Inside the volcano, the black-robed man looked at the hexagonal crystal that had turned into powder on the groove of the hexagonal column, blew out a breath, and the powder flew away.

"The first molten fire monument has been lit up"

The black-robed man murmured, and just as he was about to leave the volcano, he suddenly looked up at the top of the crater.

"He's not dead?"

"Chu Anqin of Hanxia Country. Interesting."

The black-robed man laughed sinisterly, waved his hand, and two figures appeared.

The two figures looked dull, and blood was emitting from their heads.

The black-robed man lightly touched the tops of the two people's heads, and all the blood on their heads merged into their bodies.

In an instant, the two opened their bloody eyes and knelt down in front of the black-robed man.

The two looked alive, but they exuded death all over their bodies, very similar to Bantu of Sakura Country who was killed by Chu Anqin.

"Go." The black-robed man made a creepy voice, and his figure flashed and left the crater.

At the crater, Chu Anqin observed for more than ten minutes after the temperature dropped to freezing point. After finding no abnormalities, he tried to enter the volcano.

Stepping on the [Telekinetic Arc], he slowly descended along the crater.

Looking around, the walls of the volcanic lava cave were covered with a layer of ice, and the charred color could barely be seen under the ice.

Volcano or ice cave?

The crater was not deep. He sank for about five minutes and came to the bottom of the volcano.

The light at the bottom of the volcano was dim. There was no expected rolling magma, only frozen frost.

The air was filled with the smell of sulfur, cold and chilly, without the heat that a volcano should have.


Very wrong!

Chu Anqin was inside the volcano, but he felt a chill.

He turned on the lighting system and looked around.

The space at the bottom was much larger than he imagined. The light could only dissipate a few hundred meters nearby. Beyond that, it was dark.

Below, it was like a dark cave with no visible edge.

"Look around to see if there is any fire essence mysterious gold"

"This place is full of treacherous things, we have to hurry!"

Chu Anqin felt a sense of danger when he went down to the bottom of the volcano.

The volcano suddenly turned into an ice cave, and the two poles changed dramatically. There are definitely unpredictable dangers.

Turn on the life detection system, choose a direction, and start exploring.

Fire essence mysterious gold is usually formed at the edge of the magma flow, and he can only slowly find it along a frozen magma flow.

After about half an hour of walking, two red dots suddenly appeared on the screen that had not been abnormal.

"Two fourth-level peak life forms."

The life detection system showed that there were two fourth-level peak life forms 500 meters away in the direction he was moving forward.

Chu Anqin just thought for a moment and continued to move forward.

It was just a fourth-level peak life form, and it could be killed in the blink of an eye.

After walking a few steps, the two red dots turned into four red dots, six, and eight.

As he moved forward, the red dots kept increasing.

He frowned slightly. It was surprising enough that life forms appeared inside the volcano. Why did they appear in groups?

The number of red dots on the screen had reached more than 20.

Fortunately, the life strength was not high, and they were all at the peak of the fourth level.

More than 20 fourth-level life forms, this density was even more terrifying than the sea area.

"If they were all alien species, then there would be more than 20 fourth-level essence nuclei."

Chu Anqin smiled slightly and continued to search along the magma flow.

He came here at the risk of danger, not to hunt alien species, but to explore the mysterious gold of fire essence.

When the number of red dots on the screen reached 30, this group of life forms could be barely seen clearly.

Chu Anqin looked intently and saw a group of monsters in front of him that were about the size of a calf and had red scales on their backs.

These monsters were gnawing on something, and when they felt that there were lives approaching, they all looked up.

A pair of eyes with red fire instantly lit up this area.

At the same time, the screen showed that the temperature nearby was more than 100 degrees, and the surrounding magma flowed, forming a sharp contrast with the freezing temperature of the rest.

"Thirty-three fourth-level. Let's consider them alien species for the time being."

Chu Anqin groaned, and the sixth-level primary telekinesis control [Telekinesis Arc] was differentiated into sixteen arc knives, which shot out.

Sixteen is the limit of the differentiation of [Telekinesis Arc].




Before the people stop, the killing intent goes first!

The telekinesis arc knife easily cuts the skin of the strange creatures, and the red magma sprays out.

These creatures did not spray blood, but extremely high-temperature magma. The rocks where they landed were burned black and smoking by the boiling magma.

However, the telekinesis arc knife flashed coldly, and the thirty-three strange-looking fourth-level peak alien species did not even have time to roar, and were all killed in a thought.

Chu Anqin did not look up, but lowered his head, still searching slowly along the magma flow.

When he walked to the group of corpses, he leaned over to check these strange creatures.

The hot magma flowed from the corpses and gathered into a small magma stream.

