Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 224: Fourth-order blood vine, commanding alien species in the sea

Chu Anqin has not been in a hurry to swallow the fourth-level essence core, but to keep it to make various panel items.

Swallowing a few fourth-level essence cores will not help much for evolution, and it can be used to make items to play the greatest role.

Moreover, because of the existence of the [Telekinetic Training Chamber], his telekinesis has improved faster and stronger, and his life evolution can be arranged in a row.

In the following time, Chu Anqin did not rush to leave the sea area, but waited for an opportunity.

Before going deep into the sea area, he must capture and control one or two fourth-level alien species in the sea that are comparable to the megalodon!

Now there are three fourth-level essence cores left in his hand, enough to make three [Intermediate Spirit Control Chips], and controlling the sea alien species can escort his trip to the sea.

Although the gorilla has evolved to the fourth level, it is only a land creature overlord. If it enters the sea, it may encounter more than a dozen third-level sea beasts and have to give up its life.

Therefore, he has to control one or two fourth-level sea alien species again.

Although there are many marine alien species, there are very few fourth-level alien species near the coast. Except for the fourth-level megalodon shark at the beginning, there has been no more.

"Wait another month. If you still can't encounter a fourth-level marine alien species, you can only go deeper to capture it."

Chu Anqin has been searching near the coastline recently. He doesn't know how many third-level marine alien species he has hunted, but he can't find a fourth-level marine alien species.

Half a month later.

Chu Anqin was stepping on the telekinetic arc and flying on the sea surface more than ten kilometers away from Jiangcheng. Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

On the blue sea surface with surging waves, a gray dorsal fin cut through the sea surface like a sharp knife, swimming at a very fast speed, following closely under his feet.

"Fourth-level ordinary!" He looked at the red dot on the screen, and his life strength reached the level of fourth-level ordinary alien species.

"Take me as prey?"

He looked at the dorsal fin under his feet and accelerated suddenly. The dorsal fin under his feet also accelerated. He stopped his body and floated in the air. The dorsal fin just stopped below him.

"Hehe." Chu Anqin simply stopped and lowered his altitude.


Sure enough, when he descended to only about 50 meters from the sea surface, the shadow hidden in the sea surface suddenly broke through the water, like a sharp arrow shooting out.


Chu Anqin instantly recognized this giant in the sea, which was similar to the megalodon that had seriously injured Xiong Shi and Jiang Cai and forced Jiang Cai's high-level superpowers to be helpless.

The blade-like dorsal fins and pectoral fins, the huge body of nearly 100 meters long, the open bloody mouth with two rows of serrated teeth, wrapped in endless fierceness and waves, seemed to swallow the black and gold creature in the air in one bite.

However, the megalodon of the fourth-order ordinary life level had just vacated the sea surface, and six blood vines attacked from all directions.


After absorbing the [Plant Life Evolution Fluid] and evolving to the fourth-order blood vine, the number of vines doubled to six.

Moreover, the length has increased by four times. Originally only 100 meters, now the maximum length of each vine has reached an exaggerated 500 meters.

The six blood vines instantly entangled the Megalodon like a bloody sea snake, and the hooks with paralyzing venom were about to pierce the Megalodon's skin.

However, the blood vine is only a plant life that has just entered the fourth level. Facing an ordinary Megalodon of the fourth level, the sharpness of the hooks is obviously not enough to break the defense.

The blood vine only blocked the height of the Megalodon's leap and could not cause any harm to the Megalodon.


The Megalodon fell back into the sea, and the six blood vines were stretched straight like steel cables. A terrifying pulling force was transmitted to Chu Anqin's hands along the blood vines, as if to pull him into the sea.

Chu Anqin's face remained unchanged. If he wanted to catch this Megalodon, it was obviously not enough to rely on the blood vines that had just entered the fourth level. He really relied on his own fourth-level telekinesis to exert the "telekinesis cone thorn".

