Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 259 Global Turmoil! Long Table Meeting!

The bald strong man Williams was helped by Ryan Brown to climb up from outside, looking at Yamaguchi and Baihui in the conference room with horror.

After hesitating for a moment, he returned to the conference room and sat down very reluctantly.

He was not seriously injured, but being thrown out by the people of Sakura Country in front of everyone was a huge shame.

"Ryan Brown, and everyone else, I guess you have seen the "Evolution Method" in private, right?"

Yamaguchi and Baihui sat down and said in a playful tone.

As soon as these words came out, the five fifth-level psychics of the White Eagle Alliance in the conference room looked at each other, and then avoided their eyes.

Since the "Evolution Method" spread in Sakura Country, it has become famous and tempting. No matter whether it is true or not, everyone wants to try it personally.

Ryan Brown looked at the four people, and his face gradually darkened.

The expressions of these people all show that they have all obtained the "Evolution Method"!

So, in the end, he, the leader of the alliance, was the only one who was really worried, and the others were just acting?

The bald strong man Williams, his face trembled, and a flash of embarrassment passed by, then he folded his hands across his chest, turned his face to one side, raised his chin, and looked indifferent.

This kind of "evolution method" that claims to allow people to cultivate to the peak of the sixth level, it is a fool's behavior not to seize the opportunity to try.

What alliance, what force, in front of the absolute fist, is paper.

If you don't practice, others will continue to evolve, and you can only be beaten.

He practiced the evolution method, but it was not for a long time, and it has not yet seen results.

Otherwise, he would not have been beaten by Yamaguchi.

When he thought of the humiliation just now, Williams' heart surged with anger.

Unfortunately, he is not an opponent for the time being, so he can only endure it.

The other three fifth-level psychics of the White Eagle Alliance were glanced at by Ryan Brown, and their expressions were different.

Two of them were like the bald Williams, with their arms folded across their chests, with a stern face, and no words.

Although they joined the White Eagle Alliance, they were not White Eagle Federation psychics. Who wants to obey others all the time?

The opportunity to evolve is right in front of them, and no one can refuse it.

The remaining young female psychic had a blush on her fair face, as if embarrassed, and looked aside, not showing such a strong performance.

Yamaguchi and Baihui of Sakura Country saw the expressions of Ryan Brown and the others, and they already understood the current situation in their hearts.

"Oh, Ryan Brown's White Eagle Alliance doesn't seem to be very united," Baihui said sarcastically.

Ryan Brown snorted coldly, looked at Yamaguchi and Baihui, and said angrily: "What do you two want to do?"

Yamaguchi and Baihui were too strong, especially Yamaguchi who easily knocked Williams away. His strength was too strong, even he, an ordinary psychic of the fifth level, had to suppress his anger.

"Two choices, join the Earth Center Society, or, die!" Yamaguchi tapped the thick conference table with four fingers and uttered a few words calmly.

The sound of fingers hitting the conference table was so piercing that Ryan Brown's nerves seemed to be pierced by something.

Join the Earth Center?

Then what does he, the leader of the White Eagle Alliance, mean?

Absolutely not!


Without thinking for long, Ryan Brown slapped the conference table with his palm and shouted angrily: "Mr. Yamaguchi, I am Ryan Brown."



Before Ryan Brown finished speaking, he flew backwards and hit the solid wall of the conference room, spitting blood.

"What did you say just now?" Yamaguchi scratched his ears and walked to Ryan Brown, who was lying in the ruins, with a playful look on his face.


"Noisy!" Yamaguchi kicked Ryan Brown out without letting him say a few words.


A crisp sound rang out, and Ryan Brown's head was crushed like a watermelon by Yamaguchi's foot.

Ever since he was humiliated by the leader Tongyuan Shanping, he had a demonic thought of killing other psychics in his heart.

Every time he said "noisy" and killed high-level psychics in front of others, he could get great satisfaction.

Yamaguchi pulled out his bleeding foot and glanced coldly at the remaining four fifth-level psychics in the conference room.

Bald strong man Williams and the other three were swept by the side of the eye, trembling with fear and sweating profusely.

Ryan Brown, a fifth-level ordinary psychic, the leader of the White Eagle Alliance was killed just like that?

He died without even being able to use his superpowers and even without any room to fight back?

A sense of death crisis enveloped the hearts of several people.

"I am willing to join the Earth Center Society." Bald strong man Williams was the first to speak.

If he doesn't join now, does he want to be like Ryan Brown, with his head exploded?

"I'll join too."

"I'll join too."


The other three saw someone taking the lead and hurriedly expressed their opinions.

I was afraid that if I was one step late, my life would be gone.

"No, no, no"

Yamaguchi shook off the red and white thing stuck on his feet, waved his hand and said: "I don't want you to join"

Williams was shocked. What does Yamaguchi want to do? He wanted them to join before and killed Ryan Brown. Why doesn't he want them to join now?

