Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 261 Black Fog Lightning Island! Sixth-level superpower!

Time flies, two years have passed in a flash, and it has passed surprisingly peacefully.

There is no major conflict, no world-destroying disaster, and the end of the world is as if it does not exist.

Jiangcheng is developing rapidly, and with the help of Chu Anqin, Xiaoya, Wang Dongfu, and Nie Yuan have evolved to the fifth level one after another.

Jiang Cai successfully evolved to the fifth level peak because of his awakening star seed.

Peng Hanhong, Ye and others practiced the geocentric evolution method and evolved all the way to the fifth level peak.

It is unknown whether he will join the Earth Center Society.

Because the Hanxia Alliance has split into the New Hanxia Alliance, represented by Peng Hanhong and Ye, who have practiced the 'Geocentric Evolution Method', and the Jianghai Alliance, headed by Jiang Cai and Nie Yuan, resolutely resists the Evolution Method.

Due to the evolution method, high-level superpowers emerged in large numbers in the Xinhanxia Alliance. In addition to the two peak fifth-level superpowers, Peng Hanhong and Ye, there were more than twenty fifth-level superpowers.

This number sounds very exaggerated, but it is just a new Hanxia alliance.

In various countries around the world, due to the spread and popularization of the evolutionary method, the number of fifth-level superpowers has long reached an astonishing level.

The White Eagle Alliance and the Northern Bear Alliance, which originally announced joining the Geocentric Society, still exist.

The White Eagle Alliance claims to have one hundred and twenty fifth-level superpowers, with as many as ten at the top of the fifth level.

The North Bear Alliance has one hundred and thirty-six fifth-level superpowers, a dozen more than the White Eagle Alliance, and there are an exaggerated twenty-five at the peak of the fifth level.

The two major alliances are only affiliated alliances of the Geocentric Society. No one knows how many high-level superpowers there are in Jinghuo City, the headquarters of the Geocentric Society.

I have never heard of sixth-level superpowers.

It stands to reason that such a powerful Sakura Country could have unified the world long ago.

But the fact is that since the spread of the Evolution Method, Sakura Country was in the limelight at the beginning and basically disappeared in the end. Few people will mention it, let alone make some big moves.

When Chu Anqin learned that there were so many fifth-level superpowers, he couldn't help but feel worried.

You know, he has killed many fifth-level superpowers from Sakura Country, Northern Bear Federation, White Eagle Federation, Gaoou Alliance and other countries. He has also turned the Jinghuo City upside down. The hatred is so great that it is impossible to We live together.

The result was that the Earth Center Society, the Northern Bear Alliance, and the White Eagle Alliance all developed silently without any action.

In order to find out the situation, Chu Anqin secretly went to the headquarters of the Geocentric Society in Jinghuo City and arrested an important member of the Geocentric Society for questioning.

But the other party chose to commit suicide as soon as he caught him, without asking anything.

After catching several core fifth-level superpowers one after another and encountering the same situation, he had no choice but to leave.

"It's a pity that Yamaguchi and Momoe can't be found."

Chu Anqin didn't look good. He searched the headquarters of the Geocentric Society but couldn't find Yamaguchi and Momoe, the strongest members of the Geocentric Society.

Not long after he left, two figures flew out from the ground of the Geocentric Society headquarters, it was Yamaguchi and Momoe.

Both of them exuded the aura of death and their eyes were cold.

"Yamaguchi, when will you evolve to the sixth level? That kid has already been killed at home!" Momoe asked in a deep voice.

Yamaguchi remained silent, just staring in the direction where Chu Anqin disappeared, with black energy surging around his body.

"The guild leader said that it only takes half a month for me to evolve to the sixth level. When the time comes, hum."

"Is that kid so powerful that he has to evolve to the sixth level?" Momoe asked.

"Do you dare to believe what the president said?" Yamaguchi's eyes were filled with coldness, and he looked at Momoe coldly.

