Global Evolution: I'm a god at making items in the end times

Chapter 94: No Gain (Subscription Request)

Chu Anqin exited the pedestrian street with a gloomy face.

After spending most of the day, not even half of the golden shadow was discovered, which was worse than the 'Stars' team.

Teacher Huang and the others were able to maintain a little gain because most of the houses they collected were residential buildings.

He moved quickly along an asphalt road. Since the gold shop couldn't find gold, he had to go to another place.

Chu Anqin ran for about ten minutes and arrived at a commercial center.

He looked up at the dilapidated light sign hanging sideways, with the words 'The construction work is very good' barely visible on it.

In Jiangcheng Second Hospital, in a very stylish room, a man in a suit sat on the boss's chair.

In front of him, a subordinate was reporting something.

This subordinate bowed slightly, with a little fear on his face.

"District Lord, Venomous Fang should be dead."

The man sitting on the boss's chair acted as if he hadn't heard and didn't respond. He didn't seem to care much about Venom Fang's death.

This person is the leader of the sixth district of the 'Blood Hand Alliance' that Leng Shuang mentioned. His name is Zhou Youye, a second-level peak superpower user.

During this period of time, Zhou Youye has been away from Jiangcheng City and just came back today.

The person who reported to him was named Ma Shengbei, a second-level ordinary superpower.

Zhou Youye turned his back to Ma Shengbei, leaned on the boss's chair, and looked out the window calmly.

"Yeah." He said calmly: "Then let's find another janitor."

"Yes." Ma Shengbei replied.

Fan Ya's death did not attract much attention from Zhou Youye.

"However, you can't just lose that special pistol. Go find it and get it back." Zhou Youye paused and said suddenly.

"Okay." Ma Shengbei replied calmly.

That special pistol was of little use to Zhou Youye and Ma Shengbei.

But after all, it is something that gathered people's hearts in the early stage of the 'Blood Hand Alliance'. It represents a lot of significance and cannot be lost in this way.

After Ma Shengbei finished speaking, he continued to bow, as if he still had something to say.

"Is there anything else?" Zhou Youye turned around the boss' chair and stared at Ma Shengbei and asked.

Ma Shengbei hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Zhou Youye.

Zhou Youye has short hair and a childish face. He looks only about twenty years old.

But Ma Shengbei knew that the district leader was a ruthless person and was not as simple as he seemed.

Moreover, the zone leader is very powerful, and the best proof is that he returned from the wilderness zone intact.

"Say!" Zhou Youye suddenly said sharply.

Ma Shengbei's body trembled and he whispered: "About half a month ago, a level three rat wave broke out at the Black Glue Group."

"Huh?!" Zhou Youye raised his eyebrows and stared at Ma Shengbei, with a cold look on his young face:

"Level 3 rat tide? Officially eradicated?"

The Black Glue Group is located in the area under his jurisdiction. A level three rat tide broke out half a month ago. It still exists in the sixth district, which means that the rat tide has been wiped out.

In the entire Jiangcheng City, apart from the official government, he couldn't think of any other force that could wipe out the third-level rat tide.

Of course, if his boss, Xue Shou, is willing to take action, it is possible to wipe out the level three rat tide.

However, half a month ago, he and his boss Bloodhand were hunting alien species in the wilderness area.

Therefore, Zhou Youye's first thought was that the authorities had wiped out the level three rat tide.

Ma Shengbei pondered: "According to internal information, the officials did take action, and they also brought the latest weapons.

However, the final result was that Xiong Shi was seriously injured, the rest of the team members were all buried in the Rat Killer, the Tornado team was wiped out, and only Leng Shuang escaped with Xiong Shi. "

The Bloody Hand Alliance can occupy a position in Jiangcheng City and win the second hospital that produces genetic medicine. Naturally, it has official eyes.

After listening to this, Zhou Youye narrowed his eyes and said, "According to you, the official only sent three second-level superpowers to exterminate the third-level rat tide?"

