The Blazing Angel is known as the first awakened person in the country.

Zhao Mingyang had long been accustomed to pride and complacency, and even though Ye Bai had given him some surprises before, he still thought that everything was under his control.

Urge the attack issued by the greatest talent yourself, and no one in the entire country should be able to catch it!

However, reality has dealt him a heavy blow!

Ye Bai actually resisted his strongest attack, and now he was within three feet!

The dazzling sword light made him think that it was just his own illusion.

But when this knife was about to slash at him, he still reacted, and became angry and furious!

Huhu -

the flame wings behind him quickly rolled forward, like an eagle guarding a calf, and his head was unwilling to shrink downward, using these wings to protect his body.

Then, the knife landed on the flame wings.


Mars splashes, flames gush!

For a moment, it was like a volcanic eruption in mid-air, presenting a magnificent scene.

The eyes below, seeing this scene, couldn't help but stunned.

This is the strongest awakened blazing angel in the country!

Before today, an ordinary awakened person who had almost no reputation in the country, Ye Bai! This young man not only withstood all of the strongest attacks of the Blazing Angel, but also was able to counterattack, putting the Blazing Angel in such a embarrassing situation!

It sounds good to be an eagle that protects a calf, and it is ugly, like a turtle with a shrunken head!

"Good! It's awesome, Brother Ye! Kill this rotten turkey! Mo Yuan shouted excitedly, such a scene really made him feel his blood boiling, and he wished that he could also fly into the sky and fight this blazing angel side by side with Ye Bai!

"It can't be... How is it possible..." At this time, Liu Jinghui's whole person was even more stupid, his eyes were extremely dull looking at the sky, and he was cold!

How can this Ye Bai be so strong! How could he!

At this time, he actually began to have some worries, the Blazing Angel was not Ye Bai's opponent!

"It won't... The Blazing Angel is so strong, how could he not beat Ye Bai! Soon, he gritted his teeth and shook his head violently to drive away this ridiculous idea in his mind.

But as the sky came, the flame wings on Zhao Mingyang's body began to gradually turn gray, and this thought was that no matter how he rushed, it would linger!

"Impossible! No way! No way! And above the sky, the blazing angel Zhao Mingyang, who was wrapped in flame wings, was now filled with a kind of humiliation in his heart!

Since awakening his talent, he never thought that he would have such a moment of humiliation!

He was blessed, and after awakening, he digested hundreds of awakening crystal nuclei, and his control of flames had reached a point where no one else could compare! At this time, he met his opponent!

An opponent who he originally looked down on, but slapped him hard in the face!

"Abominable!" Feeling that the energy of the flame wings was constantly decreasing, Zhao Mingyang finally couldn't bear it anymore, he suddenly broke out, desperately urging his hidden talent.

In the next instant.


An explosion shattered the earth, as if the mountains and rivers were shaking and the stars were falling!

A rolling heat wave sweeps through the sky.

Ye Bai also felt the burning heat rushing to his face, and the terrifying heat was about to burn his skin through the golden cicada treasure robe, and the huge explosive impact force made him fly backwards towards the rear.

And the blazing angel Zhao Mingyang, who was originally curled up in the flame wings, has re-unfolded his wings at this moment, but at this moment, he is angry, and his whole body is actually covered by flames, and he seems to have become a burning man!

His eyes were red and seemed to be breathing flames.

"To be able to force me to this point, you should feel honored to die!" Looking at Ye Bai with fire-breathing eyes, Zhao Mingyang flapped his flame wings again.

This time, his entire burning man flew towards Ye Bai like a rocket.

The fist wrapped in flames, like a meteorite, slammed into Ye Bai fiercely!

This time, he chose the melee state!

In this state, he can have faster speed and stronger attack power, but it is extremely consuming to himself and cannot be maintained for long!

He needs a quick fix!

"What I hate the most is your pretense." Ye Bai's eyebrows sank, and he was not used to it, and all the thunder particles in the cells in his body suddenly converged in a punch.

Mighty Bull Demon Fist!

He exchanged his sword for a fist.

This punch is a combination of the strength of the whole body.

His arms seemed to turn into a brute bull, even in the face of a fierce tiger, it was invincible and unstoppable!


A pair of fists, in mid-air, did not give in to each other, fiercely collided together.

