After Chu Anqin returned home, he just took a simple rest. After eating some food, he brought up the panel and looked at the newly unlocked temporary items above:

[Intermediate gene unlocking agent: used to break through the fifth level and unlock genetic restrictions. Materials required: 10 C-level energy crystals + 10 units of intermediate spiritual liquid + 2 fifth-level essence cores]

After he swallowed nearly a hundred fourth-level sperm cores and reached the fourth-level peak, this temporary unlock item appeared automatically, but he was in a hurry and didn't have time to take a closer look.

"A total of three materials are needed. There is no problem with the C-level energy crystal and 2 fifth-level essence cores. Only 10 units of intermediate spiritual liquid is a bit troublesome."

He pondered, a trace of annoyance flashed across his face, and quickly disappeared.

Among the three materials required for [Intermediate Gene Unlocker], he can make a lot of C-level energy crystals, so it is not a problem.

Although fifth-level sperm cores are extremely precious and require hunting down fifth-level alien species to obtain them, he does not lack them.

When he killed the three-tailed black whale beast, he harvested a fifth-level sperm core. Although it was only one, it had little impact because he had an [intermediate-level sperm core synthesizer] that could synthesize fifth-level sperm cores.

Chu Anqin waved his hand, took out the synthesizer, put in two hundred fourth-level sperm cores in batches, synthesized two fifth-level sperm cores, and had three fifth-level sperm cores in his hand.

"You need two intermediate gene unlocking agent materials. You need one as a primer for your own evolutionary breakthrough."

After getting the fifth-level sperm core, he frowned.

"The spiritual liquid. The primary spiritual liquid is a centuries-old stalactite. Is it possible that the intermediate spiritual liquid needs a thousand-year stalactite?"

He obtained the century-old stalactite from several people in the White Eagle Federation during his trip to the ancient ruins. He had no idea where the source was. He still had some left in his hand, but this [intermediate gene unlocking agent] required an intermediate spiritual fluid. .

He suppressed the irritation in his heart and checked the details of the panel.

Intermediate spiritual liquid, a liquid containing special energy bred between heaven and earth, is more advanced than primary spiritual liquid, Millennium Earth Heart Milk, Millennium Bell Milk, Millennium Willow Cuixin

"Made, it's really going to be a thousand years."

Chu Anqin felt even more upset when he saw the detailed description of the intermediate spirit liquid.

Although his strength has increased dramatically now, and he can kill fifth-level beings, the sense of crisis is getting stronger.

He always felt that the scene he saw at the last level in the ancient ruins might happen again.

"Not strong enough, still not strong enough!"

Peak level four, level five, level six, and even level seven.

Chu Anqin was anxious. This inexplicable sense of crisis had been like a sharp blade hanging above his head since he came out of the ancient ruins, urging him to become stronger.

If it weren't for the crisis in Jiangcheng and Xiaoya's danger this time, he would even stay in the sea area until he felt that he was capable of facing unknown crises.

“I still don’t want to think about the intermediate spirit liquid for the time being.”

He took a deep breath to calm himself down, and his eyes moved on the panel again:

[Devouring Cannon: An upgraded version of the Black Dragon Cannon, an upgraded component of the Destroying Armor,

Materials required: 10,000 units of metal + 100 units of black gold + 100 nano gold chips + 1 D-level energy converter + 100 units of uranium element]

The last unlocked item on the latest page is the Devouring Cannon.

"100 units of uranium"

Chu Anqin groaned, dialed Nie Yuan's phone, and told him that he needed uranium.

"Uranium element is good, Lao Chu, just wait, I will have someone send it to you!"

Nie Yuan was dealing with matters after the war, but after hearing Chu Anqin's needs, he still made arrangements as soon as possible.

Jiangcheng has reserved a little uranium element to develop some super weapons and do some nuclear-related research.

Chu Anqin felt much better after receiving Nie Yuan's reply.

"I wonder what the next page is."

The next day.

