Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 69: Establishing Authority (Please read and recommend)

Downstairs in Building No. 6, Chu An and Qin were waiting anxiously for Teacher Huang and Wang Dazhuang.

Not long after, a figure trotted over on the concrete path in the distance.

Chu Anqin took a closer look and saw that it was fitness coach Wang Dazhuang.

Wang Dazhuang was dragging two big bags behind him, making a 'chichi' sound as they rubbed against the ground.

"Brother Huang Hao, come and help me."

Wang Dazhuang stopped dozens of meters away and shouted to Huang Hao, who had arrived early. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. It was obvious that the thing he dragged over was not light.

Huang Hao's attitude has improved a lot since he got to know Wang Dazhuang. When he heard Wang Dazhuang's call, he trotted over to help.

Soon, the two of them dragged the things to Chu Anqin.

"Coach Wang, you won't take it all by yourself, will you?"

Chu Anqin squinted his eyes and looked at the two bags, his heart beating slightly.

Inside the bag should be the fireworks Wang Dazhuang mentioned.

"Boss Chu, you look down on me too much. I only took a third of it, and the rest was left to Teacher Huang."

As Wang Dazhuang spoke, he opened the bag and revealed the fireworks inside.

Chu Anqin came over to take a look, what a guy, two big bags full.

He looked at the bag of fireworks, green light flashing in his eyes. These fireworks seemed to be more than what he originally got in the basement of Xiaoya's house, probably twice as big.

The gunpowder allowed him to make more than a hundred bullets, but Wang Dazhuang was able to make more than two hundred bullets.


Wang Dazhuang rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Boss Chu, how much food can I exchange for?"

Chu Anqin waved his hand and said, "Wait a little longer until Teacher Huang comes."

Wang Dazhuang could only suppress his excitement and anticipation.

Not long after, there were crowds of people in the distance, and Teacher Huang came over with more than 20 people.

Chu Anqin's eyes lit up, the main event was coming.

"Here, Brother Chu, fireworks."

Teacher Huang pointed to several big bags behind him and said.

Chu Anqin followed the pointing and saw three middle-aged men behind Teacher Huang, each dragging two bags.

"Let me see."

He walked over and opened the bag, and sure enough there were several large bags of fireworks, more than twice as many as Wang Dazhuang's.

Chu Anqin was secretly happy. The gunpowder Wang Dazhuang and Teacher Huang brought was enough for him to make six to seven hundred bullets. He no longer had to worry about the lack of bullets for the time being.


He grabbed a few bags and dragged them easily to the steps of the exit of Building 6 under the surprised eyes of everyone.

These bags of fireworks, weighing at least 70 to 80 kilograms, were just like several kilograms of things in his hands. The survivors brought by Teacher Huang had never seen how powerful Chu Anqin was, and they were all shocked.

There were originally a few people with evil intentions, but after seeing Chu Anqin's power, they secretly gave up their thoughts.

Chu Anqin stood on the steps, took a shallow breath, and glanced calmly at the more than 20 people brought by Teacher Huang.

These people are the collection team that Teacher Huang helped him form during this period. Most of them are between thirty and fifty years old. Some of them are older or younger, but it is not too much. They are all at a good age for work.

He calmed down his uneasy heart. It was the first time he stood on the stage in front of so many people. Even though his strength and identity were different now, he was still a little nervous.

"Coach Wang, didn't you just ask me how much food these things can be exchanged for?" He stared at Wang Dazhuang and said, his voice was not loud enough that the people present could hear clearly.

When the survivors behind Teacher Huang heard about the food, their eyes lit up and their ears pricked up to hear how much food these items could exchange for.

Chu Anqin looked at everyone's reaction and felt very satisfied.

"Six days!" he said with a smile.


Can these undesirable fireworks and firecrackers be exchanged for 6 pieces of food?

