Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 91 No more killing! (Please subscribe,)

Chu Anqin had been trapping rats for more than two hours, and he was extremely tired from the excitement at the beginning.

Even with the help of hunting wine, he could quickly recover his strength, but he still felt his arms begin to numb and his heartbeat accelerated.

Especially mentally, he felt that he had killed too many alien species and became a little bloodthirsty.

He wanted to stop, but there was another voice in his brain that confused his mind.

Kill, kill, kill!

"No more killing!"

Chu Anqin killed a first-level mutant rat that rushed up with a knife and bit his tongue.

He felt that he was now a killing machine attracted by the flesh and blood of alien species.

Boom, boom, boom!

Three consecutive explosive bombs were fired at the middle of the rat group.

In an instant, the rat group was filled with blood and flesh.

He raised the last piece of [Beast Lure] high and threw it in the opposite direction of the rat group's corpses and blood.

The mutant rats only had [Beast Lure] in their eyes. At the moment when [Beast Lure] flew out, the rat group surged and rushed to chase it.

Chu Anqin let out a long sigh and used the propulsion system of the [Black Dragon Suit] to jump to the roof of a building more than ten stories high.

He took out a bottle of hunting wine and drank a few mouthfuls to calm his chest.

Although the third-level rat king and the four second-level giant rats were killed by him early, the rats attracted by the [Beast Lure] were even more terrifying.

He couldn't kill them all by himself.

On the street, countless mutant rats were fighting for the [Beast Lure]. A slightly larger first-level rat bit the [Beast Lure] tightly and rushed out of the rat group.

Before it could rush out far, another larger mutant rat jumped out of the rat group.

The bloody mouth opened, swallowing the first-level rat and the [Beast Lure] into the huge mouth.

Chu Anqin stood on the roof, his eyes penetrated the rat group and locked onto several locations on the street.

He had taken out the [Level 3 Essence Core] of the Rat King, but the essence cores of the other four Level 2 giant rats were still in the rat group.

He took a deep breath, jumped off the roof, and rushed towards the bodies of the four Level 2 giant rats.

These mutant rats have gone crazy, and they have to quickly take back the [Level 2 Essence Core], otherwise they will lose a lot if they can't find it in the end.


This time, Fu Yan, who had been hiding on the roof, finally saw clearly why An Qin dared to jump from such a high place.

Chu Anqin's black and gold combat armor provided perfect power and protection, and this height was no problem at all.

Fu Yan touched his shiny big back hair, calmed his mind, glanced at Chu Anqin who rushed into the rat group, and his eyes gradually became deep.

Then, he slowly retreated to the rooftop exit.

The rat group retreated, and he could finally escape!

Chu Anqin rushed into the rat group, quickly took out four [Level 2 Essence Cores], chopped and killed several blind mutant rats, and retreated to the roof again.

He stood on the roof, looking at the rats that occupied several blocks of streets.

After the [Beast Attraction] disappeared, the rats fled aimlessly at first, and then gradually entered the sewers and underground warehouses.

Chu Anqin waited on the roof for about half an hour, and only a few mutant rats were left on the street waiting for reincarnation.

He jumped down and sent them off.

Looking at the pile of corpses of rats and corpses covering several streets, a smile appeared on his face.

This time, it's a fortune!

It's even bigger than the last rat tide!

Chu Anqin slowly walked to the side of the corpse mountain, called up the panel, and moved his eyes to the F-level energy crystal option.




After a long time, the corpse mountain disappeared, leaving a pile of fur and bones, and he had more than 300 E-level energy crystals in his hand.

Chu Anqin put all the E-level energy crystals into a bag, and moved his eyes to look at the corpses on several nearby streets.

He took a deep breath and moved along a street.

Wherever he went, the bodies disappeared.

Jiangcheng Military Control Base,

"Commander Yang, Team Leng and Team Xiong are back!" A soldier ran into the command center panting with his weapon.

Commander Yang is the head of the command center, the direct superior of Leng Shuang and Xiong Shi, whose real name is Yang Lisheng.

Yang Lisheng was holding a satellite phone and reporting something.