Baihui shuddered and quickly looked away.

In order to evolve to the sixth level, Yamaguchi has become more and more cruel and unkind, and his attitude toward her seems to have become cold recently.

Moreover, is this body of deathly energy approaching the guild leader?

Momoe frowned and said, "Okay, let's wait for Mr. Yamaguchi's good news!"

After saying that, he flew away in one direction.

She was full of death energy, and if she stayed there for a moment longer, she felt that she would be more likely to be infiltrated by death energy.

Yamaguchi looked at Momoe who had escaped, expressionless, and landed at the Geocentric Society headquarters below.

After Chu Anqin left the Geocentric Society headquarters in Jinghuo City, he returned to Jiangcheng, visited Xiaoya, and then went to Suhai City to briefly explain the matter to Jiang Cai.

Today, Jiangcheng and Suhai City are basically integrated, and are the only two survival bases of the Jianghai Alliance.

After that, he went to the wilderness area and collected the flesh, blood, and sperm cores that the four peak fourth-level aliens, Gorilla, Wolf King, Da Bai, and Xiao Jin, had recently hunted.

As usual, he asked if any sixth-order alien species had been found.

"Still not?"

Chu Anqin frowned slightly. After all, several exotic pets were only at the fourth level, and some could not keep up with his evolution speed. Although he had a large number of high-level essence cores, he did not dare to let the pets evolve. Without advanced control chips, he could not keep up with his evolution speed. Very helpless.

As time goes by, the number of alien species in the wilderness area is increasing, and high-level alien species are also increasing.

Fortunately, he has trained the four major exotic pets to the peak of the fourth level. They work in groups of two and two. Be careful and your own safety is not a big problem.

The gorilla and the Wolf King team up, with Dabai and Xiaojin assisting in the sky. Even if they encounter a fifth-level monster, they can escape.


Chu An and Qin Yi flew into the sky and returned to the sea area.

After taking away the flesh and sperm cores hunted by the megalodon and the giant octopus, no trace of the sixth-order alien species was found among the two sea pets.

"Alas, the speed of alien evolution is not fast enough."

He sighed and entered the central villa on the island.

"So far, except for Nanga and Bartlan who were mysteriously resurrected at the beginning, they have a sixth level of life strength. Neither humans nor alien species have appeared at the sixth level."

Three days later, in a certain area of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, a huge island suddenly surfaced.

A strange black fog shrouded the giant island, with lightning and thunder in the black fog, making it difficult to see what was going on inside.

In the sea area around the giant island, thousands of alien sea beasts gather together, with different levels of evolution. There are terrifying fifth-level sea beasts, as well as fourth-level and third-level sea beasts.

These sea beasts were all anxiously circling the giant island, seemingly looking for an entrance into the giant island, but they were afraid of the lightning and black fog.

Suddenly, a sea beast that had just entered the fifth level neighed, found a gap in the black fog, swayed its tail fin, and was about to swim in.


The moment this fifth-level sea beast entered the black mist, a roar came out, followed by the sound of rolling waves, which soon became quiet.

But at the gap, bright red waves rolled out, with debris mixed in from time to time.

If you look closely, you will see that the remains are the body fragments of the fifth-order sea beast that just swam into the black mist.

Thousands of sea beasts swam to the gap around the smell of blood, greedily devouring the flesh and blood in the seawater.

Some clever sea beasts found the gap and tried to rush in first.


However, as more and more sea beasts rushed into the gap, the blood on the sea became brighter and redr, and countless body parts floated out from the gap with the sea water.

Finally, a fifth-level peak sea beast swam to the gap in the giant island in search of the smell of blood. After devouring dozens of low-level sea beasts blocking the way, it swam directly into the gap in the black mist.



This time, not only the roar of the beast came from the black mist, but also the howl of the sea beast.

After a long time, everything returned to calm.

There was no blood, and no fragments of the sea beast's limbs flowed out.