As the leader of the Sixth District, he knows a lot about the official strength of superpowers.

Ma Shengbei nodded, his face full of sarcasm.

"Haha, you're lucky to be able to escape with two people."

Seeing this, Zhou Youye burst into laughter.

In his and Ma Shengbei's view, the official decision-making was wrong and the losses were heavy, which was a great relief.

Although the Bloody Hand Alliance has a lot of official informants, and some of them have quite high positions.

However, that is only the relationship between the official and his boss Xue Hand.

The officials have never looked down upon those below them.

In particular, combat teams like Xiong Shi and Tornado had never looked at them directly.

Even once, when they met in the wilderness area, the Tornado Team 'stole' the sperm core they had just hunted.

Of course, only the parties involved know what the specific situation is.

In Zhouyou's ambition, it would be best if all the official people died, so that their Bloody Hand Alliance could dominate Jiangcheng.

"What a pity." He sighed falsely and continued to ask: "In the end, which official official took action?"

Officially, there are only single digits of third-level superpowers in total, and those who can exterminate the third-level rat tide are the top ones.

However, the official third-level superpowers are all in the wilderness area and sea area, and rarely return to the city area.

Ma Shengbei said in a deep voice: "I don't know, I heard it's a man wearing a black and gold combat uniform."

Ma Shengbei thought that the people wearing black and gold combat uniforms to exterminate the rat tide were official people.

In fact, the third-level rat tide was exterminated by Chu An and Qin, not officially.

The only people who had seen Chu An Qin's black and gold combat uniform and were still alive were Leng Shuang, Xiong Shi, and Fu Yan who was missing in the end.

So, Ma Shengbei was able to learn such crucial information about the black and gold combat uniforms, which came from these three people.

Zhou Youye heard this and looked thoughtful: "Black and gold combat uniforms?"

He couldn't remember which official third-level psychic had a black and gold combat uniform.

"Forget it," he suddenly laughed, "I'm in a good mood today, I'll go there myself and get that special pistol back."

Zhou Youye was in a good mood indeed. The official was defeated, and the Xiongshi and Cyclone Squad, who looked down on him before, were basically wiped out.

Especially the Cyclone Squad, who had conflicts with him, all the members were wiped out, he just felt very happy in his heart.

Ma Shengbei heard this and was overjoyed.

You know, Poison Fang itself is already the peak of the first level, and has also awakened the special ability of "skin hardening", which is invincible in the same level.

The person who can kill Poison Fang with a special pistol is probably not low in strength, and it is very likely to be a second-level psychic.

Even if he is a second-level superpower, if Ma Shengbei wants to take out the special pistol, he must do it himself.

And there is a certain risk of letting the other party escape.

However, now that the district chief is there, it is easy to get the special pistol back.

Chu Anqin came out of the "construction is very good" with a dark face.


He looked at the stack of "waste paper" in his hand and threw it into the air.

Before the end of the world, these "waste papers" were the goal of everyone's day and night struggle, but now they are really waste paper.

In addition to these "waste papers", he did not find a single bit of gold, and he was disappointed.

There is a steel safe in this "very good" place. He finally opened the door of the safe that was tens of centimeters thick, but

What came into view was all "waste paper", and it was piled very neatly, more than one meter high.

If it was before the end of the world, he would definitely be excited to jump up.

The "waste paper" was flying in the air, and then slowly drifted down.

After a while, the whole street was covered with "waste paper".

A strong wind blew, and Chu Anqin disappeared from the spot, running towards the next target.

After prying open three or four safes of "Henxing" in succession, Chu Anqin felt that he was almost exhausted.

"No more searching, go home!"

Chu Anqin glanced at the time, it was almost dusk, there was no need to search any further.

The gold in so many "Henxing" had been transported away, I'm afraid that all the "Henxing" in the whole Jiangcheng were in the same situation.

It would be a waste of time to search any further.

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