Chu Anqin rested for a night and his physical condition recovered.

"Go look for it in Building 8 today."

Yesterday, I searched Buildings 5 ​​and 6 continuously and harvested a pound of rice, a box of anti-inflammatory drugs and gauze.

There is also a super virus-carrying sperm core that people love and hate.

He picked up his equipment, pry tools, metal spears, unloaded rapid-fire pistols, and schoolbags, and headed straight to Building 8.

There was no harvest from the first to eighth floors, and the traces of being visited by other survivors were obvious.

Chu Anqin came to the ninth floor and slowed down.

The security doors of the two apartments on the ninth floor were wide open, and there were many new footprints on the walkways.

Looking at these new footprints, he suddenly remembered the man who came to steal the flesh and blood of cats and dogs yesterday.

He vaguely remembered that the man said he lived in this building, but he was in a tense confrontation at the time, and he didn't pay much attention to whether the man was pointing to this building or another building in this direction.

Chu Anqin clenched his weapon and cautiously came to the tenth floor.

Aliens are rampant outside, and the higher the floor you live on, the safer it is. If a man lives in this building, he should be on the tenth floor.

Standing at the entrance of the stairs, Chu Anqin hesitated whether to continue searching.

If the man was really here, his current behavior would be equivalent to trespassing on someone else's territory, and a conflict would inevitably break out.

But if the man doesn't live here, and the house on the tenth floor happens to have the supplies he needs, he will miss it in vain.

"Take a look first."

Chu Anqin hesitated for a moment and made a decision in his heart. If he wanted to survive, he had to be bold.

He walked to the house on the left. The security door was ajar. The house was in a mess and had been searched.

"Go to the right and have a look."

Chu Anqin did not directly enter the house on the left to search. He needed to first determine whether there was anyone on this floor.

Arriving at the house on the right, he immediately saw something was wrong.

The security door is locked tightly, there is no dust on the door walkway and door head, and the door handle is shiny, obviously used frequently.

At the same time, a sound came from inside the house.


Chu Anqin thought to himself that something was wrong, and the person inside was walking towards the door, as if he wanted to open the door.


Before he could evacuate, the security door was opened, and a man stood at the door with a confused look on his face.

"It's you!"

The man exclaimed and immediately made a vigilant gesture, holding the fire ax tightly.


Chu Anqin took a few steps back in embarrassment. He was really the man from yesterday.


Behind the man, a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old came over to confront him with a kitchen knife. She must be the daughter the man mentioned.

"What do you want to do?"

The man stood in front of the girl, trying to look as ferocious as possible.

Chu Anqin looked at the man and then at the girl. Both father and daughter should be ordinary honest people.

Real evil and pretended evil can be seen at a glance.

Because the man's hand holding the fire ax was shaking slightly, there was fear in the girl's eyes.


The two sides confronted each other, and the sound of boiling water came from the house, followed by a strange smell.


The girl looked back and saw that a pot was boiling in the kitchen, and the food in it was already cooked.

Chu Anqin listened to the sound of the pot lid colliding with the pot body as the water boiled, and secretly thought that the man was a liar.

Yesterday the man was begging him, saying that his daughter had not eaten for several days and now she was cooking something to eat.

"I haven't eaten in five days. I want to look for something to eat. I don't know if anyone is here. I'll leave now."

Chu Anqin pretended to be a man and said weakly.

It doesn't matter whether the man lied or not. Since there are people here, there is no need for him to stay any longer. It is better to retreat early to avoid escalation of the conflict.

The man's nerves relaxed slightly and he whispered to the girl: "Go and turn off the fire."

The girl nodded and trotted to the kitchen.

"Wait a minute, young man, have you really not eaten for 5 days?"

"Well, it's been almost 6 days."

Chu Anqin exaggerated. He didn't want to conflict with the man, but just wanted to find a reason to leave early.

The man sighed, turned around and shouted into the room: "Xiaoya, bring out a bowl."

The corners of Chu Anqin's mouth twitched and he held a bowl. Do you want to share it with yourself?

Did I hear that correctly?

In this world, there are still people willing to share life-saving food?

The man's eyes were cloudy, his face was sallow and his muscles were thin, and he didn't look like he had enough food.

