"The Martial Arts Association has made another announcement, so let's take a look at it yourself." Mo Yuan drank a large sip of water comfortably, and then stretched out and said.

I don't know why, but he does feel very comfortable and secure here.

"The Martial Association has made another announcement?" Hearing this, Ye Bai quickly took out his mobile phone to check.

These days, the Armed Forces Association is indeed playing an important role.

Every time an announcement is made, it will cause a big wave across the country. It can even be said that this is the organization that really leads the update of relevant information in the country after the great change.

For example, at the beginning, the existence of the awakened person was directly announced, and then the talent grading, the appearance of awakened creatures, and so on.

Ye Bai directly opened a news, quickly browsed down, and found that this time the announcement was mainly about two aspects:

one was about the awakened.

According to incomplete national statistics, more than half of the people have awakened nationwide.

Among them, through the Martial Arts Association, there are about 5,000 people who have obtained the certification of Grade A talents nationwide, accounting for less than one in 100,000 of all awakened people. Among them, there are only more than a hundred people who have reached the third level.

Although there may be many people who have not gone to the Martial Arts Association for certification, to a certain extent, it also shows how difficult it is to have a Grade A talent.

The number of people who have obtained the B-level talent certification is much higher, reaching the million level, but in fact, almost one person in thousands has reached this level.

The rest of Grade C and Grade D, the Armed Forces Association believes that the number is huge, and did not introduce it, and the gap between Grade D and Grade C is not very large, and Grade D is also relatively easy to evolve to Grade C.

The Martial Arts Association also disclosed to the public for the first time that talent can be evolved by using awakened crystal nuclei, but it also said that mutant creatures are extremely powerful, and it is not recommended that ordinary awakened people hunt and kill them privately.

Therefore, the Armed Forces Association has opened a large amount of information about mutant organisms on its website, and published a map of mutant organisms according to each province and city, encouraging the public to upload information about mutant organisms in their own locations for sharing.

Among them, the information sharing section is also divided into free area and paid area, and it actually adds one-click team formation and automatic search for local teammates....

However, before that, you need to verify your talent and strength in the Martial Arts Association, and then match teammates with different strengths and systems according to your personal talent.

After reading these introductions, Ye Bai could only say a word.

Unfortunately, his talent cannot be exposed casually, so this certification and team function are not suitable for him for the time being.

Of course, with his strength, it seems that teammates are not needed.

The second important announcement issued by the Armed Forces Association is about mutant organisms.

Here, the Martial Arts Association also graded the mutant creatures, and the specific division method was not much different from the awakened. It is also divided into four grades, of which D is the lowest.

D-level mutant creatures, without intelligence, can only kill.

Class C mutant creatures have a certain amount of intelligence, but probably just like the wisdom of ordinary animals, they still have the killing instinct.

Grade B mutant creatures, with high intelligence and a certain combat IQ, can already identify human traps, and can even drive Class D and C mutant creatures.

Class A mutant creatures have extremely high intelligence, and even the difference between them and human IQ is not large, and they can even understand human language and imitate human movements. Here is an example of a talking ape in Mount Emei.

Finally, the Martial Arts Association has a special explanation that even D-level mutant creatures are already very strong, and at this stage, ordinary Grade A talents are difficult to deal with mutant creatures of any level, reminding awakened people not to confront them head-on if they encounter mutant creatures alone.

Ye Bai guessed that the mutant lizards and mutant lobsters he had encountered before were all D-level mutant creatures.

As for the scalper outside, it should be a Grade A mutant creature.

At the end of the announcement, the Wuxia also mentioned that the country is developing ancient martial arts, which will soon be provided to the people for cultivation, which can improve the physical fitness of individuals and help deal with mutant creatures.

Lin Qingheng mentioned this to him yesterday.

In this way, the energy of the Lin family is indeed quite large, and they can actually know so much news in advance.

Ye Bai looked at the comments again and found that many people were comparing their talents, some pretended that they were Grade A talents that were exposed, some complained that they were underestimated by the Martial Arts Association, and some sent loli yin to ask for a team...

It seems to be similar to the game area.

"Have you gone to the Martial Arts Association to do certification? What level is your talent? Putting down the phone, Ye Bai looked up at Mo Yuan and asked.

"Well, it's temporarily certified as Grade B, but they must have misjudged! I feel that my talent has the potential of Grade A! Mo Yuan said a little unconvinced.

"Just the certification of the Armed Forces Association is indeed not very accurate. I don't know who has heard the phrase that there is no talent for waste, only the awakened of waste. Ye Bai said.

"Yes! For example, my talent, the use of the place is different, the affirmation rating is also different! As if he had met a confidant, Mo Yuan nodded and said with emotion.

"Well, if it's used in that place, it's a proper D-grade." Ye Bai said.

Mo Yuan: ......

Next, Mo Yuan settled in Ye Bai's house.

This guy's mouth is with Ye Bai, especially he will say that at the end of the day, Ye Bai's parents and even the scalper at the door are satisfied.

A few days passed.

Mo Yuan even treats this as his own home, which can be said to be not polite at all.

In the past few days, Ye Bai also taught the Little Thunder Breathing Method to Mo Yuan and his parents, and the result was that he also found that these explosive exercises were easy for him to cultivate, but it was much more difficult for others to cultivate.

It's like Xiao Lei Yin's breathing method, he repeatedly taught, or only Mo Yuan mastered, his parents may be old, how to learn how to learn.

He could only see if he could burst out a more suitable cultivation technique for the two elders in the future, and with his explosive rate, he should use it.

And if it is said that the fastest thing to learn, it is the scalper. What Ye Bai taught to scalpers, except for the tiger roaring golden bell hood, could not be learned, everything else seemed to be learned.

Therefore, Ye Bai could only helplessly put his hope on the scalper.

After Mo Yuan learned the Little Lei Yin breathing method, his physical fitness improved a lot, and his reaction power improved, making his control over his talent seem more comfortable.

Since then, he has enjoyed playing with scalpers in the yard. Of course, Mo Yuan has always been the one who was abused, but he enjoyed it.

Ye Bai continued to cultivate the Great Thunder Breathing Method, and he also made rapid progress, and with his own strength, he still seemed to be at ease in the face of the two of Scalper and Mo Yuan.

The days of ease and happiness passed after a few days.

In the past two days, even the remote town of Luopan Town has felt a tense atmosphere spreading.

With the continuous broadcast of the news on the TV on the mobile phone, it is obvious that the number of mutant creatures has increased significantly throughout the country, and there have even been rumors that some cities have been besieged by groups of mutant creatures.

Along with this, there are also a large number of criminal records of awakened people, and the security of some cities has directly collapsed.

Anyone can know that this is another intensification and acceleration of great change.

The ecological environment of mankind is about to enter an extremely dangerous stage.

Moo -

early this morning, the sky was just dawning, the sun had just risen halfway, and the scalper lying on the ground suddenly let out a low roar.

"What happened?" The sound resounded, like rolling thunder, so that Ye Bai, who was still sleeping in the inner room, was suddenly woken up.

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