Muffled and shocking, night thunder, Mars explosion!

A moment later, a figure flew backwards.

When the figure stabilized, everyone was surprised to find that it was the menacing and seemingly invincible blazing angel Zhao Mingyang who was repelled just now!

Even in this stronger second form, he was not Ye Bai's opponent at all!

Looking at the blazing angel who was difficult to accept reality, in fact, Ye Bai already knew in his heart, if it was a group attack, he was indeed inferior to the other party for the time being, but the combat power of the single body, after cultivating the Great Thunder Breathing Method, he would never lose to others!

"Ah!!" After being repelled again, Zhao Mingyang shouted furiously, and seemed to have broken his defenses in his heart. The flames on his body rose, wanting to rush towards Ye Bai again.

"Noisy!" Ye Bai looked calm, and suddenly a black chain appeared in his hand.

This is what was exploded by killing this batch of mutant creatures before.

It's called Purgatory Chains!

This purgatory chain is retractable and free, and once a person is bound, it will cause mental torture, such as falling into hell.

Seeing this blazing angel rushing towards him again, he directly threw out a chain!

Swoosh -

Purgatory Chain, which automatically locks enemies!

Zhao Mingyang, who was still in a state of rapid flight, could not dodge at all, only felt that the darkness in front of him was entangled in his arm by the purgatory chain, and suddenly, he was like falling into the abyss.

An extremely terrifying scene appeared in front of his eyes, the mountains of corpses and the sea of blood, the infinite karma like water and grass in the Black Sea, countless tentacles stretched out from where his arms were chained, wanting to engulf his whole person.

At this moment, an extreme fear appeared on Zhao Mingyang's face. Originally, this was an emotion that he had never appeared in his flying and domineering world.

He panicked, he was afraid!

"Ah! You let me go! Let me go! His image of Zhao Gongzi disappeared at this moment. Some people even saw rain dripping on his trouser leg, as if he was scared to pee.

"Do you think it's possible?" Ye Bai's face was actually a little tired, this blazing angel was not a waste of fame as the first awakened person in China. If it weren't for this purgatory chain, he would probably be difficult to deal with.

Then he pulled the chain, trying to pull the blazing angel over.


However, at this moment, the blazing angel who had already peed his pants made a move that surprised everyone.

Entangled in the chains of purgatory and unable to break free, he actually cut off his right arm directly! Blood began to gush out, and although the wound was soon burned by the flames and stopped after a while, his face turned pale and he was already seriously injured.

After breaking his arm, Zhao Mingyang glanced at Ye Bai viciously, as if to remember this person firmly.

Then, he didn't even say a word, but he didn't know what method he used, wrapped his whole body in flames again, and then burst out a super speed, turning into flames and fleeing into the distance.

Seeing this, Ye Bai frowned.

He didn't react at all, and the other party would even break his arm to escape. In fact, his consumption in this battle is also very serious, and it is also at the end of the strong crossbow, and it is too late to chase.


So, he quickly took out a small thunder bow, pulled it directly to full, and shot three arrows in a row, one of which hit the enemy.


Blood was once again thrown into the air, like rain.

The Blazing Angel paused, the fire even dimmer, but he desperately tried to flee here, regardless of his injuries. Before coming, he would never have thought that he would have such a moment.

"Escaped so fast! However, if you sacrifice your life to escape, you will have to be crippled if you don't die. Ye Bai exhaled, feeling extremely tired for a moment. If the fight continues, it is actually unknown who killed the deer.

After all, this blazing angel itself is a first-class talent, and he has concentrated his family power to digest a large number of awakening crystal nuclei before, and the degree of awakening is far more than that of ordinary top three.

He killed dozens of mutant creatures himself, and when his own consumption was serious, he could force them to escape with a broken arm, which was actually not easy.

Of course, if he hadn't encountered the beast tide first, the situation would definitely be different.

Now, maybe another account can be calculated first!

Thinking of this, Ye Bai's gaze shifted and fell on Liu Jinghui, who was already stunned on the jeep below!

And Liu Jinghui below, at this moment, the whole person is already shocked to the point of numbness.

After watching Zhao Mingyang being forced to the second form, and finally Zhao Mingyang being forced to break his arm to escape, he was shocked by this scene that he could not imagine.