"Could it be that you want to harm me?" Chu Anqin wondered.

"This world, hey," the man sighed again.

At this time, the girl came out holding a white porcelain bowl in both hands, steaming.

Chu Anqin's eyes were bright and he stared at the bowl in the girl's hand.

"Young man, don't dislike me either."

The man took the bowl from the girl's hand and handed it to Chu Anqin.

"Don't dislike it, don't dislike it."

Chu Anqin pretended to be excited, his body was secretly on guard, he held the pry tool tightly with one hand and picked up the porcelain bowl with the other hand.

The temptation of food is great, but he cannot take it lightly.

If a man suddenly attacks him while he is taking the bowl, he can defend himself.

After taking the porcelain bowl, it was a little hot to the touch, but the man did not attack him.

"Hi, little man"

Chu Anqin looked through the hot air, trying to see what delicious food was inside, worthy of a man turning on the stove.

It was a large bowl of clear soup, and a piece of dark brown sediment could barely be seen at the bottom of the bowl.

It smells strange, like beef and plastic.

"What kind of soup is this?"

He looked carefully for a while but didn't recognize what it was.

"You won't poison me, will you?"

The appearance of the clear soup was really unsettling, and in this world, if the other party offered him food, he always felt that the man had no good intentions.

"Don't worry, drink it, it's not poisonous." The man seemed to notice Chu Anqin's concerns and said calmly.

"The cowhide belt soup is not delicious at all!"

The girl pouted, a little reluctant.

How she hoped that this stranger who suddenly appeared would not drink this bowl of soup, because this pot of soup was the last food for the two of them.

The girl didn't understand why her father wanted to share a bowl with strangers.

"Cowhide belt?"

Chu An and Qin were slightly surprised. Can this be used as food?

He stared at the black sediment at the bottom of the bowl, and then smelled the wafting smell. The smell of cowhide was mixed with the smell of plastic. The girl must have been right, it was a cowhide belt.

From this point of view, it seems that the father and daughter really have no food to eat, otherwise they would not be reduced to eating such things.

Moreover, judging from the girl's intention, it seems that she doesn't want to give him this bowl of soup?

"Young man, drink quickly and go back after you finish. There is no food in this building. I have searched it."

The man said, about to close the door.

Chu Anqin's heart twitched suddenly, and the man's kindness and honesty made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He clearly still had compressed biscuits, but he took the last food from others.

To be precise, the cowhide belt is not considered food. It can at most keep the father and daughter from being hungry.


The security door closed, and the girl's voice also sounded inside: "Dad, we are starving to death, how can we give food to others?"

"Hey... Xiaoya, dad... dad is useless..."

Then, the girl's cry and the man's sigh came from the house.

Chu Anqin was a little at a loss. He thought that survivors in the apocalypse were selfish and would do anything to survive. Killing and grabbing food was the norm.

He placed the porcelain bowl on the ground at the door and took out the sealed bag of compressed biscuits from his arms. There were three compressed biscuits in it, and reluctantly placed them next to the porcelain bowl.

Boom, boom, boom!

Knock on the door and leave quickly.

This is his gratitude to the man for his kindness, and it is also an attempt to restore the Lord's favor.

Although the girl just now was extremely hungry, he still recognized the girl.

In my memory, when the virus first broke out, there were people in the community who delivered supplies to the door, and although the girl was young, she was one of them, and she even helped the original owner who had a high fever.

You know, at that time, high fever meant viral infection, but the girl finally sent some antipyretic medicine to the door.

Fortunately, the original owner only had a common fever and cold, and the fever subsided quickly after taking medicine, and he was almost taken away for isolation.

If the original owner had suffered from a high fever at that time, even if he did not burn to death, he would have been taken to an isolation point to wait for death, and he might not have traveled through time.

"Dad, he wants more!" the girl cried.

The girl thought Chu Anqin knocked on the door to ask for more cowhide belt soup.


The security door opened, but the man didn't see Chu Anqin.

"Hey, you didn't drink? This is it?"

He picked up the bag on the ground and opened it.

"Cookies! Three cookies!"

"Cookies? Where are the cookies?" The girl rushed to the door.

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