Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 62 Unlocking temporary production items again (please read and recommend)

When the 'black carp' saw the turtle shell appear, it swung its tail even more. The mud at the bottom of the lake was lifted up and flowed away with the water.

After a few laps, the bag turned into a giant turtle.

The two of them stayed on the shore for a while, but couldn't think of a good solution. At this time, it was getting dark.

Chu Anqin and Wang Dongfu had no choice but to go home respectively. Before solving the 'black carp' problem, they couldn't even think about connecting Xiaoya to the lake for bathing.

When he got home, he was still thinking about how to deal with the 'black carp'.

After thinking for a long time, my head started to feel swollen.

"Forget it."

Chu Anqin leaned on the sofa and took out the sperm core that he had hunted today.

Six of them were swallowed, and the remaining two were made into hunting wine.

At dawn,

Chu Anqin got up from the sofa and felt refreshed. This was also the benefit of swallowing sperm core every time.

Yesterday's six sperm cores made his strength a step further, and he was already very close to the first-order peak.

As long as he reaches the peak of the first level, he can swallow the second level sperm core left by the Rat King and step into the ranks of the second level superpower.

After eating something, I looked at the spider plant on the coffee table, but there was still no obvious change.

He guessed that the changes in the spider plant might not have much to do with the compressed biscuits made of alien flesh, so he took away five or six biscuits.

A single piece of compressed biscuit made of alien flesh didn't have much smell. Only when you smell it up close can you smell a bit of fishy smell. But when a dozen pieces are put together, the effect is different. He already feels that the air in his home doesn't smell right.

Chu Anqin was holding a compressed biscuit made of alien flesh and blood, his eyes were dull, and he was still thinking about how to deal with the 'black carp'.

At this moment, the panel automatically appeared again:

[Special needs detected, temporary production items unlocked]

[The meat and blood that attracts animals and attracts alien species. Most alien species are difficult to resist. Production materials: 20 units of alien flesh and blood + 3 compressed biscuits]

His heart moved, and he didn't expect to unlock a temporary production item again.

Moreover, the temporary unlocking option this time was caused by special needs. It is really

"A response to any request?"

The panel is awesome too!

"Black carp, mutated, alien species, tempting to animals, haha!"

"Black carp is a different species, so it can be trapped with the fishy smell!"

Chu Anqin slapped his thigh. The method of hunting the 'black carp' was very simple. Just like yesterday when he trapped cats and dogs on the asphalt road, he laid out the exotic bait!

This time the bait was specially made to attract different species.

He had observed the ornamental lake and found no other fish except for the 'black carp'. This was obviously against common sense. The property management of the community had put a lot of fry in it, so there could not be just one 'black carp'.

Wherever the other fish went, of course they were eaten by the ‘black carp’.

However, there are no other fish in the lake now, which means that the 'black carp' has not eaten flesh and blood for a long time, so if the 'animal-attracting smell' is suddenly introduced.

The more Chu An and Qin thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was feasible, simple and clear, and not too fancy.

He glanced at the time. Around nine in the morning, it was the time when Teacher Huang and others came to exchange food.

He walked to the bedroom window and looked downstairs in Building 6. Xiaoya and Wang Dongfu were already waiting there.

He changed into clean clothes, took a few compressed biscuits made of alien flesh that he had just taken from the potted spider plant, and went straight downstairs.

After Xiaoya accepted the exchange of materials, so many days had passed without any accidents. He was satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

However, before catching the 'black carp', he had to go over and announce something today.

Chu An and Qin walked slowly towards Building 6. Xiaoya and Wang Dongfu saw him from afar.

Xiaoya trotted over, her face a little flushed. If it weren't for the dust on her face, she would have been even redder.

She stood on tiptoe and circled around Chu Anqin, and suddenly said angrily: "Brother Chu, we agreed to let me take a bath in the lake water. Please count the past few days."

Xiaoya was a little angry, but it seemed like there was some verbal banter between young lovers.


Chu Anqin's face darkened. It had indeed been many days since the lake was opened. He originally thought that the reservoir would be completed, but unexpectedly, the 'black carp' in the lake came out to cause damage again.

He looked at Xiaoya who was pouting and cursed "black carp" several times in his heart.

"I must catch the 'black carp' today and open up the lake."