These survivors showed expressions of disbelief. Even Wang Dazhuang and Teacher Huang were slightly shocked. You must know that they had only exchanged food for two days at a time at most before, and that was when Chu Anqin was holding a 'preferential event'.

Chu Anqin looked at Xiaoya aside and said, "Xiaoya, give Coach Wang food."


Xiaoya knew that Chu Anqin was establishing his prestige, so although he was a little reluctant to part with the food, he still took out six days' worth of food and handed it to Wang Dazhuang.

Wang Dazhuang took the food and almost burst into laughter.

Chu Anqin waved his hand to signal everyone to quiet down.

"Teacher Huang, you can redeem it."

Teacher Huang and the more than 20 survivors behind him immediately fell silent. They all stared at Chu Anqin with wide eyes, wanting to hear how much food they could get.

Chu Anqin paused for a while, and after the atmosphere warmed up, he slowly said: "12 days of food!"


"Wow, 12 days of food, no need to go hungry."

Everyone burst into cheers, praising Chu Anqin's generosity in their hearts.

Teacher Huang was convinced that Chu Anqin's move completely dispelled everyone's concerns.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet. I will announce something next."

Chu Anqin raised his voice, preparing to announce that ‘Xingchen’ would be officially established from today on.

However, these survivors were too excited. Given the differences in age and status, how could they all listen to him?

"Everyone, be quiet!"

Teacher Huang frowned and shouted, trying to quiet everyone down.

But she shouted 'Quiet' several times, but there were still two older survivors hiding inside and whispering.

Chu Anqin's face slowly darkened, and he signaled to Teacher Huang not to shout anymore.

He slowly walked into the crowd and stood next to the two people who had just spoken. His face was cold and he just watched quietly.

The two survivors who kept talking were a young couple in their thirties, and they were planning how to coax some food from Teacher Huang.

When the two of them saw Chu Anqin standing in front of them, they were startled for a moment, and then assumed a "what can you do to me" attitude.

"You two, get out of here." He said coldly.

The young couple looked at each other and easily understood the meaning of Chu Anqin's words. Without thinking about it, they said dismissively:

"Who do you think you are, can you get out of here if you tell me to?"

Chu Anqin was slightly angry. These two people were looking for death. If he hadn't wanted to use these people to help him find materials, he would have used some special means to silence them completely.

"Teacher Huang, is this the person you are looking for?"

What bothers him most is dealing with unreasonable people, who can't explain things clearly, act rogue, and only cause trouble.

Teacher Huang's face was extremely cold. She did not expect that the young couple who had always been polite would be so virtuous.

"Brother Chu, don't be angry."

With that said, she walked up to the young couple and whispered something.

Before they said a few words, the young couple suddenly yelled and cursed, pointing at Chu Anqin and saying: "Who are you? You have no education. We are here to help you find things to give Teacher Huang face. Why do you let us go!"

The two of them saw that they really refused to accept the hard words, and even started the 'quintessence of the country' output mode.

Chu Anqin suddenly calmed down after hearing this. He glanced at the young couple coldly and walked back to the steps slowly.

It seems that in order to establish prestige, it is no longer enough to rely only on benefits. You also have to use tricks to scare the monkeys.

"Okay, very good, you two came out in time."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at the two of them.

Then, he looked at Wang Dongfu and said in a deep voice: "Brother Wang, let them improve their memory."

Wang Dongfu and Xiaoya also had angry faces. When they heard Chu Anqin's words, Wang Dongfu walked to a place more than ten meters away.

Then, arcs of electricity flashed in his arms.

Everyone was shocked and didn't know what was going on.

Then, Wang Dongfu shot two electric currents from his hand, heading straight for the young couple.

Hey, hey, hey!

Two electric currents illuminated everyone's faces and landed accurately on the young couple's heads without any deviation.

The next moment, the young couple's whole bodies were shaking, as if they were electrocuted. Within a few moments, their hair exploded, their bodies and clothes were charred, and they fell straight down.

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