Chu Anqin took a deep breath. The Rat King finally appeared, and it was at least a third-level existence.

He held the [Black Dragon Sword] tightly, not knowing whether he could kill with the [Black Dragon Suit].

After turning off the danger warning, he did not choose to fight against the rats again. Instead, he ran into a building, took out the hunting wine, and quickly recovered his physical condition.

Leng Shuang stood on the roof of the building and had a good view. He could see the abnormality behind the rats from a distance.

Just when she was shocked by the size of the five rats appearing behind her, a member of the Bear Stone Team below suddenly shouted in terror:

"Captain, an order came from the base to retreat immediately. This rat tide is not Level 2, but Level 3!"

Xiong Shi was slaughtering mutated rats in a group of rats. He was so happy that he vaguely heard the shouts of his team members.

He shouted loudly, split open the rats around him, and rushed towards the team members.

"Wu Datong, please speak louder!"

The team member in charge of communications looked horrified and said anxiously: "Captain, the base tells us to retreat immediately. It's a level three rat tide, a level three rat tide!"

At this time, Leng Shuang and the Tornado Team were also notified.

"Fuck you, Level 3 Rat Tide!"

When Xiong Shi heard this, he cursed angrily, and then looked at the rats in horror.

From a distance, he also saw five huge mutant rats that existed like kings behind the group of rats.

"Get out, get out, get out!"

The level three rat tide is simply not something they can eliminate.

Just the third-order alien rat king behind them can kill them all.

Leng Shuang stood on the top of the building and fired countless ice picks to block the momentum of the rats.

Xiong Shi and the Tornado team quickly retreated, covering the fire while running towards the armored vehicle.

Soon, more than a dozen people ran onto the armored vehicle.

The armored vehicle in which the Tornado team was located took the lead and turned around to retreat.

The armored vehicle of Xiong Shi's team had just started, but Xiong Shi himself yelled angrily:

"Go and call Captain Leng!"

The expressions of several team members were stagnant, and then Wu Datong got out of the armored vehicle and made a retreat gesture towards the building where Leng Shuang was.

Cold Frost is using the frost ability to delay the attack of the rat swarm, and also sees the retreat order.

She looked at the five large rat mutants that were approaching from behind the rat group, snorted coldly, and jumped down from the building.

However, at this moment, the rats swarmed in, forcibly separating Leng Shuang and the armored vehicle.


The Xiong Shi team set up a machine gun on the armored vehicle and fired wildly at the mutated rats.

But even so, there were not many rats but too many, and the armored vehicle was about to be swamped by rats.

"Let's go!" Xiong Shi shouted angrily, and the engine roared like a wild beast, rushing out from the group of rats.

Just when Xiong Shi was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Wu Datong shouted in horror: "Team Bear, Team Leng was stopped by the rats!"


When Xiong Shi heard this, his expression changed drastically, but through the rearview mirror, he saw the rats following closely behind the armored vehicle, and the team members were doing crazy output on the vehicle.

Leng Shuang had been forced to retreat to the upper floors of a building, and he saw that the building was about to be swamped by rats.

"Fuck you!"

Xiong Shi cursed angrily: "Brothers, I'm sorry!"

He, Xiong Shi, is not someone who abandons his teammates, and neither are the five members of Xiong Shi's team.

No matter you are a man or a special soldier, you cannot give up on your teammates.

He turned the steering wheel fiercely, causing the armored vehicle to drift on the spot, turn its front, and rush directly into the rat swarm.

The armored vehicle transformed into a ferocious steel beast, crushing the rats and rushing upstream. The five team members had a look of death on their faces.

The entire Xiongshi team knew that even if Captain Leng Shuang retreated directly, the possibility of escaping in the end was slim, so it would be better to kill them quickly.

However, as soon as the armored vehicle rushed into the rat swarm, it was overwhelmed by the black mass of rats.

"Quickly, inform the base that we need support, we need support!"

The armored vehicle of the Tornado Team, which was the first to retreat, had not driven far when a large rat mutant suddenly jumped out of the sewer pipe.

Boom boom!

Before Tornado could react, the armored vehicle crashed into this second-level rat mutant.

In an instant, the Tornado team flipped over.