Could it be that he wants to kill people again?

The four members of the White Eagle Alliance realized something in an instant, and immediately activated their own abilities, ready to fight to the death.

"Tsk tsk, don't be nervous." Baihui stood up and looked at everyone with a smile, "Didn't you all practice the evolution method? Tell me, who succeeded in practicing?"

The four of them were stunned for a moment, and after looking at each other, they all remained silent.

After a few seconds, Lisa, the only woman in the White Eagle Alliance, said, "I succeeded in practicing."

As soon as the words fell, Williams and the other three were startled, and their eyes focused on the weakest Lisa.

"Haha, okay, Ms. Lisa, welcome to join the Earth Center Society."

Yamaguchi laughed and walked up to Lisa, put his right hand around her waist, and walked up and down.

Lisa is a standard blonde beauty with a proud figure, coupled with the evolutionary strength of a fifth-level superpower, she is full of charm.

Yamaguchi used his big hand to take advantage in front of everyone.

Lisa's face changed drastically, but she thought that even the fifth-level ordinary Ryan Brown was instantly killed by the opponent, so what qualifications did she have to resist?

Williams, who was in the same alliance, watched Lisa being humiliated. Instead of showing any intention to rescue her, Williams looked at Lisa in shock and anger.

Why can she succeed in cultivation?

Also, why did Lisa say that she could join the Geocentric Society if she successfully practiced the Evolution Method?

Could it be said that only those with superpowers who have successfully practiced the Evolution Method are allowed to join the Geocentric Society?

If that's the case, wouldn't they need to join?

"Where are you three? How long have you been practicing and you haven't succeeded yet?" Yamaguchi patted Lisa on a raised part and asked with sinister eyes.

"Three days."

"Ten days."

"A month."

Three people replied.


As soon as Williams said one word, Yamaguchi's eyes suddenly changed, and murderous intent emerged.

"It's useless to keep a waste that hasn't succeeded in cultivation for a month. Momoe, let's do it!" Yamaguchi pulled Lisa out of the conference room and coldly dropped these words.

Williams' expression changed drastically, he shouted loudly, his body suddenly grew larger, and he wanted to strike first.

"Haha, don't worry, Mr. Williams, Baihui will send you away right now."

Bai Hui raised her jade finger lightly, and a green light and shadow shot out.


Williams didn't react at all. His muscular body was easily pierced through the heart by the green light, and he fell to the ground dead.

"You two, please hurry up. If you don't succeed in practicing in January, just like this strong man."

Momoe killed Williams instantly, took back the green light, licked it with bright red blood, and walked out of the conference room.

Three days later, the White Eagle Alliance announced that it would join the Geocentric Society.

Since then, the three major alliances in the world, the Northern Bear Alliance and the White Eagle Alliance, which were first established, have successively reunited.

Sakura Country, Jinghuo City, inside a villa.

"Yamaguchi, the Northern Bear Alliance and the White Eagle Alliance are both under our control, why not take action against the Hanxia Alliance?"

Momoe lay on top of Yamaguchi and asked seductively.

Yamaguchi took a sip of a cigar as thick as his finger, and moved his other hand randomly. After a moment, he slowly replied:

"Hanxia Alliance. Huh, that Chu Anqin almost destroyed Jinghuo City. How can we deal with it with conventional methods? I will make them pay the heaviest price!"

"Oh? What are you going to do?" Baihui asked curiously.


"Do you think Hanxia Kingdom is monolithic?" Yamaguchi smoked his cigar leisurely.

Hanxia Kingdom, Jiangcheng, Hanxia Alliance Headquarters.

Chu Anqin sat in the upper left corner of the conference room, rubbing his temples with his right hand and looking helplessly to the left and right.

On the left are the superpowers represented by Peng Hanhong and Ye; on the right are the superpowers represented by Jiang Cai.

"Chu War God, just three days ago, the White Eagle Alliance also announced that it would join the Geocentric Society. I heard that Ryan Brown was instantly killed by Yamaguchi of the Geocentric Society at the White Eagle Alliance headquarters. We have to make a choice quickly."

Peng Hanhong stood up, feeling a little excited.

Ye on the side nodded and said: "Yes, Chu War God, the 'Geocentric Evolution Method' has spread around the world, and countless people from all over the world are trying to practice it. Shouldn't we?"

"Old Chu, you can't join. Whether it's the 'Geocentric Society' or the 'Geocentric Evolution Method', they all came from the Sakura Kingdom. Is there any conspiracy in it? Who can guarantee it?"

Jiang Cai stood up and looked anxious.

Today, Jiang Cai, under the influence of the awakened star seed, has evolved to the fifth level of ordinary, and is the strongest person present except Chu Anqin.

Therefore, in the Hanxia Alliance, there is a slight tendency to surpass Peng Hanhong and Ye, the two veteran fifth-level players.

"Yes, Chu War God, Sakura Country has ulterior motives, we cannot fall into the trap." Nie Yuan, who had evolved to the peak of the fourth level, said angrily.