There was no alien stench, only scorching heat.

"There is magma in the body, but these monsters are living beings."

The position of the monster corpse soaked in magma, the magma melted the rock at high temperature, but the corpse was not affected at all.

"This should not be considered flesh and blood."

He cut a piece from the monster corpse and looked at it closely.

It has the touch of flesh and blood, but it does not have the characteristics of flesh and blood, and it smells of sulfur.

Overall, this piece of monster flesh and blood is more like a metal that specifically accommodates high-temperature magma?

Yes, it is a metal between liquid and solid.

Chu Anqin's eyes flickered, and he leaned over to check the whole monster body.

"No bones. Hey. Is this a sperm nucleus?"


In the abdomen of the monster body, he found an irregular sphere the size of a soybean, red in color.

At first glance, he thought it was a sperm nucleus, but he knew it was not a sperm nucleus!

Chu Anqin's breathing was a little rapid, looking at the irregular red sphere in the palm of his hand, his breathing was a little rapid.

"Red, with flow patterns, could it be the fire essence mysterious gold?"

He quickly called up the panel to check.

"It is indeed the fire essence mysterious gold!"

Chu Anqin exclaimed, and his heartbeat accelerated slightly.

He had been looking for the fire essence mysterious gold along the magma flow for a long time but didn't find it, but he didn't expect to find it in these monsters.

He glanced at the place where the monster's abdomen was dug open, which looked like the monster's.

"The stomach, or the digestive organ. These strange creatures swallowed the fire essence mysterious gold, no wonder I couldn't find it!"

Chu Anqin's mind was like lightning, and he quickly guessed a general idea.

These strange creatures grow under the volcano. In a high temperature environment, neither flesh and blood animals nor plants can grow.

First, there is no food to eat. Second, the temperature is extremely high. They are definitely not ordinary creatures.

How can they withstand the high temperature? What do they eat?

Why are a group of life forms at the peak of the fourth level gathered together?

All these things reveal the unusualness.

Now it seems that these strange creatures are not flesh and blood life in nature, so they naturally cannot be applied to the laws of the outside world.

Their growth paths are different, and the food they eat is not flesh and blood, plants, etc. It seems reasonable for them to swallow the fire essence and mysterious gold.

After taking it, there is more or less a little fire essence and mysterious gold in the thirty-three corpses.

"Only ten units in total."

Chu Anqin waved his hand and collected all the fire essence and mysterious gold.

It is really not much to find ten units of fire essence and mysterious gold in thirty-three corpses.

He needs a total of one hundred units of fire essence and mysterious gold, which means he needs to get a few hundred more.

But are there still such strange creatures at the bottom of this volcano?

Chu Anqin was not sure, but at least he had a clear direction.

"Let's collect these corpses as well."

The flesh and blood of strange creatures are very special. Although they cannot be eaten directly, they can withstand high temperatures and may be useful in the future.

After collecting all the corpses, he continued to search along the lava flow.

More than ten minutes later.

"Just entered the fifth level of life strength."

Chu Anqin looked at the red dot on the screen and his eyes lit up.

His pace quickened, and the red dots gradually increased.

From one red dot of life just entering the fifth level, it became more than ten.

Then a fifth level ordinary level appeared, and when the number reached twenty, a fifth level peak red dot of life appeared.

"Are they those strange creatures again?"

He had a thought in his mind and summoned the [Telekinesis Arc] to protect his body.

At the same time, he opened the 'Invisible Space' and slowly approached.

Twenty red dots of fifth level life strength, one fifth level peak, four fifth level ordinary, and the rest were all just entering the fifth level!

What a ridiculously powerful configuration combination.

If it were in the outside world, twenty level-five life forms could basically sweep the world.

Adding the peak level-five life forms, no one except himself would be able to defeat them.

[Telepathic Arc] carried him to fly at a low altitude, and soon he saw a familiar group in front of him.

Sure enough, it was the group of strange creatures that were only the size of calves and covered with red scales on their backs.

"I wonder if twenty of them can harvest more fire essence and mysterious gold."

According to previous speculation, fire essence and mysterious gold are the food of these red scale creatures. The higher the life strength, the stronger the digestion ability may be, and the harvest may not be more than that of the level-four group.

However, what is the situation, you will know after killing them all.

"Try the 'telepathic cone thorn'."

This time, Chu Anqin did not use the [Telepathic Arc] directly, but wanted to test whether these creatures have the mental characteristics of alien species.

Swish, swish, swish!

Three invisible five-colored 'telepathic cone thorns' gathered at his eyebrows and shot towards the red scale creatures.