"Yes, yes, I'll go right away!"

The soldier's voice was so loud that the person on the other end of the satellite phone could hear it.

Yang Lisheng hung up the phone and said with a tense face: "Let's go!"

As soon as he learned that the alarm of the third-level rat tide suddenly disappeared, he hurriedly reported to his superiors.

A third-level rat tide, even if his superior came in person, would take some effort to eliminate.

Fortunately, Leng Shuang, Xiong Shi, and Cyclone lived up to expectations and wiped out the rat tide.

This is what Yang Lisheng reported. He thought the rat tide was eliminated by Leng Shuang, Xiong Shi, and Cyclone Team.

But when he arrived outside the base with the mood of welcoming the soldiers back, he only saw an armored vehicle, which was still covered with scars.

His heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Yang Lisheng hurried to the armored vehicle and saw two military doctors carrying Xiong Shi, who had already fainted.

Xiong Shi was still tightly holding five bloody silver tags in his hand.

On the side, Leng Shuang had a cold face and said nothing.

Yang Lisheng felt something was wrong. Looking at the seriously injured Xiong Shi, his face immediately darkened.

"Do your best to treat him!"

He shouted in a low voice, and then asked Leng Shuang sternly: "Leng Shuang, where are the others?"

Leng Shuang looked at Xiong Shi who was carried away, his eyes were distracted, and he came back to his senses when he heard Yang Lisheng's voice.

Even Leng Shuang, who was always cold, was quite embarrassed at this moment.

She looked at Yang Lisheng, saluted, took a breath, and said, "They all died."

The voice was not loud, but the soldiers and Yang Lisheng present did not react at all.

"Sacrifice, how could they die? Didn't you wipe out the rat tide?"

Yang Lisheng stared at Leng Shuang and asked.

A gust of wind blew, and his empty right sleeve fluttered in the wind.

As the superior of Leng Shuang, Xiong Shi and others, Yang Lisheng was also a second-level mutant.

However, a battle half a year ago caused him to lose his right arm, and also made him lose the ability to hunt alien species again.

Leng Shuang's lips trembled slightly, and said, "It was Chu Anqin who was not wiped out by us"

"Chu Anqin"

Leng Shuang and Xiong Shi reported to him about the last rat tide, and Yang Lisheng had an impression of Chu Anqin.

But he remembered that Xiong Shi said that Chu Anqin's body evolution was only at the first level.

Leng Shuang paused and began to explain the situation of the rat tide to Yang Lisheng:

"We could still deal with the original second-level rat tide.

However, not long after, four second-level giant rats and a third-level rat king appeared, and the situation got out of control.

After receiving the order to retreat, we also wanted to retreat as soon as possible.

But the rat king didn't give us a chance at all."

As she said, she walked to the armored vehicle, took out the six blood-stained silver tags of the Cyclone Squad, and handed them to Yang Lisheng.

"The Cyclone Squad was the first to withdraw, but was still surrounded by rats and finally all died.

Captain Xiong Shi rushed into the rat swarm with his team members in order to wait for me."

Leng Shuang said, her expression gradually became depressed.

She also reported everything that happened afterwards to Yang Lisheng.

Yang Lisheng's pale face was full of pain. All members of the Cyclone Squad died, and only the captain of the Xiong Shi Squad was seriously injured and rescued.

The losses in this battle were too great.

Although the third-level rat tide was wiped out, he was not happy at all, and his heart was aching.

"Lao Tian Xiao Song"

Yang Lisheng muttered to himself while looking at the tag, his hand holding the tag trembling slightly.

Since the appearance of the alien species, soldiers have died on the front line every day, but they were all in the wilderness and sea areas.

But now, a level 3 rat tide has broken out in the city, and more than a dozen soldiers have died.

Can Jiangcheng City still hold on?

Yang Lisheng handed the six tags to the soldiers next to him and said in a trembling voice: "Take their relatives to the base."

After arranging the pensions for the sacrificed personnel, he looked at Leng Shuang, who had been silent.

"Leng Shuang, I remember you said that you invited the superpower named Chu Anqin before?"

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