Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 71 Things Have Changed and People Have Changed (Please Read and Recommend)

Chu Anqin took Xiaoya along the road and walked slowly. There were decaying corpses on the road from time to time, and the buildings and cars were covered with rust.

He was fine, he was used to it, but Xiaoya was not. She almost vomited several times.

Fortunately, after several tortures, Xiaoya gradually adapted.

Chu Anqin took out a bottle of water, rinsed Xiaoya's mouth, and gave Xiaoya some sports drinks, and she felt better.

Hunting wine and spirit wine don't taste very good, not suitable for Xiaoya.

"Brother Chu, I can do it."

Xiaoya's face was a little pale. She thought that the outside world would change drastically, and she was mentally prepared.

But when she saw those rotten corpses that were unrecognizable and could not see what they were originally, and exuded a foul smell, her body still instinctively had a physiological reaction.

Chu Anqin felt a little distressed, but he knew that this was a level that Xiaoya had to go through.

"Xiaoya is already great." He touched Xiaoya's soft hair that had just been washed.

Xiaoya didn't scream or cry, or even break down, which was unexpected for a little girl.

"I can do it!" Xiaoya's eyes showed determination, and she continued to move forward while holding Chu Anqin's arm.

Chu Anqin nodded and looked around again.

Several nearby blocks had been cleaned for three or four consecutive days, and the possibility of alien species appearing was very low.

He took Xiaoya through several streets and came to the place where they had been waiting before.

There was still a pool of blood in the middle of the asphalt road, which had long dried and turned black.

He looked at the buildings on both sides, and there should be several survivors hiding inside.

However, these had nothing to do with him.

Chu Anqin walked through the block and began to be alert.

Because if he went a little further, it would be beyond the range of his and Wang Dongfu's sweep, and the possibility of alien species appearing would greatly increase.

If he was alone, it wouldn't matter, but the key was that Xiaoya was by his side, so he had to be careful.

This place was about three or four kilometers away from the community. On one side of the asphalt road was a large shopping mall, and on the other side was a high-end community.

Chu Anqin looked at the large shopping mall and searched his memory. This place should have been the ‘Yida Plaza’, an entertainment venue that was open all over the country and integrated food, drink and entertainment.

But now, it is dilapidated and rusty, and the former prosperity and colorfulness are no longer visible.

Xiaoya also saw the ‘Yida Plaza’ and became very depressed.

When she was in school, she liked to go to the mall with her friends to wander around and eat delicious food.

“Brother Chu, can we go in and take a look?”


The two crossed the road without worrying about the traffic lights and went straight to the entrance of the mall.

When they got closer, they found that there were many rotten and shriveled corpses lying on the open space of the mall, some of which were human and some of which were other animals. I don’t know how long they have been here.

The large glass door at the entrance of the mall had been smashed to pieces long ago, and glass shards were scattered all over the ground.

Chu Anqin frowned slightly. This mall should have had a big conflict after the end of the world.

He guessed that it should be the survivors nearby who took advantage of the chaos to ‘buy for free’.

After all, order collapses after the apocalypse, and everyone wants to survive, but supplies are limited and conflicts are inevitable.

Especially large shopping malls like this will certainly become the primary target of looting.

His eyes passed through the broken glass wall. Because there was no light in the mall, it seemed a little dim even in broad daylight.

It is really unlikely to find useful things inside, especially food.

However, you can take a look at the digital stores, mobile phone stores, or gold and silver jewelry stores inside.

These things cannot be eaten or worn, and there is a power outage after the apocalypse, so no one should rob them.

"Follow me closely!"

He looked around for a moment, confirmed that there was no danger, let Xiaoya stick close to him, and slowly entered the mall.

This mall has five floors. The underground first floor is a large supermarket, the first floor is a comprehensive shopping area, the second floor is similar, the third floor is a food floor, and the fourth floor is a place for entertainment and relaxation.

The first floor of the huge mall can only be described as devastated. No matter what store it is, it has basically been smashed.

Even some clothing stores and cosmetics stores were in a mess.

