Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 271 The terrifying devouring beast! The disaster begins!

Practice the geocentric evolution method, evolve to the fifth and sixth levels, then explore the Black Mist Lightning Island, and finally be sucked away by the black vortex in the center of the island.

Repeatedly, the number of superpowers in various countries disappeared and decreased inexplicably.

It was not until a year later that various countries gradually realized that they could not get close to the center of the island, and the momentum finally slowed down.

Afterwards, the superpowers sent by various countries only hunted the alien species on the Black Mist Lightning Island and no longer went near the center of the island.

What is surprising is that the high-level alien species on the Black Mist Lightning Island seem to be endlessly hunted, and their numbers remain online.

In this way, this island once became a holy place for the evolution of superpowers from all over the world.

However, in the fifth year after the Black Mist Lightning Island appeared, the vision reappeared.

There was lightning and thunder on the island, and the black mist that enveloped the surroundings surged. The alien species went berserk and attacked all living creatures indiscriminately.

Superhumans around the world had to withdraw from Lightning Island.

But the day after the vision occurred, the black fog and lightning island that plunged the world into madness disappeared out of thin air.

Just like when it suddenly appeared, it caught people off guard.

Sakura Country, Jinghuo City, under the cliff of Sakura Volcano.

"Lord Kokoro, we have captured a total of twelve thousand people." Yuanyuan Shanping, who was full of lifeless energy, knelt on the ground and faced the darkness.

"Twelve thousand people," a deep voice came from the darkness, "should be enough, they are doing well."

A figure in black robe slowly walked out, placed a hand on Tongyuan Shanping's head, and poured a trace of black energy into his body.

Yuanyuan Shanping's life strength increased rapidly. He entered the seventh level at the beginning, the seventh level was ordinary, the seventh level peak, and the eighth level.

"Your next task is to guard this place and not let anyone get close."

"Yes, sir!"


Chu Anqin walked out of the [Psychic Training Cabin].

"Huh, I finally trained my telekinesis to the seventh level intermediate level."

"In five years, from the seventh level to the intermediate level, the mental power is improved and the mind training becomes more and more difficult."

"However, with my current methods, it is not difficult to kill the seventh-level peak mutant. Even the eighth-level and eighth-level aliens are hard to say."

At the eighth level, the concept is vague and difficult to predict.

"Go out and get some air!"

Chu Anqin walked out of the room and came to the city.

After years of development, Jiangcheng has rebuilt high-rise buildings and various facilities and equipment.

Because the number of people with superpowers continues to increase, the productivity brought about by extraordinary power is very terrifying.

Building a building can be completed in a few months.

At the same time, various new weapons, armors, and fighter jets are constantly being developed.

Most of them are developed based on the excavation of many ancient ruins, and a few high-quality weapons and armors are based on the [Black Dragon Set].

He walked slowly on the busy street, looking at the bustling crowd, feeling peaceful and relaxed.

In the city, there was finally a scene before the end.

However, outside the steel city wall, there is still a world of alien species.

Didi didi!

Several armored vehicles came speeding across the middle of the road.

"It's the patrol!" Passers-by cast a look of surprise and envy.

"I heard that to join the patrol, one must be at least a third-level superpower."

"Yes, last year it was only level two, and this year it will be level three."

"By joining the patrol, you can go out of the city to hunt alien species, gain military merit, and exchange for sperm cores, genetic potions, and weapons and equipment."

"Work hard! Come on!"


The Jianghai Alliance has formulated a detailed merit system to give everyone hope of evolution.

Before joining the patrol team, you can obtain contribution points by participating in construction, planting production, scientific research, etc., and exchange them for sperm cores to evolve.

Contribution value is a common currency for ordinary people. It replaces the original gold and can be used to purchase most daily necessities, low-level essence cores, genetic medicines, etc.

After that, you can go to the battlefield and fight with alien species in the wilderness area and sea area to gain military exploits.

Several armored vehicles suddenly stopped on the roadside, and ten soldiers wearing black and gold armor got out.

"Look, they're wearing..."

"Black gold armor!"

"Yes, it's the black gold armor. It belongs to the same series as the Chu War God's armor."

"I heard that only fourth-level superpowers can exchange black gold armor with military merit, and the required military merit is astronomical."

Passers-by on the street were all attracted by the ten black gold warriors who got off the armored vehicle.

Marvel, envy.

"Hey, look, they are saluting the young people over there."

"Holy crap, who is that guy? He can actually make a fourth-level black gold warrior salute?"

"So familiar, seems like I've seen it before somewhere"


Chu Anqin waved his hands helplessly, returned the salute, flew into the sky, and left the place.

The ten black gold warriors waited until Chu Anqin completely disappeared from the horizon before returning to the armored vehicle and driving away.

After the armored vehicle left, the onlookers talked a lot.

"Can fly, that young man can fly, a fifth-level superpower!"

"A fifth-level superpower, no wonder the patrol team saluted him."

"No, don't you think that face is familiar?"

"It's quite familiar."

