Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 230: Level 4 Peak Octopus Monster

Finding the three-tailed black whale beast is not a matter of haste, patience and luck are both indispensable.

Time flies, in the second month, the two fourth-order sea beasts actually hunted a fourth-order alien species, allowing him to harvest a fourth-order essence core.

In the next few months, Chu Anqin was numb to the first-order, second-order, and third-order essence cores, and it was not an exaggeration to use "ten thousand" as a unit of measurement.

The total number of fourth-order essence cores reached five.

During this period, he tried to swallow a fourth-order essence core to evolve his body.

The energy contained in the fourth-order essence core is very powerful. It takes him several days to digest a fourth-order essence core, and the evolution speed slows down.

In terms of telekinesis, the speed of progress also dropped sharply.

Originally, because he was a fourth-order mutant, his mental power was at the fourth level, so the training of telekinesis soared all the way.

But now the mental power has exceeded the mental power of its own evolutionary strength. The subsequent training is no longer a process of converting mental power into telekinesis, but a process of improving mental power and training it into telekinesis.

This requires him to improve the degree of physical evolution and special training.

Mental power and physical strength are like the relationship between a container and a liquid. The better the degree of physical evolution, the more mental power there is. After training, the higher the level of converted telekinesis will be.

His current telekinesis is equivalent to full, and the speed of improvement will of course slow down.

However, this corresponding relationship is not absolute. Telekinesis only relies on the degree of physical evolution. In theory, it can surpass or even leave behind.

It depends on his talent and training intensity.

"Now, if you want to enhance your own attack power through telekinesis in a short period of time, you have basically reached a bottleneck. You can only train slowly later.

Physical evolution, I still have five fourth-level essence cores in my hand, which is enough for a period of consumption.

If I still want to enhance my own strength, I can only start from other aspects, such as making more bionic mechanical beasts and commanding a few high-level alien species."

Although at present, only third-level bionic mechanical beasts can be made at most, the number will increase, which is still very terrifying.

In the past, third-level essence cores were scarce and insufficient, but now there are too many, so it is very suitable to use them to make third-level bionic mechanical beasts.

The self-detonation of one or two third-level bionic mechanical beasts is not very powerful, but what about ten, a hundred, or even a thousand?

Quantitative change to qualitative change!

As for controlling the fourth-level alien species, it depends on luck.

First of all, he has five fourth-level essence cores in his hand, which can make several [Intermediate Yuling Chips], and the innate conditions are sufficient.

Moreover, with his current means, it is not difficult to capture fourth-level alien species.

But the problem is that even in the sea area, fourth-level alien species are not so easy to encounter.

To be precise, it is the fourth-level ordinary and above alien species. He looks down on the first-level fourth-level alien species. It is a waste of [Intermediate Yuling Chip], if not directly kill and harvest the fourth-level essence core.

Of course, the fourth-level ordinary alien species is only the minimum standard. If one or two fourth-level peak sea beasts can be captured, the number of subordinates will double, and the efficiency of hunting essence cores and flesh and blood in the future will not be higher.

The most important thing is to speed up the process of finding the three-tailed black whale beast.

In the following time, Chu Anqin's daily tasks were to enter the [Telekinetic Training Chamber] to train telekinesis, make a third-order bionic mechanical beast, and absorb fourth-order essence core energy.

On this day, Chu Anqin, as usual, finished all the things and listened to Xiao Qingzi's report.

At this moment, the megalodon jumped out from a hundred meters away, set off a huge wave, and then swam towards the sea turtle quickly.

The sea turtle seemed to sense something and seemed a little irritable, and the whole "island" began to shake.

Chu Anqin reacted very quickly and immediately switched to the combat form of [Devouring Armor], and at the same time turned on the life detection system to check.

"Fourth-order peak life!"

On the screen, below the fourth-order ordinary red dot belonging to the megalodon, a red dot of the fourth-order peak life strength suddenly followed.