Human nature is like this. Even if these stores are not material targets, some people like to take advantage of the chaos to vent their desires.

Destruction, destruction.

The two walked around the first floor of the mall. Most of the stores were violently destroyed and unrecognizable.

They came to the escalator entrance, which was originally connected to the underground first floor.

But at this time, there were a lot of debris piled up at the entrance, and it was obvious that someone deliberately blocked it.

Chu Anqin just took a look and gave up the idea of ​​going down.

There were too many debris piled up at the entrance, and it would definitely not be cleaned up in a short time.

Even if it was cleaned up, the large supermarket on the underground first floor would probably have been looted long ago.

It was a thankless task.

He looked up at the third floor and pulled Xiaoya onto the escalator.

In his memory, there were two gold and silver jewelry stores on the second floor, so he could go and have a look.

He has not yet focused on collecting the pure gold required for the [Black Dragon Set].

The gold jewelry he had collected before had been used up by him to strengthen his weapons.

Now, the alloy spear has been strengthened to ten times, and the rapid-fire pistol has been strengthened to nine times, and the gold jewelry has been directly consumed.

However, gold has been a valuable item since ancient times, and the two jewelry stores on the second floor have probably been looted.

Sure enough, when he took Xiaoya to the second floor, he found two stores based on his memory, but there was no gold jewelry anywhere.

There were broken glass display cabinets on the floor and a messy and empty red jewelry box.

Chu Anqin's mood only fluctuated slightly. After all, he didn't have much hope in the first place.

After wandering around on the second floor, the two came to the third floor.

The third floor used to be all gourmet restaurants, but now

"Brother Chu, I like his grilled fish the most."

Xiaoya pressed close to Chu Anqin, pointed to a grilled fish restaurant and said, then pointed to another:

“There’s also hotpot here.”

As she spoke, her expression gradually lost.

Now I can only see the light sign with the name of the store hanging at the door, but there is no lively scene shouting and soliciting customers.

"Okay, we still have a lot of fish, let's go back and eat grilled fish."

Chu Anqin smelled the fragrance in his arms, but his eyes were watching everywhere to prevent unexpected situations from happening.

When Xiaoya heard about the fish, she immediately became happy again and said, "Yes, go back and ask dad to cook grilled fish for me."

The two of them went to the fourth floor, where there used to be a KTV, an arcade, etc., but now everything has changed.

Chu Anqin searched the entire mall and found only a few electronic products. As for food, there was no gold or silver at all.

He led Xiaoya out of the mall and to the parking lot outside.

There are still cars parked here, but unfortunately they are all abandoned.

The two were just about to cross the parking lot when Chu Anqin heard movement from the mall behind them.

When he turned around, he saw three or four guys with weapons rushing over fiercely.


Chu Anqin frowned. He had actually discovered that there were people hiding in the mall a long time ago, and he also avoided the hiding places of several people during the search.

I didn’t expect that if I didn’t look for trouble, trouble would still come to my door.

"Is something wrong?" Chu Anqin turned around and asked Xiaoya to hide behind him.

"Hey, stop hiding, I've seen it a long time ago."

A man with yellow teeth stared at Xiaoya with an evil light in his eyes.

"Boy, I don't even know how to judge you. Taking such a beautiful woman around, are you looking for death, or are you looking for death?"

The group burst into unbridled jeering.

Xiaoya took a shower and tidied up yesterday, and she returned to the beautiful appearance that an eighteen-year-old girl should have.

And this group of people hiding in the mall have not seen a woman for a long time, let alone a beautiful woman like Xiaoya.

These people were waiting for Chu Anqin and Xiaoya to pass by where they were hiding to make a sneak attack, but after waiting for a long time, no one came.

When he went out to check again, he found that Chu Anqin and Xiaoya had run out of the mall, and then they hurriedly chased them out.

Chu Anqin squinted his eyes and asked, "Are there just a few of you?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I can kill you by myself!"

As he said that, the guy with the yellow teeth from before came over with a fire ax.

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