If anyone here hates Sakura Country the most, it is undoubtedly Nie Yuan.

When he thought of the tragic death of Team Heather and Xiong Shi at the hands of the Sakura Kingdom's superpowers, the anger in his heart surged wildly.

If he was strong enough, he could not wait to destroy the other party right now, let alone join!

The atmosphere in the conference room became anxious and depressing at this time.

Chu Anqin said nothing, rubbed his temples a few times, and his face changed slightly.

Ever since the White Eagle Alliance announced that it had joined the Geocentric Society three days ago, the Hanxia Alliance had exploded, and as the leader of the alliance, he naturally could not stay out of it.

The Hanxia Alliance was actually of little use to him. He was forced to be the first person in the alliance by Peng Hanhong, Nie Yuan and others.

It was agreed at the beginning that he would not care about the affairs of the alliance, big or small.

But now, a small Sakura country has stirred up a global storm, and even he has been passively involved in it.

"Do you have anything else to say? Just say it!"

Chu Anqin pressed his thumb against his temple a few times, picked up the hunting wine on the conference table, took a few sips, and the irritability in his heart disappeared a little.

After so much time, the production of hunting wine has been able to be mass-produced and is regarded as a slightly more precious beverage.

"Chu Zhanshen, Commander Peng, Commander Ye," Xu Huojun, who has evolved to the peak of the fourth level, stood up, "I think we can try to contact the 'Earth Core Evolution Method'."

"I think so too." Lu Ke, who is also at the peak of the fourth level, echoed.

"Absolutely not, the White Eagle Alliance and the Northern Bear Alliance are precedents. They practiced the 'Earth Core Evolution Method' and were finally annexed by the 'Earth Core Association'. Do we want to join the 'Earth Core Association' as well?"

Jiang Cai's veins bulged and his eyes glared.

"Lu Ke, have you forgotten how the Shi Nan team, Xiong Shi, and hundreds of soldiers died?" Nie Yuan also had an angry look on his face.

The two couldn't figure out, is the temptation of an evolution method really that great?

Evolving by swallowing sperm nuclei is not evolution?

Chu Anqin sighed, stood up, asked everyone to sit down, and said in a calm voice:

"Commander-in-Chief Peng, Commander-in-Chief Ye, do you think that there is no problem with the 'Earth Core Evolution Method'?"

"I don't know if there is a problem, but if we can't make a decision, then our Hanxia Alliance will be on the verge of life and death."

Peng Hanhong's face was dark, and he glared at Jiang Cai.

He and Ye have always been the pillars of Hanxia Country, and they are the ones who say what they mean.

Even the Hanxia Alliance was established and developed by them with great effort. They never thought that they would be caught up and suppressed by Jiang Cai, a junior.

All countries in the world are practicing the 'Earth Core Evolution Method', and the momentum is rapid. There are constant reports that someone has successfully broken through the level, evolving from the third level to the fourth level, and from the fourth level to the fifth level.

He and Ye are very anxious. If they continue to dawdle, the Hanxia Alliance will miss the opportunity and may become the weakest.

At that time, it will not be a question of whether they should join the 'Earth Core Association', but whether Hanxia Country can hold on.

"Commander-in-Chief Peng!"

"Jiang Cai!"

The two sides, whose emotions had just been slightly calmed, were on the verge of a war again.

Chu Anqin looked at the two sides, Peng Hanhong and Jiang Cai, who held their own opinions, and sighed in his heart again.

He didn't want to wade into this muddy water, but he had to wade.

In his opinion, it was absolutely impossible for a small country like Sakura to come up with an evolution method that could allow people to practice all the way to the peak of the sixth level.

Otherwise, with the ambition of the Sakura country, it would have been on the road to unification long ago, and there would be no time for them to argue fiercely here.

Thinking of the strange resurrection of Bantu, Nanjia and Bartram, he suspected that the 'Earth Core Evolution Method' and the 'Earth Core Society' were both created by the people behind the scenes.

Although there was no connection, the strange things happened in succession, and it was very likely that the same big hand was controlling it.

Moreover, if the 'Earth Core Evolution Method' could really allow people to practice to the peak of the sixth level, then he really needed to make plans early.

At present, it is not difficult for him to kill the sixth-order life form with his own methods, but he is not sure about the peak of the sixth order.

He himself has been stuck at the peak of the fifth order.

The most important thing is that according to the information collected so far, it can be said with certainty that the "Earth Core Evolution Method" can allow people to ignore the bottleneck of breaking through the order and evolve all the way to the fifth order.

This alone is enough to make countries around the world crazy.

Once someone cultivates to the sixth order through the evolution method, it will definitely be a blockbuster.

It doesn't matter if it's one or two people, but if the number increases, he will have to pay attention to it.

So, he organized this meeting today, the purpose of which is to gather everyone's wisdom and see if there is any good way to deal with it.

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