I don’t know whether the fifth-level peak sea beast died in the black mist or succeeded in entering the black mist.

On the third day when the Black Mist Lightning Island appeared, two fifth-level superpowers from the Northern Bear Alliance passed by this sea area.

One is a beginner at level 5, and the other is an ordinary person at level 5.

"What is that? It's lightning and black mist?"

"Is it an ancient ruin that has not been discovered?"

"Let's go down and take a look!"

The two dived down.




On the fifth day when the Black Mist Lightning Island appeared, two fifth-level superpowers from the White Eagle Alliance passed by.

One is a fifth-level ordinary person, and the other is a fifth-level peak person.

The two of them were equally curious and prepared to land on the island to investigate.


"Ah! What kind of alien species is this!"


The fifth-level ordinary superpower resisted several times and refused to die.

The fifth-level peak superpower user was running around the edge of the giant island.

"Hey, this is it!!"

On the sixth and seventh days after the Black Mist Lightning Island appeared, many high-level power users discovered the Black Mist Lightning Island.

On the ninth day, the news about the Black Mist Lightning Island was leaked, and the whole world was surprised and curious about what was on the island.

What is even more shocking is that a fifth-level peak superpower user from the White Eagle Alliance came forward and said that Kirishima was extremely dangerous and had sixth-level alien species.

And he escaped from the mouth of a sixth-level mutant and luckily picked up a sixth-level sperm core.

This news is at best surprising about the mystery of Black Mist Lightning Island.

However, the news that followed shocked mankind around the world.

Jestan, the fifth-level peak superpower user who escaped from the Black Mist Lightning Island, successfully evolved to the sixth level with the help of a sixth-level essence core.

The world's first level six superpower!

Subsequently, the headquarters of the Sakura Country Geocentric Society announced.

"If there is a high-level essence core to assist the evolution method, the time for practicing evolution can be greatly shortened!"

Like a depth bomb, it drove all the superpowers who were trapped at the peak of the fifth level and practiced the 'Geocentric Evolution Method' into madness.

White Eagle Alliance, Northern Bear Alliance, Xinhanxia Alliance, Sakura Kingdom Geocentric Association, groups of high-level superpowers flew to the Black Mist Lightning Island, hoping to compete for the sixth-level essence core.

As hundreds of fifth-level superpowers plunged into the Black Mist Lightning Island, more and more information about the giant island came out.

"The fifth-level alien species are only at the bottom of the island. Only the sixth-level alien species have a place!"

"The closer you get to the center of the island, the higher the level of evolution of the alien species!"

"The seventh-level alien species appears!"

At the same time, in just ten days, after Jestan evolved to the sixth level, several fifth-level peak power users who practiced the 'Earth Center Evolution Method' obtained the sixth-level essence core and successfully evolved to the sixth level. .

Chu Anqin's expression changed as he listened to Jiang Cai's description of the situation on the satellite phone.

"Black Mist Lightning Island, sixth-level alien species, sixth-level essence core, sixth-level superpower user, seventh-level alien species!"

One message after another came from the satellite phone, which made his nerves jump.

"Old Chu, where are you? Can you come back now?" Jiang Cai asked anxiously.

Half a month has passed since the Black Mist Lightning Island appeared, but the Jianghai Alliance has not sent anyone to the giant island yet, and Chu Anqin's satellite phone has not been connected. Jiang Cai is anxious.

The reason why the satellite phone is blocked is because Chu Anqin goes deep into the sea area, and the signal may not be able to be covered.

Today, he happened to come near a coastline and received a satellite phone call.

"Be right back!" Chu Anqin hung up the satellite phone, put away the big turtle, took out the [Mysterious Golden Fighter], and flew back to Jiangcheng at high speed.

Sixth-level alien species appear in Black Mist Lightning Island!

This matter involves a lot, related to his evolution and panel production projects, so you must go and see it.

Jiangcheng, military control base.

