Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 35 Unlocking temporary production items

"Brother Wang, your fighting ability is stronger than mine now."

Chu Anqin said enviously as he decomposed the sparrow's mutated corpse.

This sparrow is not very big. Even its wings are more than two meters long when spread out, which takes up a lot of space. He can't take it away without taking it apart.

Wang Dongfu squatted aside to help, and the paleness on his face recovered a lot.

"Brother Chu, don't be ridiculous. Without your help, Xiaoya and I wouldn't have known where we would have died, let alone awakened our powers."

Wang Dongfu was originally an overly honest person, and even though he had now awakened the powerful power of controlling electricity, he did not get carried away.

Moreover, he knew that his powers required electrical equipment, which were provided by Chu An Qinti, and he never forgot how to repay the other party.

Chu Anqin pulled out the feathers on the sparrow's wings and tail and packed them together individually. These feathers were extremely sharp and could not be packed in ordinary bags.

He cut off both wings and stuffed the sparrow's body into the bag together, and then disposed of the alien body.

"Brother Wang, don't say that. I still remember the bowl of cowhide belt soup that you and Xiaoya gave me when there was no food."

When Wang Dongfu heard this, his face suddenly turned green because he remembered that Chu Anqin not only did not drink the bowl of cowhide belt soup, but also gave him and Xiaoya biscuits.

It was from that time on that he and Chu Anqin formed a good relationship.

"Brother Chu, this tabby cat is a heterogeneous species."

The two walked to the abandoned car. The horrific explosion had blown the car to pieces, and the wreckage was burned, melted or charred black by the fire.

Among them, the body of the tabby cat mutant was also burnt black, its fur turned into ashes, and its flesh and blood turned into cooked meat. Even though the smell was still so fishy and unpleasant, it made people lose their appetite.

Chu Anqin poked at the body of the tabby cat with a spear, feeling heartbroken. Such a tabby cat was comparable to the flesh and blood of more than a dozen mice. It was burned into dregs in vain. It was really a waste.

After some fiddling, he picked out a round bead from the wreckage, which was the sperm core of the tabby cat.

This sperm core was larger than the ones he had obtained before, and was darker in color. It seemed to contain more advanced energy.

Just as Chu Anqin guessed, because the strength of the tabby cat exceeds that of ordinary first-order mutants, the quality of the condensed sperm core is also higher.

At this moment, the panel suddenly appeared in front of you:

[First-order peak essence core detected, temporary production items unlocked]

[Alloy spear, advanced version of metal spear, very powerful, production material: metal spear + 50 units of metal]

He was shocked and put away the panel with a calm expression. He did not expect that the system had temporary items.

The required materials are also very simple, a metal spear and 50 units of metal. This alloy spear is definitely better than the metal spear. He plans to make it after returning home.

Wang Dongfuchu watched from the side as Chu Anqin picked out a round bead, and he was filled with curiosity. However, he did not ask any questions, just like Chu Anqin was collecting metal materials. He did not ask too many questions to avoid causing trouble.

Chu Anqin carefully put away the sperm core and came to the corpse of the yellow and white dog that had died long ago.

This mutated dog corpse had long been torn apart by tabby cats. He just scratched and pulled it a few times, easily breaking it into pieces and putting them into a bag.

When Chu Anqin goes out now, he must carry three or four large snakeskin bags with him, which are used to store alien flesh and blood.

When Wang Dongfu saw Chu Anqin packing up the alien corpse and walking over with a complicated expression, he felt a little embarrassed and said:

"Brother Chu, I have something to tell you."

Chu Anqin was immersed in the joy of harvesting the flesh and blood of three alien species and a few sperm cores, and asked nonchalantly: "What's the matter?"

Wang Dongfu smiled, took out the F-class energy converter from his backpack, and whispered:

"I just used too much electricity, and the crystal energy above seems to have been used up!"

"What's running out?"

Chu Anqin glanced at the converter, and this glance directly made the muscles on his face twitch.