"It's very similar to Chu War God."

Everyone suddenly fell silent.

"No, it's Chu War God!"

Everyone suddenly realized something.

"Wow, I actually saw Chu War God with my own eyes!"

"Chu War God is so young!"


Everyone was even more surprised.

There are many reasons why these people failed to recognize Chu Anqin.

First of all, when Chu Anqin was exposed to the public, he mostly wore combat armor and rarely showed his face.

Even the statue erected in the center of the city shows him wearing [Destroying Armor].

In addition, in recent years, he has spent a lot of time delving into his own affairs and has fewer opportunities to come forward.

Moreover, in the past two years, Jiangcheng has absorbed and merged several cities that were originally similar to Jiangcheng, such as nearby Yancheng. Many foreign residents have never met Chu Anqin himself.

Chu Anqin flew to the steel city wall of Jiangcheng and spotted Yang Lisheng who was on patrol at a glance.

"Chu God of War!"

Yang Lisheng, who was at the peak of the fifth level, and more than twenty warriors with powers immediately saluted.

"Well, you go on, I'm just here to take a look."

Chu Anqin smiled slightly, flew out of the steel city wall, and galloped towards the wilderness area.

After a while, he came to a forest.

"Xiao Qingzi, how are you? How many rats have you conquered this time?"

"Chi Chi Chi"

Xiao Qingzi gestured with his limbs.

"Five rat packs. Not bad."

Chu Anqin looked at the hundreds of mutated mice behind Xiao Qingzi and felt very good.

Although the number was small, these mutated rats were at least fourth-level mutants, and the leading ones were even fifth-level mutants.

Xiao Qingzi is now the sixth-level peak rat king, so the rats he conquers must not be too weak.

The fourth level is just the entry level, and the fifth level is barely eye-catching.

He put all the hundreds of mutated rats into the spiritual space and muttered:

"In the spiritual breath space, in addition to Xiao Qingzi, there are ten sixth-level rat kings, five thousand fifth-level mutant rats, and more than 20,000 fourth-level mutant rats."

"Haha not bad."

"The spiritual space is not big enough. Otherwise, let Xiao Qingzi catch those third-level mutated rats, a whole group of one hundred thousand or one million rats."

After several years of evolution of the alien species in the wilderness area, the number of high-level alien species is also very large.

Fourth-level and lower alien species are just prey, and fifth-level alien species can dominate the territory.

There are many sixth-level alien species that were originally impossible to find in secret.

However, for Chu Anqin, instead of spending a lot of time patrolling the wilderness area to hunt for sixth-level alien species, it would be better to train his telekinesis.

The task of hunting alien species and obtaining sperm cores was naturally left to the gorilla, Wolf King, Da Bai, Xiao Jin, and Xiao Qingzi.

The five major alien species are all sixth-level peak beings, and they are the top beings in the wilderness area.

In the sea area, there are also two sixth-order peak sea beasts, the megalodon and the giant octopus, hunting for alien flesh and sperm cores.

Chu Anqin waited in the forest for a while, and the four alien pets sent a large amount of alien flesh and sperm cores one after another.

After collecting all the flesh, blood, and sperm cores, he flew to the sea area and collected the flesh, flesh, and sperm cores that the megalodon and giant octopus had recently hunted.

Train your mind power, make items, collect flesh and blood essence cores, and explore

This is the main thing for Chu Anqin.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction.

However, there was always a huge stone weighing on Chu Anqin's heart, and the sense of crisis became stronger as time went by.

In recent years, many ancient ruins have been discovered in various countries.

The Silver Blue Empire Civilization, Guma Civilization, etc. prove that there once existed a powerful civilization on Blue Star.

Whether it is the level of technological advancement or extraordinary power, it is far beyond the level of today's humans.

However, these civilizations have all disappeared in the long river of history, and there is no relevant information before the end of the world.

Chu Anqin felt that there must be an unknown reason, and Blue Star might be experiencing the disappearance of a new generation of civilization.

There is no other reason. The rapid breeding and evolution of alien species cannot be compared to the number of humans huddled in the survival base.

According to current trends, within ten or twenty years, the defensive pressure on major survival bases will increase dramatically.

Although he has the strength to kill seventh-level alien species, he can only protect Jiangcheng and Suhai City, but cannot control the whole world.

However, in thirty, even fifty, or one hundred years, the situation in Jiangcheng and Suhai City will not be optimistic.

This is just the threat posed by the alien species. Chu Anqin feels that it is still within the tolerance range for the time being.

Apart from the alien species, what really worries him is the invisible hand behind Madara and Bartland who were inexplicably resurrected.

Yamaguchi, who was killed by him on Black Mist Lightning Island, was also controlled by that invisible big hand.

The giant metal door in the center of the disappeared Black Mist Lightning Island and the hexagonal prism hidden under the Sakura Volcano all indicate that there is a more powerful force or civilization on the Blue Star.

