Chu Anqin kicked an empty mineral water bottle, and the bottle flew out and hit the glass window, scattering dust.

"Don't leave any for me."

From the eighth floor to the first floor, there were sixteen houses, and the security doors were either not closed or the door locks were pried open.

He went down from the tenth floor in vain, not to mention wasting energy, the result was really too demoralizing.

The doomsday has been going on for so long, and the survivors have already searched the houses in the community, so it's not his turn.

The door opposite his house has not been pried open and searched, thanks to the original owner. Other survivors knew that there were people on this floor, so they didn't go up.

Chu Anqin stood in the corridor on the first floor, anxious.

"Judging from the situation of this building, the community may have been searched a long time ago, and there is very little food left."

Watching the sky getting dark, he sighed, took two steps at a time, and walked back home.

He leaned on the sofa and took a sip of water.

"Rainwater is raw water, and I don't know if I will have diarrhea."

After the power outage, the kettle cannot be used. If you want to drink a sip of hot water, you have to make a fire to burn it.

This house is full of modern furniture. There is a lighter, but I don't know what to burn. I can't burn the wooden furniture.

Fortunately, it is not winter now, otherwise I would have to burn it.

"If there is electricity, it would be great." Chu Anqin's mind was in a mess.

It is true that he has a magical production panel that saves production steps and technical means, but he still has to find the raw materials.

"Sleep, I will be a brave man again tomorrow!"

Chu Anqin was too lazy to move to the bed in the bedroom, so he just spent the night on the sofa.

Late at night, roars, hisses, and even human screams were heard from time to time outside.

The night is the time for some powerful aliens to hunt, and hiding at home is the safest.

Chu Anqin slept very deeply. He dreamed that he was hunted by aliens, beaten to death by other survivors, and starved to death.

"No, no."


Chu Anqin stood up suddenly, panting heavily, and beads of sweat slid down his forehead.

It was dawn.

The sun shone through the curtains and onto the balcony. Everything seemed peaceful.

He leaned back to regain his consciousness.

Looking at the furnishings in the two-bedroom, one-living room house, he knew that he was still in this doomsday world.

"If you want to survive, it's impossible to stay in this building." Chu Anqin's eyes were firm.

"Expand the search range today and search the neighboring buildings first."

Collecting supplies, unlocking the panel, and strengthening oneself, this is his future goal.

He ate the light yellow compressed biscuits left on the coffee table yesterday and drank another sip of spirit wine.

"Hey, why do I feel that this compressed biscuit made of alien flesh and blood is a circle smaller?"

He remembered that this piece of alien flesh and blood biscuit was the same size as the compressed biscuit made of flour, but why did it look a little smaller now?

"Let's take a look."

The reduction was very small, and his mind was dizzy. He was too lazy to study it, and he didn't plan to eat it anyway.

Chu Anqin stood up and put the matter behind him.

He touched the compressed biscuits and high-energy rations in his arms, and felt much more at ease.

The real food was still there, which made him feel more at ease than anything else.

He picked up his schoolbag, took the prying tools, the metal rifle, the rapid-fire pistol without bullets, and the half bottle of spirit wine.

These were his belongings for survival, and he carried them with him.

This community is called "Sunshine Community", which is divided into two districts, East and West. The original owner's home belongs to the West District, Building 7, and there are three neighboring buildings 5, 6, and 8.

"From childhood to adulthood, let's go to Building 5 first."

Chu Anqin took all the equipment and went downstairs. He observed for a while at the door of the first floor and ran towards Building 5.

The security doors of two households on the first floor were removed, and the furniture and appliances inside were empty. It was obviously robbed here, and it was unlikely that there was food, but he still scanned it.

The second and third floors were the same.

He went to the fourth floor. The security door had not been removed, but it was not much better. The door lock had been pried open and the inside had also been visited.

He searched all the way to the tenth floor, but found nothing.

"Building No. 6!"

