Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 247 Red Night (two chapters in one)


Yang Lisheng opened his mouth and swallowed the potion in one gulp.

He trusted Chu Anqin very much and had no reason to hesitate.

He had been useless for so long and was open-minded about many things. Even if this potion failed to regenerate his broken arm, it would not matter.

[Intermediate Water of Life] entered his stomach, and Yang Lisheng immediately felt a warm feeling flowing into his blood, and then flowed along the blood to the broken arm on his right shoulder.

Then, the wound on the broken arm, which had already scabbed, became extremely itchy as if there were millions of ants crawling on it.

Yang Lisheng wanted to scratch it, but his blood suddenly boiled, and the flesh and blood at the broken arm began to tremble and jump.

"It's growing! It's growing!" Jiang Cai, who was standing by, widened his eyes and stared in amazement at the flesh and blood at the broken arm of Yang Lisheng, which was growing like a worm.

Visible to the naked eye, flesh, skin, and even bones slowly grew out from the wound of Yang Lisheng's broken arm.

"It really has grown." Nie Yuan and the others swallowed their saliva, their faces full of shock.

Yang Lisheng stared blankly at the flesh and blood growing inch by inch at his right shoulder, and his heart became extremely complicated.

There was excitement and bitterness.

The right arm grew very fast. Amid the exclamations of the crowd, [Intermediate Water of Life] allowed Yang Lisheng to grow from the arm to the palm.

Yang Lisheng was stunned, his chest gradually rising and falling, and his right arm hung on his shoulder, motionless.

He felt that his right arm had grown!

"Commander Yang, try?" Chu Anqin looked at Yang Lisheng's stunned look and reminded him softly.

Yang Lisheng came back to his senses, looked at Chu Anqin gratefully, and then began to try to gently lift his right arm.


The bones made a slight sound, and the right arm moved.

"It's lifted!" Nie Yuan exclaimed.

In an instant, Yang Lisheng was like being struck by lightning, and his soul was trembling with excitement.

My right arm has recovered!

Bend your fingers, make a fist, and swing, all in one go!


The air hums slightly with the punch of a third-level superpower.

Yang Lisheng was excited as if he had never lost his right arm.

"Thank you, God of War Chu!" Yang Lisheng was very excited, immersed in the joy of waving his right arm.

"Haha, Lao Yang, let's go and hunt the alien species!" Xu Huojun said happily.

"Let's go!" Nie Yuan was also in a good mood.

Yang Lisheng made a great contribution to Jiangcheng. At this moment, seeing his companion recover his right arm, everyone felt very happy.

"Haha, let's go, Commander Yang, try your strength!"

Chu Anqin led everyone to the east of Jiangcheng, near the coastline.

Yang Lisheng took the lead, rushed into the sea, and hunted the sea beasts.

Every punch hit the flesh, waving the frustration that had accumulated in his heart for a long time.

"Commander Yang's arm"

Leng Shuang, who was responsible for defense and had not attended the meeting, looked at this scene in shock.

Jiang Cai and Ji Cheng also followed, looking at Yang Lisheng excitedly.

"Commander Ji, I'll ask Old Chu if there's any more?"

Jiang Cai could feel Ji Cheng's joy and grief.

The loss of his right arm in the battle of Jiangcheng was a major blow to Ji Cheng, and it was also a major loss for Suhai City.

Jiang Cai was familiar with Chu Anqin, so he was the only one who could speak up.

'Anyway, I already owe Old Chu several lives. For Commander Ji and Suhai City, I can only ask Old Chu for help. '

Jiang Cai strode to Chu Anqin and said with a smile: "Old Chu's..."

"Here, for you."

Without waiting for Jiang Cai to finish, Chu Anqin took out a bottle of [Intermediate Water of Life].

"Just one, don't look at it, take it, don't be too picky."

This [Intermediate Water of Life] was made by him using the remaining five units of hundred-year-old stalactite liquid on the way just now.

"Old Chu, thank you!" Jiang Cai looked at the potion, stunned for a moment, and said gratefully.

Ji Cheng lost his right arm to save Jiang Cheng. Chu Anqin felt that if he had no way to help, it would be fine. But if he had the ability but didn't help, he would be unable to get over it.

"By the way, Jiang Cai, do you still have the hundred-year stalactite liquid? Or any other primary spiritual liquid will do." Chu Anqin asked.

Now all the hundred-year stalactite liquid in his hand has been used to make [Intermediate Water of Life]. He has to collect some more to prevent it from being used later.


In this way, Yang Lisheng and Ji Cheng, who had broken arms, regenerated their broken arms with the help of [Intermediate Water of Life].

This matter spread from Jiangcheng to Suhai City, from Suhai City to Fengdu City, and finally all the major survival bases in Hanxia Country knew about it.

Many people approached Jiang Cai, Nie Yuan and other people who were close to Chu Anqin for this reason, hoping to get [Intermediate Water of Life] from Chu Anqin.

Some people even targeted Wang Dongfu and Xiaoya.

However, no one dared to use force, because the entire Hanxia Kingdom knew that Chu Anqin, the guardian of Jiangcheng, had killed the fifth-level supernaturalist Guiren Yaqi from the Sakura Kingdom.

