Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 42 Conspiracy (Please read, recommend, and collect)

Chu Anqin's mind was as fast as lightning. It was not impossible to take over the trade and transportation center. The premise was that he could find enough gunpowder and make a large number of armor-piercing bullets. Direct fire suppression might work.

The armor-piercing bullets fired by the rapid-fire pistol were amazingly powerful. Even the peak alien species of the first level, such as the cat, could only die in regret. If the number was sufficient, it could even threaten the second-level alien species.

Of course, armor-piercing bullets alone were not enough. The rapid-fire pistol itself needed to be strengthened by the mechanical platform.

The rapid-fire pistol has been strengthened seven times. According to the detailed instructions on the panel, if it can be strengthened to fifteen times, the weapon will be greatly upgraded.

Unfortunately, more and more materials are needed for strengthening, and the eighth strengthening no longer requires more than the original production materials.

The rapid-fire pistol requires an additional unit of pure gold, while the alloy spear and prying tool require an additional unit of pure gold + 1 unit of pure silver.

He had received some gold and silver jewelry from the members of the "Venom Fang" before, but these jewelry could only provide six or seven units of pure gold and pure silver.

Since the [Black Dragon Suit] also requires 100 units of pure gold, and the power of the weapon is sufficient for the time being, he has never been willing to use it.

Chu Anqin stared at Fu Yan calmly. Since he is the general manager and the boss of the "Black Glue Club", he must know more than himself, and he may have information about gunpowder.

Fu Yan's face flashed with surprise, and then he looked at Chu Anqin with a smile, and said with a smile:

"Haha, what does Mr. Chu need gunpowder for?"

His eyes drifted, and finally stopped at Chu Anqin's waist, where a rapid-fire pistol was pinned.

Fu Yan touched his shiny big back hair, and disdain flashed in his heart again.

As a superpower, or a superpower who awakened special abilities, weapons such as pistols are no longer in his eyes, unless it is the special gun of Venom Fang.

In Fu Yan's eyes, Chu Anqin's rapid-fire pistol looks like an ordinary pistol, and it doesn't look like it can threaten him.

Chu Anqin naturally couldn't tell Fu Yan the power of the rapid-fire pistol, especially the terrifying penetration after being strengthened many times.

He returned a cold look and said in a deep voice: "Forget it if there is none, Brother Wang, let's go!"

"Gunpowder is officially controlled, Mr. Chu, forget it."

Fu Yan adjusted his suit, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"There are many fireworks and firecrackers in the logistics department of the Black Glue Group headquarters. The company uses them to celebrate special holidays. Mr. Chu can go and have a look."

Chu Anqin was delighted, and then looked at Fu Yan meaningfully. It was so easy to tell him?

He didn't know much about Fu Yan, but through this short contact, Chu Anqin could be sure of one thing.

Fu Yan is a businessman who will not get up early without profit!

He is also the kind of exploitative businessman who has been doing business for many years!

Fu Yan obviously realized that he did not leave a good impression on Chu Anqin. He laughed dryly and continued:

"Mr. Chu, don't get me wrong, Black Glue Group was originally my company, but it was occupied by Poison Fang a few days ago."

Poison Fang occupied Black Glue Group?

This is probably the real reason for the hatred between the 'Black Glue Club' and the 'Poison Fang'.

Chu Anqin frowned and said in a cold voice: "General Manager Fu has a good trick to drive away the wolf and swallow the tiger. Since it is occupied by the fangs, I don't want that thing!"

He knew what Fu Yan was up to with his toes. It was nothing more than letting him fight with the fangs. It would be best if both sides were defeated, so that Fu Yan could regain the lost ground.

Even if the trick was exposed, Fu Yan would not blush or be heartbeat.

This is an open conspiracy. The Vinyl Group does have fireworks and firecrackers. It depends on whether Chu Anqin's demand is great.

He shot a barely perceptible look from the depths of his eyes, observing Chu Anqin's micro-expressions. This is a method he has practiced for many years as the general manager of the group to negotiate business.

Eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth, facial muscles, and even micro-movements on the body, any changes may be emotional fluctuations.

However, no matter how he observed Chu Anqin, he never got any useful information feedback.

'It seems that Mr. Chu does not have much demand for fireworks and firecrackers.'

Fu Yan sighed secretly. He originally thought that he could hit the fangs and then take back the group in the chaos.

