few young people who are not afraid of death. Chu Anqin took the prying tool and hit them one by one. He cleaned his basement in a few minutes.

He came to the basement downstairs of Xiaoya's house again. It also took a few minutes to sweep it. A total of 6 rat alien corpses were harvested, and they were all ordinary alien species, and none of them were in the entry level.

Since Chu Anqin had a conflict with the "Venom Fang", his daily task is to clean up the rats in the basement and other cats and dogs that occasionally appear in the community.

He made all the rats into F-level energy crystals, and hid the remaining fur in the house on the ninth floor. During this period, he has collected a lot of fur, but he has never found a place to use it.

When he returned home, because there was an F-level energy converter, the house was powered. He first boiled a pot of water, washed the dirt on his body, and went to the bedroom to play games for a while, and the fatigue of a day's work slowly disappeared.


After the doomsday, he can still have food and drink like him, use electricity, and play games. I am afraid that this is the only family.

"Go to Xiaoya's house tomorrow. Brother Wang should be almost well. Send them some food."

Received a short message from the station, everyone invested in it

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