He stared at the giant black shadow under the sea, and a faint spike shot out from the center of his brows, heading straight for the Megalodon.

In the blink of an eye, the Megalodon, which had just been pulling frantically, suddenly seemed to have its soul taken away, like a giant ship that had lost its power, floating stupidly under the sea. The blood vine that was stretched like a steel cable a second ago suddenly loosened, and the terrifying pulling force disappeared without a trace.

The fourth-level telekinetic "telekinetic spike" made the Megalodon lose its power to resist with just one move, which was much more effective than any physical attack method.

Chu Anqin showed joy on his face, lowered the flight altitude, flew close to the sea surface, and with a thought, pulled the unconscious Megalodon out of the sea through the blood vine.

"With the telekinetic spike, it is easy to kill alien species of the same level."

He groaned, and his hands did not slow down. A [Intermediate Yuling Chip] was rolled by a blood vine and attached to the center of the Megalodon's brow.

The "telepathic cone thorn" that has just entered the fourth level confuses the consciousness of ordinary fourth-level alien species, and combined with the paralysis effect of the fourth-level blood vine, it knocks out this megalodon in one go.

[Intermediate Yuling Chip] It takes about ten minutes to control the fourth-level alien species. He turned on the life detection system and detected the situation in the nearby sea area.

"So many sea alien species!"

On the screen, there are densely packed red dots, at least more than a thousand, seven or eight hundred first-level sea alien species, more than two hundred second-level, and more than twenty third-level!

The most important thing is that he only has the default detection range, which is only a range of 500 meters.

"Is this the sea area!"

Chu Anqin took a deep breath and summoned the [Black Dragon Mechanical Wings] to keep himself in the air. The [telepathic arc] under his feet turned into ten telepathic arc knives and shot into the sea.

The fourth-level primary telekinesis can control ten telekinesis arc knives.

More than a thousand sea alien species are rushing over, and he has to try his best to ensure the safety of the megalodon.

Puff puff puff!

In just a few minutes, more than a thousand sea alien species floated in this sea area.

With the fourth-level telekinesis, he has the confidence to fight even the fifth-level alien species. These low-level alien species will die as soon as they touch them, and it is effortless to kill them.

With a big wave of his hand, he collected all the corpses into the [Micro Black Dragon Space].

However, the strong smell of blood is attracting more sea alien species to rush over.

"Good, come more, just in time, the energy crystals are not enough!"

Chu Anqin was not afraid at all. The speed of the ten telekinesis arc knives was extremely fast. Even in the sea water, they could not be caught. The alien species that rushed over were basically here to deliver blood, flesh, essence, and materials.

Ten minutes later, the [Intermediate Spirit Control Chip] was completely implanted in the megalodon's forehead. Five or six thousand sea alien species had died from the [Telekinesis Arc], which gave him a huge harvest.

Not to mention the low-level alien flesh and essence cores, he hunted more than a hundred third-level flesh, third-level essence cores and third-level alien materials.

"If you want a third-level essence core, you have to come to the sea area to hunt. This efficiency is much higher than the wilderness area."

After clearing the latest wave of sea alien species, he controlled the blood vine to pull the unconscious megalodon and flew towards the coast of Jiangcheng.

There were too many sea alien species, and the blood in this sea was so strong that the more they killed, the more alien species would come here.

The most powerful one now was only the third-level alien species. If a few fourth-level alien species were attracted, there would be trouble.

He himself was not afraid of the fourth-level alien species, and it was easy to kill them.

But this Megalodon was knocked unconscious by the "telekinetic cone thorns" and would definitely not wake up for a while. It had been staying in this sea area, and countless sea alien species attacked it. Even he could not guarantee that he could protect the Megalodon from the siege of alien species.

Six blood vines tied up the Megalodon and flew all the way back to the coast. On the way, it encountered many sea alien species attacks, but fortunately it successfully reached the coast in the end.

However, the Jiangcheng superpower warriors who were patrolling the coastline were shocked.

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