After resting in Jiangcheng for two days, Chu Anqin left a large number of third-level essence cores for Xiaoya and Wang Dongfu, preparing to let the two break through the fourth level by accumulating numbers.

In addition, he made a set of [Devouring Armor] for each of them.

At the same time, he left two sets of [Devouring Armor] for Xiaoya to take out and give to Nie Yuan when Jiangcheng was in danger.

In addition, he also left five fourth-level bionic mechanical beasts to protect Xiaoya and Jiangcheng.

At night, the gray sky was covered with black fog, and below was the blue sea.

Above the clouds, Chu Anqin stepped on the [Telekinesis Arc] and rushed at a speed close to the speed of sound.

"Sakura Kingdom, I'm here!"

Like meteors shooting up the clouds and the air whistling in his ears, Chu Anqin looked into the distance with firm eyes.

Sakura Country is more than a thousand kilometers away from Jiangcheng. This distance only takes an hour with a fifth-level telekinesis arc.

Sakura Country, Bancheng.

Chu Anqin was suspended in the sky above this survival base.

Turn on life detection and expand the detection range to cover the entire city.

"There are three in the fourth level, and thirty-three in the third level."

"bring it on!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, he turned slightly sideways, his body fell rapidly, and landed accurately on the steel city wall of Bancheng.


The superpowers on patrol in Bancheng were shocked, but before they could see the situation clearly, all their heads flew up.

Boom boom boom——

Then, Chu Anqin's right arm [Destroying Cannon] appeared, and more than a dozen hot beams shot out, bombarding the steel city wall.

In an instant, three or four kilometers of steel city walls were blasted into ruins.

This is just the first step in his revenge. The city wall of Jiangcheng was destroyed, and the city wall of Bancheng will also be destroyed.

"Oh help!"

"Help, aliens are attacking the city!"


Shouts came one after another on the city walls.

Chu Anqin didn't understand and ignored it. After destroying the city wall, he rushed towards the center of the city like a murderous god.

Wherever he went, corpses were everywhere and buildings collapsed.

Not long after, a team of superpowers blocked his way.

"One third-level person, twenty-five second-level people are just right. Go down and confess your guilt to Team Heather!"

Chu Anqin's eyes were cold, and with just a glance, the heads of all twenty-six people in this team of superpowers exploded.

"Oh help!"

Hundreds of people around witnessed all this and fled frantically.

Chu Anqin ignored these ordinary people and continued walking.

Just killing a small group of superpowers is not enough to avenge Jiangcheng's sacrificed soldiers.

Three telekinesis arc knives roared and buzzed, hovering above their heads. Anyone with superpowers who came close would be killed with one strike.

Chu An and Qin don't like killing, but Jiang Cheng and Xiaoya are his rivals. Whoever touches them will die!

He had a strange figure, flashing past like a ghost, and the superpowers on both sides fell in pieces like rice stalks during the autumn harvest.

As for ordinary people, he didn't bother to take action.

In this way, after traveling for about five minutes, the two fourth-level superpowers from Bancheng finally arrived to intercept.

"Who is your Excellency?"

Two people from the Sakura Kingdom wearing black combat uniforms stood in front of Chu Anqin and asked sternly.

"It's Nakamura-sama and Sato-sama, they are both saved!"

"Both adults are fourth-level superpowers. They can definitely kill that evil ghost!"


The surrounding survivors came over one after another, including people with super powers and ordinary people.

Sato Kenichi and Nakamura Koji stared at the 'evil ghost' with dark faces.

Chu Anqin put away his superpower 'Sneak Step' and looked coldly at the two superpowers blocking him.

Both of them are fourth-level ordinary superpowers, and their strength is pretty good.

"I, Hanxia Kingdom, Jiangcheng, Chu An Qin."

An extremely cold voice sounded over the city, as powerful as thunder, pouring into the ears of Sato Kenichi and Nakamura Koji.

Although the two of them were fourth-level superpowers, the moment they heard the sound, their scalps were numb, their consciousness was confused, and their spines were chilled.

As for the third-level superpower user, he only felt his head roaring, as if he had been hit hard by a hard object.

People with abilities below second level and ordinary people are even worse. They bleed from all the orifices, die and become crippled.

With this sound, fifth-level telekinesis was wrapped up in it, directly hitting everyone's consciousness, seriously injuring and killing nearly a thousand people.

Hanxia Kingdom, Jiangcheng, Chu An Qin?


Sato Kenichi and Nakamura Koji were the first to regain consciousness, their hearts beating inexplicably, and a sense of life and death crisis surged throughout their bodies.

When did Hanxia Kingdom have such a powerful person?

"No, it's him!" Sato Kenichi suddenly thought of something and his expression changed drastically.

"Who?" Nakamura Koji asked through gritted teeth.

"Han Xia Kingdom, Chu An Qin, he was the one who killed Morita Ken and Yamata-sama!"


The faces of the two fourth-level superpowers turned pale.

Chu Anqin raised his hand slightly, and three telepathic arc knives were suspended in the air with a cold light.