"Lao Chu, you are finally back!"

Chu Anqin nodded and said, "Tell me more about the situation on Black Mist Lightning Island."

"Let's go. Let's go straight away. I'll tell you on the way!"

Jiang Cai, Nie Yuan, Jicheng, and Yang Lisheng stood in front of him, looking anxious.

"You all want to go?" Chu Anqin asked.

According to what Jiang Cai just said, fifth-level alien species are rampant on Lightning Island, and there are quite a few sixth-level alien species.

Jiang Cai and Nie Yuan have evolved to the fifth level peak, and are qualified and necessary to explore Lightning Island, but Ji Cheng and Yang Lisheng have only evolved to the fifth level, and if they go there, they will die.

When there are too many people, even he can't guarantee safety.

Ji Cheng and Yang Lisheng nodded with determination in their eyes.

There is no way, the Jianghai Alliance does not practice the evolution method, and there are not many fifth-level superpowers.

The two major survival bases of Suhai City and Jiangcheng need to be defended by fifth-level superpowers, and they cannot take away too much top combat power.

"No, it's dangerous with too many people!" Chu Anqin said with a serious face: "Lao Jiang, follow me, Commander Nie, Commander Ji, and Commander Yang. You stay in Jiangcheng and Suhai City!"

Nie Yuan wanted to say something else, but after seeing Chu Anqin's unquestionable expression, he nodded helplessly.

When Ji Cheng and Yang Lisheng saw Nie Yuan's agreement, they naturally did not dare to say anything more.

"Lao Jiang, let's go!"

Chu Anqin took Jiang Cai on the [Mysterious Golden Fighter] and sped towards the Black Mist Lightning Island.

Sakura Country, the headquarters of the Earth Center Society.

"Thank you, Master!"

Yamaguchi knelt on the ground, exuding deathly energy.

"Get up." The voice of Yuanyuan Shanping Machinery sounded, "You are now a sixth-level peak superpower user. You can reach seventh level by using the 'Blood Burning' superpower. Go to the Black Mist Lightning Island and have a look. No one is allowed to People are close to the center of the island!”


Black fog over Lightning Island.

"Old Chu, what kind of fighter plane is this? It's too fast. It can't even reach supersonic speed."

Jiang Cai, the fifth-level peak person, sat in the [Mysterious Golden Fighter] and asked in surprise.

"Well, it's a little faster than the speed of sound."

Chu Anqin and Jiang Cai stepped out of the fighter plane, suspended in mid-air, and looked down at the black mist Lightning Island below.

"Lao Jiang, tell me more about the exploration status of various countries."

The two of them did not rush for a moment, but observed the situation on Lightning Island.

Jiang Cai circled around the [Mysterious Golden Fighter], put away the envy on his face, and said seriously:

"Currently, no less than a hundred people with fifth-level abilities from the White Eagle Alliance, the Northern Bear Alliance, the Xinhanxia Alliance, and the Earth Center Association have entered the island. There have been heavy casualties, but five people have obtained sixth-level essence cores and Successfully evolved to level six!"

Chu Anqin raised his brows and asked, "So, there are already five sixth-level superpowers in the world?"

"No, six!"

"The first Jestan, the discoverer of Lightning Island, evolved to the sixth level half a month ago!"

"Old Chu, did you know that our Commander-in-Chief Ye is one of the six sixth-level superpowers?"

"Oh." Chu Anqin responded lightly.

He doesn't care who evolves to the sixth level. What he cares about is, is the sixth level sperm core really that easy to obtain?

"How did they hunt down the sixth-level alien species?" Chu Anqin asked his doubts.

There is a huge gap between the fifth level and the sixth level. How can these people kill the sixth level alien species when they are at the peak of the fifth level?

"Haha, Jestan's sixth-level sperm core was picked up by luck. The other five people, I heard, were the sixth-level alien species that Jestan, the sixth-level superpower, led the team to kill."

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