Leng Shuang led a team of super warriors and drove an armored vehicle to deliver sealed uranium elements to Chu Anqin.

"God of War Chu Chu, Captain Xiong Shi and Team Heather's farewell party will be held tomorrow. Will you come?" Leng Shuang asked with a sad expression.

Chu Anqin put all the uranium elements away and looked at Leng Shuang and the dozen or so warriors with powers behind him.

"The Bears."

His mind flashed back to the scene when he encountered the second-level rat tide and met Xiong Shi and Leng Shuang for the first time. Xiong Shi was wearing a military green combat uniform and was as tall as a black bear. He was shooting at the rats with a machine gun.

"You must be the superpowers nearby. My name is Xiong Shi. Help us get rid of these rats!"

This was the first thing Xiong Shi said to him and Wang Dongfu. The rough voice at that time, coupled with the commanding tone, made him feel bad about Xiong Shi.

However, after getting along with him for nearly two years, Xiong Shi, a tough man, had made him secretly admire him.

As for Heather, her personality and body shape are very similar to Xiong Shi's, and her awakening abilities are very similar.

He thought of giving the opponent a third-level sperm core before he went to sea.

Unexpectedly, in just half a year, the two of them have...

"Sakura Country"

A crazy idea suddenly occurred in Chu Anqin's mind.

Since the other party is attacking Jiangcheng, why can't he go to Sakura Country and let the other party also taste despair.

Although the culprits Baqi and Sen Tianjian have been executed, and Takahashi Hidemei has been arrested, he knows that everyone in Jiangcheng is holding back their anger.

Could this bad breath really come out just by using Baqi and Sentian to exercise to death?

Chu Anqin didn't know if others could do it, but he certainly couldn't do it himself.

When he thought that Xiaoya almost died at the hands of people from the Sakura Kingdom, the idea grew more rapidly in his mind, and soon turned into a decision.

"Captain Leng, Captain Xiong Shi and Captain Shinan are all strong men who sacrificed their lives for Jiangcheng. As a member of Jiangcheng, I will definitely send them off."

Chu Anqin looked at Leng Shuang, took out fifty third-level essence cores, and said, "Team Leng, this is for everyone's hard work."

When Leng Shuang saw this, shock flashed in her eyes. She knew exactly what Chu Anqin was holding.

"Too many" Leng Shuang still wanted to refuse.

"It's not much, take it." Chu Anqin said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

As the God of War in Jiangcheng, if he got serious, no one would dare to say a word.

Leng Shuang took the sperm core blankly, with a complex emotion in her heart.

It is unclear, unclear, and fleeting.

If Chu Anqin was asked to take out fifty sperm cores at once before the group in the sea area, he would really have to think twice, but now, the number of third-level sperm cores is really inexhaustible.

Even if he runs out, he can still go deep into the sea and continue hunting.

"Thank you." Leng Shuang took the sperm core, thanked him and distributed it to the dozen or so warriors with powers present.

"Thank you Chu, God of War!"

Chu Anqin returned home with the uranium element, opened the panel, and moved his consciousness to the [Eating Cannon] option.

"A total of 500 units of uranium elements, Commander Nie is interested."

His eyes flickered as he took out various materials needed to make the [Destroying Cannon].

With a low groan, the mechanical platform made a low roar.

"One day."

"Train your telekinesis!"

With a wave of his hand, he took out the [Psychic Training Cabin] and started training his telekinesis.

One day later.

"Phew, it's done!"

Chu Anqin looked at the black and gold weapons on the mechanical platform, feeling excited.

[Destroyer Cannon], an upgraded version of [Black Dragon Cannon], and an upgraded component of [Destroyer Armor].

He approached, and [Destroyer Armor] shot out light, absorbed and fused with [Destroyer Cannon], and completed the upgrade in a moment.

With a flash of consciousness, the spot on his right arm where the [Black Dragon Cannon] originally was was replaced by the [Destroying Cannon].

"Now, I have another attack method that threatens life forms above level five."

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