Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 55 A wave of fat (please read and recommend)

Chu Anqin was so excited when he saw the corpses of alien species all over the ground.

The flesh and blood of alien species was the biggest gain of this war.

At this time, Wang Dongfu, who had been standing in the distance, slowly came over after the armored vehicle left.

He understood his position, and everything was based on Chu Anqin. In addition, due to his personality, he was unwilling to deal with Xiong Shi and others.

This was also what Chu Anqin admired about Wang Dongfu. He never asked irrelevant questions and never caused trouble.

"Brother Chu, do you want to collect these corpses?"

Wang Dongfu had followed Chu Anqin for a long time and knew that Chu Anqin valued the flesh and blood of alien species.

"Haha, collect, of course!"

Chu Anqin laughed. In front of Wang Dongfu, he didn't need to pretend to be a master.

As a result, there were two more busy figures in this area.

Chu Anqin wanted to make these alien flesh and blood into F-level energy crystals on the spot, and save the trouble of collecting.

However, it was not good to use the system in front of Wang Dongfu.

Secondly, even if he used the flesh and blood directly as materials to make F-level energy crystals, the remaining fur, bones, and teeth still had to be collected.

The two of them worked hard, and each snakeskin bag was filled with flesh and blood. Chu Anqin started the "guibu" and sent it back to his home and then came back to continue.

After dozens of trips back and forth, the rat corpses were finally collected.

Chu Anqin roughly estimated that this time the alien flesh and blood was enough for tens of thousands of units.

He had sweat on his forehead, but his mouth was full of smiles.

Tens of thousands of units of alien flesh and blood are one thousand F-level energy crystals and one hundred E-level energy crystals.

[Black Dragon Set] The 300 E-level energy crystals required for one-third were directly completed.


Chu Anqin looked at the flesh and blood piled up like a hill in the room and couldn't help laughing.

He roughly calculated that, plus the flesh and blood of various alien species hunted during this period, he has now collected about 120 E-level energy crystals.

However, after this battle, it was unlikely that he would be able to fleece the rats in the basement.

Even the Rat King was killed. Even if he didn't go to the basement to find the rats' nest, he knew that there must be only a few left there.

"Brother Wang, you've worked hard today. It's getting late. Go back and rest. Tell Xiaoya that we'll go to repair the reservoir tomorrow."

Wang Dongfu nodded. He had exhausted his physical strength several times today. If it weren't for the special wine that Chu Anqin gave him to quickly restore his body, he would have been unable to hold on.

"Brother Chu, rest early too."

Wang Dongfu consciously left the house to give Chu Anqin room to play freely.

After Wang Dongfu left, Chu Anqin directly turned on the high-load operation mode of the panel.

These flesh and blood cannot be kept for a long time. They will rot in a few days, and the strong smell of blood will easily attract alien species.

He is not afraid of the first-level alien species, but if there is another guy as strong as the Rat King, it will be more trouble than gain.




As the rat beast corpses rapidly decreased, one F-class energy crystal after another piled up in the room.

It was unknown how long it had been, when only fur and bones were left in the room, Chu Anqin stopped with a sense of unfulfilled desire.

He had never used the panel to make items so happily.


Chu Anqin's eyes flickered, and a corner of the room was already full of F-class energy crystals.

His consciousness moved and stopped at the [Make] option behind the E-class energy crystal.

More than a thousand F-class energy crystals were too eye-catching, and they took up space here, so it was better to make them into E-class energy crystals.

A [Make] command was issued, and the F-class energy crystals quickly decreased, and a hundred more advanced crystals appeared.

Of course, he did not make all of them into E-class energy crystals, leaving dozens of F-class crystals for power generation and other purposes.

After dealing with the alien flesh and blood, Chu Anqin began to sort out the remaining fur, bones, etc.

Especially the fur of the eight first-level peak alien species and the only rat king, no matter how tough or hard, they were all treasure-level materials.

He put these materials in different categories, thinking that it would be great if the items unlocked on the new page of the panel could use these fur materials.

When he finished sorting them all, it was already dark, and a feeling of fatigue came over him.