The F-class energy crystal on the converter groove was directly broken into debris, and no current flowed out of the energy outlet. It was obvious that the fierce battle just consumed one F-class energy crystal.

Chu An and Qin's flesh ached. No wonder Wang Dongfu was able to explode with such tyrannical combat power, with invincible defense, sharp attack and paralysis, all at the cost of quickly draining an F-level energy crystal.

This battle had only lasted less than half an hour. If the time had been delayed any longer, all three crystals would have been reduced to rubble on the spot.

Sure enough, there are gains and losses.

Although Wang Dongfu's ability to control current has increased, his consumption of crystals has also increased.

Fortunately, the three mutant corpses just harvested are enough to make fifty or sixty F-class energy crystals, so consuming one is not a worry.

He took out three more F-class energy crystals from his schoolbag and handed them to Wang Dongfu.

"Brother Wang, feel free to use your powers to defeat monsters. Leave the energy crystals to me."

Wang Dongfu's eyes were bright. He was just worried about consuming one crystal so quickly. He was thinking about saving the remaining two crystals. Unexpectedly, Chu Anqin took out three more crystals for him.

"Okay, with Brother Chu's words, I feel relieved."

Although Chu Anqin needs F-level energy crystals, Wang Dongfu can better utilize the power of the crystals.

The two of them cleaned up the battlefield. This small commercial street had been completely changed beyond recognition due to the battle just now and was completely reduced to ruins.

Just when they were about to leave and continue searching for alien species, Chu Anqin saw several figures in the distance, including two familiar figures.

"Hey, it seems that over there are Coach Wang Dazhuang and Teacher Huang who came to exchange food in the morning."

Wang Dongfu also saw several people walking down a building in the community.

Chu Anqin looked closely and saw that in addition to Wang Dazhuang and Teacher Huang, there were three people he had never seen before.

"Could they be other survivors in the community?"

The two of them walked towards Wang Dazhuang and the others without saying much.

"Coach Wang, Teacher Huang, what are you doing?" Chu Anqin shouted from a distance.

"Is it Boss Chu, are you fighting monsters?"

When Wang Dazhuang saw Chu Anqin, he immediately ran over excitedly.

The sound of the fighting that just broke out on the street was so loud that it could be heard not only in the entire community, but at least in the nearby rows of buildings.

Wang Dazhuang and Teacher Huang happened to be collecting supplies nearby.

The huge fighting noise and the sparrow's terrifying sky overlord figure scared the two of them into panic and hid in a building. When they came out, there were three more people.

"Who are they?" Chu Anqin glanced around. The three people looked haggard and thin, as if they hadn't eaten for a long time.

Compared with Wang Dazhuang and Teacher Huang, these three people are real refugees from the hungry people.

"They are the survivors of this building. They have been hiding and haven't come out. Coach Wang and I just accidentally broke into their house."

"Oh, then you can handle it yourself."

Chu Anqin lost interest and prepared to take Wang Dongfu to continue to sweep away the alien species in the community.

"Brother Chu, wait a moment, I have something to discuss with you." Teacher Huang suddenly stopped Chu Anqin.

"What are you talking about?"

Chu Anqin had a good impression of Teacher Huang. Since he had something to discuss with him, he would just listen.

"Tell me over there." Teacher Huang pointed to a camphor tree not far away and said.


Chu Anqin nodded. It seemed that Teacher Huang wanted to talk to him alone.

The two of them walked to the camphor tree under Wang Dazhuang's curious eyes. Teacher Huang stared at Chu Anqin, organized his language, and said:

"Brother Chu, the three of them haven't eaten for several days."

"Oh, Teacher Huang, if you have extra food, you can give me some."

When the apocalypse breaks out, many people will have nothing to eat, and many will starve to death.

Chu Anqin didn't want to take care of it, but he couldn't, let alone control it.

In the new book issue, everyone’s follow-up reading, recommendation votes, and collection are very important. Thank you for your little hands that make a fortune.

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