Sato Kenichi and Nakamura Koji looked at the three flying knives, and endless fear swept through them.


There were just two blasts of wind, and two telepathic arc knives shot out.

Kenichi Sato and Koji Nakamura's pupils dilated instantly.

The next second, the two of them felt that everything around them was falling, and the speed was getting slower and slower, until everything around them began to rise rapidly, and the speed was getting faster and faster.


Two 'balls' rolled on the street, and two pairs of eyes widened.


The atmosphere of the whole street suddenly became extremely strange.

Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Sato are dead?

All the people in Sakura Country looked at the scene in front of them in horror, unable to believe it or not.

In an instant, everyone felt that there was something wrong with their eyes.

Mr. Nakamura and Mr. Sato are both fourth-level psychics, how could they die?

A fourth-level superpower, who is not the pillar of Sakura Country, there is no way he will die!

It’s even more impossible to be killed instantly!

"Damn it, let's all come together to avenge you!"



More than a dozen surviving level three superpowers swarmed forward.


Silver light flowed and blood splattered.

Chu Anqin did not move his position from beginning to end. After dealing with these people, he stepped on the [Psychic Arc] and flew to the center of Bancheng.

Looking at the military control base in Bancheng below, he raised his right arm slightly and aimed the [Destroyer Cannon].

Boom boom boom——

A series of scorching beams of light were shot out, and the military control base below was annihilated into ruins in a matter of seconds.

No, the ruins don't even count.

Like the place where a meteorite fell, only a huge black pit remained.

Night enveloped Bancheng, and darkness invaded everyone.

Thousands of people looked up at the sky above the center of the city.

Fear, confusion.

Hanxia Kingdom, Jiangcheng, Chu An Qin, evil ghosts.

Like the wind, they spread across Bancheng.

Chu An and Qin looked at the city coldly, feeling neither happy nor sad.

He originally thought that after such a killing, he would feel better.

But now, he can't feel the satisfaction of getting revenge.

No matter how many people are killed, Xiong Shi, Heather Team and the hundreds of sacrificed Jiangcheng soldiers will not be able to be resurrected.

Dead, just dead!

Even if he let the entire Bancheng be buried with him, it would not change this fact.

Chu Anqin's face was cold, and he looked at the people below him. With a thought in his mind, he disappeared into the night sky.

In Bancheng, the two fourth-level superpowers and all the third-level superpowers were killed by him.

Thousands of people with second-level abilities and below were buried with Jiangcheng warriors such as Xiong Shi and Heather.

I believe that it won’t be long before this news will spread throughout the Sakura Country and around the world.

Chu Anqin galloped all the way to his second destination, Sakura Capital Fire Market.

Jinghuo City is the first survival base in Sakura Country, and there are many high-level superpowers in it.

His trip had two purposes.

First, massacre the high-level superpower users in Jinghuo City.

Sakura Country has lost its high-end combat power and will be destroyed sooner or later.

Second, go explore the Sakura Volcano and look for the Fire Essence Mysterious Gold, the material for making the [Mysterious Gold Fighter].

In just a moment, he stepped on the arc of telekinesis and flew over Jinghuo City.

Looking from a distance, the hazy volcano crater can be vaguely seen to the north of Jinghuo.

Below, on top of the steel city wall, the Sakura Kingdom's superpowers were waiting, with overhead machine guns and artillery fire aimed at the sky.

Chu Anqin lowered his eyes and looked down. It seemed that Jinghuo City knew of his arrival in advance and was well prepared for defense.

What he didn't know was that after he massacred Ban Cheng, the entire Sakura Kingdom entered a state of war.

With the power of one person, the entire Sakura Kingdom felt like it was facing a powerful enemy. This has never happened in history.

At this moment, a dozen fighter jets roared over and hovered around him.

"Hanxia Kingdom Chu Anqin, put down your weapons!"

At the same time, all the machine guns and muzzles on the city wall below were aimed at Chu Anqin.

Thousands of superpowers activate their powers, just waiting for an order.

Chu Anqin's expression remained unchanged, he looked at the red dot on the screen and muttered:

"Six fourth-level superpowers, more than five hundred third-level ones.

What a big battle! "

"But, it's not enough to stop me!"

Chu An and Qin shouted coldly, Wuxin's coercion spread out around him, and fifth-level telekinesis exploded.

Didi didi——

warn! warn!

More than a dozen fighter jets all broke down, and all the pilots inside were bleeding from their orifices.

Bang bang bang——

Boom boom——

The fighter jet lost control and fell straight towards the steel city wall below.

"Ah! Run away!"


In an instant, under the dark night, fire shot into the sky, and explosions occurred one after another.

The people of Sakura Kingdom fled in panic, and the city wall collapsed and shattered.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

"Attack! Attack!"



Bang bang——

In an instant, the sky was filled with artillery fire, lighting up the sky.

Tip: Keep the two chapters in one chapter for now, thank you all for your support and encouragement.

Thank you for your monthly pass to Doorless House! !

Thanks Dave0 for the tip! !

Thanks to 2017467 for your monthly votes! !

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