"Mr. Chu, after Poison Fang occupied the Black Glue Club, he only left some of his men, and he went back to the Second Hospital to continue to be a watchdog." He still threw out some baits without giving up.

Chu Anqin sneered. If the remaining strength of Poison Fang was not strong, General Manager Fu would have killed him long ago. Why would he still play tricks on him?

If he guessed correctly, the Black Glue Group headquarters is now a trap, waiting for Fu Yan to come to the door, and Fu Yan is waiting to kill with a borrowed knife.

"Okay, General Manager Fu, I won't go to the Black Glue Group. As for the transportation center, I will consider it."

Chu Anqin replied unhappily and strode towards the door. Fu Yan's business style made him a little annoyed.

"By the way, I forgot to say one thing," Chu Anqin stopped when he walked to the door and said:

"This is my territory. I hope General Manager Fu can find a new place to stay. In addition, General Manager Fu had better manage his men and not conflict with my people."

After that, he didn't care about Fu Yan's expression and left without looking back.

After Chu Anqin left, Fu Yan's face was gloomy and he punched the boss's desk.

"Damn it!"

"Du Ya bullied me, and now two superpowers popped up out of nowhere!"

After Chu Anqin and Wang Dongfu came out of the building, Wang Dongfu had many doubts in his heart.

"Brother Chu, why do you say this is our territory and we haven't formed a force?"

Chu Anqin stepped over an abandoned car and said with a smile:

"Brother Wang, isn't this for future consideration? Besides, these people are hiding under our noses and have always been a scourge. Why don't we let them get out of here!"

Fu Yan is a very sophisticated person and he doesn't want to have too much contact with him.

As for saying that this area is his territory, it is mainly for the safety of Teacher Huang, Huang Hao and others searching for materials, so as to avoid conflicts with people from the "Vinyl Glue Club".

Wang Dongfu nodded subconsciously, although he didn't quite understand what Chu Anqin meant.

"Then should we also have a name, like 'Fang' or 'Vinyl Club'?"

Chu Anqin was slightly startled and felt that what Wang Dongfu said made sense.

He pondered: "Brother Wang, what name do you think is good?"

Wang Dongfu blushed and waved his hands quickly: "I can do water and electricity work, but I can't come up with names."

Chu Anqin was also confused for a while, not knowing what name was good.

"Sunshine Alliance?" Wang Dongfu tried to ask, thinking that the name of the community was 'Sunshine Community'.

"." Chu Anqin was silent.


Wang Dongfu scratched his head in embarrassment. He had only gone to school for a few years and was pretty good at recognizing words, but he was really not good at naming.

The two quickly crossed the eight-lane asphalt road and returned to the gate of the community.

"Brother Wang, don't worry about the names of the forces. Go back and ask Xiaoya. Before it gets dark, let's scan the neighborhood again to see if there are any alien species."

Chu Anqin knew that he and Wang Dongfu alone would not be able to come up with a good name, so he might as well let Xiaoya think about it.

"Oh, yes, Xiaoya's grades are very good. She must be able to think of a good name." Wang Dongfu said proudly.

"Really, that's good!"

Chu Anqin could feel Wang Dongfu's fatherly love and pride for Xiaoya.

The two of them walked around the community three or four times, and they actually encountered a dog alien species. Chu Anqin didn't do anything, but Wang Dongfu directly electrocuted the dog into a charred dog.

"No, Brother Wang, next time I'll be the one to kill these alien species. It's such a waste!"

Chu Anqin looked at the charred alien corpse on the ground and felt sad. More than a hundred units of alien flesh and blood were wasted.

Wang Dongfu put away the electricity, his eyes filled with excitement. The pleasure of controlling electricity to kill alien species instantly made him addicted.

However, he also knew that Chu Anqin needed these alien flesh and blood, and he could not delay his business just because he was happy.

Wang Dongfu explained calmly: "I didn't control it well. Next time I will paralyze the alien species first and then kill it with a spear."

Chu Anqin nodded, this is indeed a good idea.

He took out a snakeskin bag and put the charred corpse in it. Even if it was burnt, it could still contribute some flesh and blood.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat!

Besides, there is a sperm core inside!

"Brother Wang, let's go back."

In the new book issue, everyone’s follow-up reading, recommendation votes, and collection are very important. Thank you for your little hands that make a fortune.

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