Chu Anqin was not discouraged. After a night's rest, he was now in full condition both physically and mentally.

"Just because there is no one building does not mean that there is no one in all buildings. There will always be fish that slip through the net."

When he came to Building No. 6, the door locks of the houses on the first to third floors were pried open, and there were also traces of prying open on the fifth to eighth floors.

Chu Anqin came to the ninth floor, and his mood had already dropped. He couldn't have two consecutive buildings empty.

There were a lot of wooden furniture piled up on the corridor on the ninth floor, many of which had been dismantled into wooden boards and covered with a layer of dust.

"Is anyone there?"

He shouted directly between the two houses, with a bit of unhappiness in his heart.

"Well, no one."

Chu Anqin walked to the door of the house on the left. The security door lock had been pried open, but to his surprise, there was an extra iron chain similar to the one used to lock bicycles wrapped around it.

"Is anyone there?"

Knowing that it was unlikely that there was anyone inside this locked door, he still called out politely.

"I wonder if this lock can be opened."

Chu Anqin picked up the prying tool and inserted the U-shaped head into the lock of the iron chain.



Chu Anqin untied the iron chain and pushed the door open.

The furniture in the house was neatly arranged, and it didn't look like anyone had searched it.

Entering the house, he went straight to the kitchen, pried open the refrigerator door, and looked stinky, but there was nothing.

It doesn't matter, there are still cabinets.

Chu Anqin opened the cabinets one by one from top to bottom, from left to right.

Very clean, except for dust, just dust.

It doesn't matter, there's still the living room.

He came to the living room with an expressionless face, rummaged through the cabinets, and was disappointed.

It doesn't matter, there's still a bedroom.

He entered the second bedroom first. The walls, cabinets and bed were all pink. It should be a little girl's room.

The little girl's room has the most dolls.

"All the food was eaten by the doll?!"

Chu Anqin was a little angry. Should he continue with the Air Force?

No, there is also a master bedroom.

Entering the master bedroom, there is a family photo hanging above the bed, a family of three. There is indeed a little girl next door, very cute.

There is a bedside table on the left and right. He opened the left bedside table first.

"Anti-inflammatories, gauze."

Chu Anqin put the medicine in his schoolbag with a smile on his face.

Finally, the air force is no longer needed. Although it is not food, medicine is also very precious.

Then come to the bedside table on the right.

"Okamoto. It's probably useless."

Putting these two strange things in his pocket, Chu Anqin's complexion improved a lot.

Zero-yuan shopping is such a surprise.

Exit this house and go to the right side. There is also an iron chain wrapped around the door.

Use a pry tool to pry it open, enter the house, search from the kitchen to the bedroom, and then air force again.

When we got to the tenth floor, there was an iron chain on the security door of the house on the left, so we had to pry it open and gain entry.


As soon as Chu An and Qin entered the living room, they smelled a familiar smell, a fishy smell belonging to a foreign species.

There is an iron cage on the balcony, and there is a black cat in the cage.

Chu Anqin was startled, and after taking a closer look, he realized that it was a black cat that had been dead for who knows how long.

Walking to the balcony, the fishy smell was emanating from this black cat.

"Is it a variant infected with the virus?"

He brought up the panel and wanted to test whether this cat could be used as alien flesh to make F-level energy crystals.

"There is no [Create] button. It seems that it has been dead for too long and has lost its activity."

Chu Anqin had a bad feeling in his heart. Who locked such a strange creature in a cage and put the cage on the balcony.

The black cat was very thin and skinny, as if he had starved to death.

If it wasn't for the stench of the alien species, he wouldn't be sure it was a alien species.

"Forget it, let's search for supplies first."

He entered the house without covering up the noise. If anyone had been there, they would have come out long ago.

I searched the kitchen, living room and bedroom, but found nothing.

Exit this house and go to the right.

The security door of this house was intact, and there were no iron chains on the door.

"Could it be that people are here and the iron chains are locked by people here?"

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