He thought to himself, raising his right hand slightly, making a gesture that seemed like he was losing his mind.

"Ah, dad. Brother Chu hit me again."

Xiaoya quickly covered her forehead and ran to Wang Dongfu, lifting her hair to reveal the spot where she was shot yesterday.

Maybe Chu Anqin did use too much force yesterday. Although the swelling on Xiaoya's forehead has subsided, a bruise can still be seen.

After Wang Dongfu saw it, instead of blaming Chu Anqin, he said with a smile: "I asked you why you put down your bangs. I thought you were angry with me and Brother Qian Chu for not giving you water to wash your hair. It turns out you are. My forehead is swollen."

"Hmph, whose father are you? Your daughter was beaten!"

When Xiaoya saw her injury exposed, her father didn't feel sorry for her but instead laughed at her, and her mentality exploded.

Just when Xiaoya was in a mood, Huang Hao came mysteriously from a distance.

As soon as Huang Hao came over, he looked around, as if he was looking for something.

Chu Anqin laughed in amusement, and it seemed that asking Huang Hao to inquire about Wang Dazhuang had paid off.

"Coach Wang hasn't come yet, and Teacher Huang hasn't come either. Did you find out?"

When Wang Dazhuang came over that day, he had been very curious about whose blood stains on his body belonged to him.

When Huang Hao heard this, he felt relieved, took a breath, and said, "Boss Chu, you don't know."

Xiaoya and Wang Dongfu also listened closely. They were also curious about whether Wang Dazhuang had done anything bad.

“Everyone has misunderstood Coach Wang”

The expressions of Chu An and Qin changed. What did Huang Hao mean by this? Wasn't it what he thought? Wang Dazhuang did not commit any murder or arson?

When Huang Hao saw this, he swallowed his saliva, his expression changed, and he continued:

"However, Coach Wang is so brave. He actually secretly raised a mutated dog. Oh, it's the mutated dog you mentioned, Boss Chu."


The three people exclaimed, this was too unexpected.

Wang Dazhuang himself is an ordinary person. Although he is a fitness instructor and his body is stronger than ordinary people, he has no resistance to the alien species.

Even an ordinary mutant rat species could kill Wang Dazhuang.

And Huang Hao actually said that the other party had a dog mutant, how could they not be shocked.

Fear flashed across Huang Hao's face. He was almost stunned and couldn't believe his eyes.

"You haven't seen it. Is it really a mutant?" Chu Anqin asked with some uncertainty.

Huang Hao nodded seriously and continued: "A little Pomeranian seems to have been a pet that Wang taught for several years. Later, the virus broke out and mutated."

Chu An and Qin listened silently and motioned to Huang Hao to continue.

Huang Hao paused, then took a breath and continued:

"Although the little Pomeranian has mutated, it doesn't seem to have much aggression. Wang Dazhuang kept it in an iron cage and fed it with his own blood mixed with food. The blood on his body last time was his own.

I also saw Wang Dazhuang let out once, and the little Pomeranian didn't bite him and even played with him. It was really strange. "

After Huang Hao finished speaking, Chu Anqin's heart was filled with turmoil. He immediately thought of the mouse king in the underground library.

"Can alien species really be domesticated?"

When he found the mouse king, he had a fleeting idea to raise the mouse king and train it as a pet to help him fight.

However, when thinking about the bloody and brutal nature of the alien species, this thought really just passed by and was forgotten.

However, Wang Dazhuang's behavior magnified this idea infinitely.

Since Wang Dazhuang can tame the little Pomeranian who has mutated into a heterogeneous species, can he also tame the mouse king?

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Thanks to 08106829, Wolong Fengchu's Brothers, 175271, The Big Pirate Enero, Lonely Autumn, After the Rain and the Sky Sunny_CA for their recommendation votes

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**Special Note:

Because some book friends have reported that the panel has not been updated with production items for a long time, and the plot is a bit long, so without affecting the original plot, I added [Chapter 35: Unlocking Temporary Production Items], [Chapter 48: Powers Awaken and unlock new temporary crafting items! 】Temporary unlock items have been added respectively, which is a supplement to the panel system. If any book friends see the temporary unlock items in this chapter, they can turn to the previous chapter to take a look.

If you book friends have any other good suggestions, please comment and I will find a way to add them to the book.

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