Moreover, it is probably related to the disappearance of the highly developed civilizations in the history of Blue Star, the Silver-Blue Empire Civilization and the Ancient Ma Civilization.

Chu Anqin flew all the way to the sea area and called out the big turtle.

Inside the villa in the center of the island.

He brought up the panel and looked at the temporary items unlocked after evolving to the sixth level peak:

[Special grade gene unlocking agent: used to break through the seventh level and unlock genetic restrictions. Materials required: 10 A-level energy crystals + 10 units of special grade spiritual liquid + 2 seventh-level essence cores]

"Three materials, except for the seventh-level essence core, I have accumulated some in advance, but there is nothing you can do about the first two.

A-level energy crystals obviously need to continue to unlock a new page, which can produce [medium-sized space-devouring space] lacking the sand of space.

The special spirit liquid has no direction.

[Spiritual Extract Extractor] Although it can extract spiritual essence and spiritual liquid, it is useless if you can't find the special spiritual fruit. "

In order to obtain the special spiritual liquid, Chu Anqin traveled all over the world and entered and exited various dangerous places.

He searched for the sand of space, the special spiritual liquid, and the special spiritual fruit, but found nothing.

It can’t be said that he found nothing. In the process of searching for special-grade spiritual fruits, he found no less than twenty kinds of primary spiritual fruits, ten kinds of intermediate spiritual fruits, and three kinds of advanced spiritual fruits.

More than twenty kinds of primary spiritual fruits and ten kinds of intermediate spiritual fruits were transplanted to the ‘island’ of the sea turtle. The three kinds of advanced spiritual fruits can only be cultivated in the spiritual space due to the special growth environment.

This number seems quite a lot, but you have to know that Chu Anqin spent several years searching around the world to find more than thirty kinds of spiritual fruits.

There are only four kinds of advanced spiritual fruits, including the red vermilion fruit.

It is conceivable that it is very difficult to find special-grade spiritual fruits.

Chu Anqin walked out of the villa, looked at the various spiritual fruits planted around the villa, picked a green fruit and put it in his mouth.

He named this fruit ‘Qingtian Fruit’, which is green in color and slightly sweet. It is an intermediate spiritual fruit.

“Alas, I can only keep looking.”

If you want to evolve and break through to the seventh level, you must not give up the search for special-grade spiritual fruits and special-grade spiritual liquid.

On the Arctic glacier of Blue Star, there is a creature with long snow-white hair all over its body. It has four long fangs with two snow-white long noses in the middle, and the whole thing looks like an ancient ice elephant with two noses.

The snow-white creature opened its bloody mouth and swallowed the corpse of the sixth-level alien species in one bite, and its life strength increased rapidly.

Then it continued to hunt high-level alien species.

After that, this snow-white creature didn't know how many alien species it swallowed, and it actually evolved to the peak life strength of the seventh level.

In the desert near Hengjia Country of Blue Star, the same scene happened. A golden creature evolved to the peak life strength of the seventh level after swallowing a large number of high-level alien species.

Half a month later, in an ancient forest on an island in the sea of ​​Blue Star, a dark green creature evolved to the peak life strength of the seventh level.

Near the equator of Blue Star, a fiery red creature evolved to the peak of the seventh level.

In the territory of the Black and Red Country of Blue Star, a brownish-brown creature evolved to the peak of the seventh level.

When the brown alien species evolved to the peak of the seventh level, the other four alien species seemed to have sensed it and then fell into a deep sleep.

The place where the five creatures were sleeping was exactly where the black-robed man activated the five-color square monument, and the five-color beams captured something and finally fell.

In a dark and chaotic space, a pair of eyes slowly opened their eyes.

"Has the five-sided star beast grown to its infancy?"

Then, there was a long silence.

I don't know how long it has been, a black-robed man entered the dark and chaotic space, and then turned into fragments and merged into the darkness.

"Twelve thousand people, five years, only one hundred people evolved to the eighth level.

This generation of Blue Star civilization is really weak.

Let's put the rest back."

After a few groans, the black-robed man condensed from the darkness again.

A huge black vortex suddenly appeared above the disappeared Black Fog Lightning Island on Blue Star.

The sea below was turbulent, and all the nearby sea beasts fled in a hurry as if they were frightened.

The black vortex covered the sky and the sun, causing a terrifying pressure as soon as it appeared.

A figure walked out of the black vortex, looked around, and his face changed from being confused at the beginning to being surprised.

Then, this person soared into the sky and flew in one direction at a high speed.

A moment later, several more figures walked out of the black vortex, with expressions similar to the first person.

After that, figures continued to walk out of the black vortex, and each of them left in a different direction.

About half a day later, more than a hundred figures walked out of the vortex at once.

"Commander-in-Chief Peng, where are we?"

Xu Huojun followed Peng Hanhong in a daze, looking at everything around him that was familiar and unfamiliar.

Peng Hanhong frowned and looked around at the sea area.

"Here. It's the sea area!"

Thank you 2023874 for the monthly ticket! !

Thank you Shen Zhu for the monthly ticket! !

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