"No reaction"

The 'telekinetic cone thorn' hit three red scaled creatures that had just entered the fifth level very accurately, but they remained indifferent.

Due to the 'invisible space', the group of creatures below did not sense his presence.

"'Telekinetic cone thorn' has no effect at all, which means that these monsters do not have mental power.

Forget it, just use [telekinetic arc] directly"

Chu Anqin relaxed his brows. He originally wanted to explore the details of these creatures, but after thinking about it, he felt that it would be better to collect the fire essence mysterious gold.

As his mind moved, sixteen telekinetic arc knives shot out and headed straight for the red scaled creatures below.




In just a moment, fifteen strange creatures that had just entered the fifth level sprayed molten magma and fell to the ground and died.

The target of the last telekinetic arc knife, the four ordinary fifth-level monsters, was just cut open in the skin, and a lot of molten magma oozed out.


A wail woke up the peak of the fifth level and the remaining three ordinary fifth-level monsters.

Roar, roar, roar——

The roar was like the roar of an animal, echoing inside the volcanic cave.

However, Chu Anqin hid in the 'invisible space', and the five red scaled creatures roared and screamed, but could not find a target to attack.

"Haha, you have a bad temper."

The red scaled creatures below saw the death of their kind and roared wildly, with hot air coming out of their nostrils and their eyes red.

Boom boom boom——

Five creatures, five pairs of red eyes, spewed out boiling magma at the same time, directly attacking indiscriminately.

In an instant, the surrounding rocks were filled with smoke, and the air was filled with a pungent smell of sulfur.

Chu Anqin was not panicked at all. He controlled the [Telepathic Arc] and raised it a little to get out of the attack range of the five creatures.

At the same time, six telepathic arc knives were shot out from high altitude. Four of them targeted four ordinary fifth-level creatures, and the remaining two attacked the fifth-level peak creature from two directions.




The telepathic arc knives were like divine weapons, easily cutting through the red scaled creatures, including the fifth-level peak.

In just a few breaths, the five creatures were all sprayed with hot and boiling magma.

The whole thing looked like five furnaces filled with magma were broken and sprayed with high-temperature solution.

With the strength of the sixth-level primary telekinesis, the telekinesis arc knife controlled, basically speaking, it is not difficult to kill the fifth-level life form in seconds.

However, these five red scaled creatures, with molten magma sprayed all over their bodies, have never fallen to the ground and died.

"Such strong vitality!"

Chu Anqin snorted coldly, and differentiated six more telekinesis arc knives.




The twelve telekinesis arc knives kept cutting the bodies of the five creatures, and the magma flowed and melted the rocks.

The temperature in the nearby area rose rapidly.


With Chu Anqin's unpressured output, the red scaled creature whose skin was first cut by the telekinesis arc knife fell to the ground.

Bang bang!

The other three ordinary fifth-level creatures did not hold on for long and fell to the ground one after another.

"You are the only one left."

Chu Anqin's eyes flickered, and he directly retreated from the 'invisible space', suspended in the air, and sixteen telekinesis arc knives came out together, all attacking the fifth-level peak creature.

The life force of the peak of the fifth level, in the outside world, is the strongest existence.

But under the attack of the sixteen telekinetic arc knives, it can only become a target.



The telekinetic arc knives shuttled back and forth on this creature.

The wounds became more and more, and the molten lava seemed to be endless.


The red scaled creature wailed in pain, but was just incompetent and furious.

Until now, it didn't know what was attacking the tribe.

The peak of the fifth level has strong vitality, plus a special life form, there is no such thing as a fatal part, so it can hold on until now.

But, it has been overdrawn like this, sooner or later it will be over.


The red scaled creature roared, suddenly kicked out, and ran in one direction.

"Still want to run!"

Chu Anqin floated in the air, following closely above the creature, and the sixteen telekinetic arc knives continued to attack.

Regardless of whether there is fire essence and mysterious gold in the body of this creature, he will not let the target run away to prevent the other party from retaliating afterwards.

After all, a life form at the peak of the fifth level must be very intelligent.

And he hunted down the other party's kind, so this creature is likely to bear a grudge.

If you don't remove the root of the problem, there will be endless troubles.

Even if it is just a special life form.

But this creature is not so easy to kill. The sixteen telekinetic arc knives have cut it countless times. The body of the creature is in pieces, and the way of escape is full of molten lava.

But even so, it still did not fall down.


After running for more than ten minutes, the red scale-armored creature suddenly screamed.

The sound sounded like it was mixed with excitement in pain.

Chu Anqin lowered his eyes and looked, and there was a cliff in front of him!

A cliff appeared in the cave at the bottom of the volcano? ?

He was a little unresponsive to what was going on.

"What is that??"

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