"Tired, tired."

Chu Anqin felt that he was too diligent, more diligent than when he worked to make money in his previous life.

"The key is to be conscious."

He looked at everything in the house and slowly locked the door.

After returning home, he washed his body and changed into clean clothes.

He came to the bathroom and scrubbed the clothes he had saved for three days.

Why did he save clothes for three days? It was not because Chu Anqin was lazy, but mainly to save water.

As for why he didn't use a washing machine when there was electricity, it was waste water.

"When the lake water is connected, we don't have to scrub clothes by hand anymore."

After simply dealing with trivial matters, Chu Anqin finally had some free time.

He came to the living room, threw himself on the sofa, and lay down for a few minutes, which was considered a reward for himself.

The sofa was still so fascinating. After lying down for a while, he felt that his spirit value was recovering rapidly and his mind was clearer.

"Huang Hao, Ma Feng and Fu Yan of the "Black Glue Club" said that there are two ways for the awakening of superpowers. In addition to passively infecting the virus to awaken, there is active infection of the virus.

But the method they said was to devour the flesh and blood of the alien species, and they did not clearly state the way to improve the strength in the later stage.

Xiong Shi and his companions were not very concerned about the flesh and blood of the rats, but were more concerned about the essence core.

This shows that flesh and blood are only the key to the evolution of the body for the psychic, and the improvement of strength in the later stage lies in the essence core of the alien species. "

Chu Anqin combined the people and things he had come into contact with and made a quick analysis.

At first, he thought that other psychics were improving their strength by constantly devouring the flesh and blood of alien species, but now it seems that this is not the case.

He himself improved his strength by constantly devouring the essence core, and so did other psychics.

Chu Anqin took out a bag, which contained a dozen essence cores harvested today.

"Has the official already mastered the method to cure the virus? "

His eyes flickered. Although he had figured out how other superpowers improved their strength, he still had many questions.

If the authorities mastered the method to cure the virus, the fate of mankind would soon change.

The era of universal evolution!

Of course, the premise is that the authorities are willing to make it public.

Chu Anqin curled his lips. Based on his experience in two lives, it is hard to say whether the authorities will make the secrets of evolution and the method of curing the virus public.

What does universal evolution mean?

If the authorities no longer have absolute power of force, can everything still be played under the rules customized by a few people?

But this is only an objective truth. There is still an explanation in reality. There is no connection.

Why do the authorities allow the existence of superpower organizations like "Venom Fangs", "Black Glue Club" and even Blood Hand?

In theory, in order to prevent the order from getting out of control, these superpowers with powerful powers should either disappear secretly or be incorporated.

Moreover, the officials now rarely appear in the city. If it weren't for the rat tide, he would have thought that the officials had given up Jiangcheng City.

In short, Chu Anqin became more and more conflicted the more he thought about it. The doubts behind him were like layers of dark clouds, making it difficult to see clearly.

He rested for more than ten minutes, and his stomach began to growl with hunger.

He got up and took some snacks to fill his stomach, and sat in front of the coffee table to watch Observing the spider plant.

Perhaps it was too short a time, although the spider plant was surrounded by the alien flesh compressed biscuits and high-energy rations, there was no obvious change.

Chu Anqin took out the "treatment antibiotic" from his schoolbag again, and his eyes were fixed on a dozen essence nuclei.

"One second-level essence nucleus, five first-level peak essence nuclei, and eight first-level ordinary essence nuclei."

He took out an ordinary essence nucleus and put it into his mouth.

According to habit, the good things are left for last. He plans to swallow eight first-level ordinary essence nuclei first, and then eat five first-level peak essence nuclei.

As for the second-level essence nucleus of the Rat King, he dare not swallow it for the time being.

If he wants to swallow the second-level essence nucleus, the prerequisite is that his body Reaching saturation, it can no longer swallow the first-order essence nucleus.

At this point, it means that his body evolution has reached the peak of the first order, and he needs the second-order essence nucleus to break through.

Chu Anqin then took out the second one and put it in his mouth, and at the same time took himself a pill of "treatment antibiotic".

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