Leng Shuang used his frost powers crazily and finally escaped from the rat swarm, but was targeted by a second-level rat mutant.


Three ice picks were shot in succession, barely freezing the second-level alien species.

But when she was about to gather a few more ice picks, another second-level alien species suddenly jumped out from behind.


With tongues of fire spitting out, the Xiongshi team rushed into the group of rats, set up their machine guns, and fired wildly at the second-level alien species.

Although the 'Snapdragon 1.0' series could not break through the second-level alien's fur defense, the terrifying impact still bought Leng Shuang a moment of time.

However, at this moment, the last second-order alien species suddenly burst out of the group of rats and crashed into the armored vehicle.

The armored vehicle was directly knocked out, and the five members of the Xiongshi team were also knocked out because they were too close.

Even Xiong Shi, a second-level superpower user, was knocked dizzy by this second-level mutant, not to mention the five team members who were just entering the ranks of first-level superpowers for the first time.

Chu Anqin used the 'Sneak Step' to rush to an abandoned truck, and blood fell from the tip of the [Black Dragon Sword].

This bright red blood is not the blood of an ordinary rat, but the blood of the third-level rat king.

He had just drank half a bottle of hunting wine, and his physical condition immediately recovered.

Seeing that the four second-order mutants around the Rat King were all scattered, he knew that the opportunity had come.

To capture the thief, capture the king first!

If he faced four second-level mutants and one third-level mutant at the same time, he would not dare to try.

But if it was just a third-level Rat King, Chu Anqin would be in full swing.

[Black Dragon Suit] plus [Black Dragon Knife], the two superpowers ‘Strange Step’ and ‘Power Explosion’ are activated at the same time.

At this moment, Chu Anqin’s defense, attack, and speed all reached their limits.

[Black Dragon Knife] was like a black dragon, fiercely slashing at the third-level One-eyed Rat King.

The One-eyed Rat King is worthy of being a third-level alien species, with a super strong ability to sense danger.

Chu Anqin’s full-state [Black Dragon Knife] made the Rat King feel dangerous.

The Rat King’s hair stood up, like countless steel needles, and his body was extremely agile to avoid the knife.

But the [Black Dragon Knife] still cut the One-eyed Rat King’s tail.

The injured One-eyed Rat King was not as furious as a beast. One eye was bloodthirsty and cold, staring at Chu Anqin, and his body suddenly became illusory.

Chu Anqin controlled the [Black Dragon Suit] and immediately captured the Rat King’s trail.

The One-eyed Rat King gave up Chu Anqin and aimed directly at Xiong Shi.

Five members of the Xiongshi team were injured after being knocked over by the second-level alien rats.


Wu Datong was bitten by the rats that rushed up after landing, and one of his arms was torn apart in the blink of an eye.

If Xiongshi hadn't rushed over in time, all members of the Xiongshi team would have died in the battle.

Xiongshi was already at the end of his strength at this time. This second-level rat alien was not the second-level green-haired rat king at the beginning.

The second-level green-haired rat king at the beginning was strong in controlling the rats, and its own strength was not strong, only at the level of entering the second level.

But the second-level rat alien that Xiongshi faced was a real power-type alien.

And it was an existence that was extremely close to the peak of the second level.


The second-level rat king screamed and suddenly rushed out.

At the same time, the one-eyed rat king also bit Xiongshi's neck.

It was already extremely difficult for Xiong Shi to face a second-level mouse alien. If Leng Shuang hadn't just shot an ice cone to help him disperse a lot of rats, he would have died a long time ago.

"Not good!"

The one-eyed rat king attacked, and Xiong Shi felt all his hair stand up, and a fear of being doomed surged into his heart.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Leng Shuang reacted very quickly and instantly found that the one-eyed rat king was attacking Xiong Shi.

At the critical moment, she shot out six ice cones, and the ice cones were one step ahead of the one-eyed rat king and fell around Xiong Shi.

Squeak, squeak

Xiong Shi turned sideways and a wall of ice quickly condensed.


The black shadow on the back of the ice wall quickly grew larger, followed by a crash.

The ice wall was smashed into pieces, and the one-eyed rat king opened his bloody mouth and bit towards Xiong Shi.

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