The next moment, he took a step, and the [Telekinetic Arc] flew to his feet, soared into the air, and flew towards the megalodon.


Under the raging waves, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared under the sea where the Megalodon was. It was like a dark abyss, about to break out of the water and devour the Megalodon.

Then, he saw more than a dozen thick black tentacles as thick as ancient giant trees shooting out, instantly entangled the fleeing Megalodon.

Bang, bang, bang--

Suddenly, the sea surface was like being bombarded by artillery shells, the waves were overturned, and a giant in the sea broke out of the water, setting off a tsunami that crushed the city.

"What a big octopus!"

Chu Anqin was shocked. The one chasing the Megalodon was actually a giant black octopus with more than a dozen octopus claws, a hideous and terrifying appearance, and a body size twice that of the Megalodon.

Moreover, it was a fourth-level peak mutant giant octopus, and the intensity of the red dot even faintly exceeded that of the sea turtle.

The sea turtle danced with its limbs, and had the urge to rush up and fight the giant octopus.

But Xiao Qingzi and more than a hundred mutant rats live on the ‘island’, as well as his old nest. If a fight breaks out, the mobile fortress that has been operating for so long will be destroyed.

He quickly used the [Intermediate Yuling Chip] to let the sea turtle retreat, and he stepped on the [Telekinetic Arc] and rushed up.

The megalodon was only at the ordinary level of the fourth level, and was entangled by the claws of the fourth-level peak giant octopus. It was about to be squeezed to death alive.

Chu Anqin focused his eyes and the ‘Telekinetic Cone Thorn’ shot out from his eyebrows.

The giant octopus, which was like an ancient beast just now, suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and his claws unconsciously loosened.

The megalodon seized the opportunity, turned its huge body wildly, spread its claws, and fled quickly.

The difference in the strength of life evolution suppressed it, so it could not think of resisting. In addition, the master asked it to stay away from the battlefield, so there was no need to hesitate.

"A super giant octopus at the peak of the fourth level, hehe, isn't it more combat-effective than a big turtle?"

When Chu Anqin saw this giant octopus, he didn't think of killing it, but to control it.

Although the big turtle was a peak alien species at the fourth level, it was defensive in nature. In addition, he treated it as an 'island' and a mount in the big turtle, so it basically had no chance to fight on the front line.

But this giant octopus was different. It was a stronger existence than the big turtle. If he caught it, he would have another super fighter.

Thinking of this, invisible and intangible 'telepathic spikes' kept bombarding and confusing the consciousness of the giant octopus.

The 'telepathic spikes' exerted by the fourth-level intermediate telepathy were already able to confuse the consciousness of alien species of the same level.

Although this giant octopus was at the peak of the fourth level and had stronger mental power than him, it had not been trained, and no matter how strong its mental power was, it could only passively take a beating.

Chu Anqin used the "telekinetic cone thorn" more than ten times in a row, causing the giant octopus to be extremely painful, and more than a dozen octopus claws randomly slapped the sea surface.

Within half a minute, the giant octopus could not hold on any longer, gave up hunting the megalodon, and wanted to dive into the deep sea to escape.

However, Chu Anqin had already prepared, and six blood vines shot out and tightly entangled the giant octopus.

Unfortunately, the blood vines are only at the beginning of the fourth level now, and they cannot pierce the hideous skin of the giant octopus, and the paralysis venom cannot be injected into it.

Chu Anqin's mind moved, and a telekinetic arc knife flew out.


The telekinetic arc knife easily cut through the defense of the giant octopus, and then the blood vines found a breakthrough like a maggot on the tarsal bone, entangled in the wound of the giant octopus, and injected paralysis venom crazily.

The giant octopus struggled frantically, and the entire sea surface was like a tsunami, with surging waves. If there were any ships here, they would have been overturned long ago.

Even an aircraft carrier would have to retreat.

Thanks to Wumenzhiwu for the two monthly tickets! !

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