Even until Zhao Mingyang had flown away, he hadn't reacted yet!

Until, Ye Bai's gaze fell on him.

Liu Jinghui woke up like a dream, and suddenly felt like falling into an ice cellar in June, his whole body was cold, and his feet began to tremble, and he was extremely afraid!

"Quick! Come on! It took a while for him to gather a little strength and quickly remind the awakened person driving the jeep.

Some of these awakened people on the jeep were brought by the Zhao family, and some were from their Liu family, and they, like Liu Jinghui, were also shocked by the scene of the broken arm of the blazing angel just now, and they couldn't move.

No one would have thought that this strongest awakened person in the country would be forced to this extent in a remote town village in this compass town, and even if he walked a little slower, he might even fall here!

"We are from the Guangcheng Zhao family!" Seeing Ye Bai flying towards them, an awakened person plucked up the courage to shout.

"Drive!" Liu Jinghui was shocked and angry, he knew very well that Ye Bai's killing intention had risen now, it was impossible to care about their background, he kicked the cab sharply, asking the driver to run for his life.

Unfortunately, it's already late.

Ye Bai's speed was fast, and he was in front of their car in a blink of an eye.

Now he is full of anger and no longer has any mercy. Although these people are not masterminds, they can't get rid of the things that create the beast tide! All come at a cost!

He raised and fell, directly one by one! Even a B-level awakened person seemed too weak in front of him, not a level at all!

Those who shouted, those who fled for their lives, those who knelt down and begged for mercy, he did not spare any of them.

In the end, only Liu Jinghui was left.

"Ugh!" Liu Jinghui attacked towards Ye Bai in an instant with a fist speed of more than one hundred punches in three seconds.

Ye Bai's face was disdainful, and he raised his hand gently.


Directly grabbed Liu Jinghui's high-speed swinging fist, no matter how the other party struggled, he just didn't move. Liu Jinghui's originally proud talent has become as weak as a toddler in front of him.

"Ye Bai, for our sake, we are classmates! You let me go! It's really none of my business! It's a blazing angel, it's Zhao Mingyang who did it! Liu Jinghui's face was terrified, and he knelt down as soon as his legs and feet were soft.

"Liu Jinghui, you also have today!" At this time, Mo Yuan's side also killed all the remaining mutant creatures, and rushed over in small steps, looking at Liu Jinghui, feeling a little painful.

Liu Jinghui didn't dare to echo at all, just continued to kneel on the ground, raised his head and begged Ye Bai: "It's the Blazing Angel Zhao Mingyang who wants to hunt the mutant creatures, it was he who let us drive the mutant creatures out of the reserve, and we all obey him!" It's really none of my business, you let me go!

Ye Bai frowned, the cause of this matter was now clear.

It turned out that the beast tide incident this time, causing the catastrophe in Luopan Town, was really man-made, and the initiator was really Zhao Mingyang. However, Liu Jinghui definitely can't get rid of it.

"Liu Jinghui, do you think we will believe that this matter has nothing to do with you? What you do, don't think we don't know! Mo Yuan was holding his mobile phone to record at this time, with disdain on his face, he didn't believe a word about what this second ancestor said.

But now he recorded the evidence first, not only Liu Jinghui, but also the Blazing Angel could not escape!

"Ye Bai, Mo Yuan... No, Brother Ye, Brother Mo, I promise, I will never appear in front of you again in the future!" How to say that we are all classmates, I have invited you to dinner! Also, I can lose you money! You can spend as much as you want! Liu Jinghui could feel that the murderous aura on Ye Bai's body had not diminished at all at this moment, and the instinct for survival could only make him constantly cry and beg for mercy, and he didn't want any dignity, he only hoped that Ye Bai could spare his life.

"Did you really think I was a classmate?" Ye Bai just said lightly.

Even if he didn't mention the incident in which the Liu family let people chase and kill him before, just participating in the artificial creation of the beast tide to attack Luopan Town, Liu Jinghui was already unforgivable.

Naturally, it is not something that can be erased by a classmate.

That's it.

He didn't say anything more.

The extraordinary alloy knife in his hand flashed with light.

"Ye Bai, I still have secrets..." Feeling the imminent breath of death, Liu Jinghui's eyes widened unwillingly, wanting to make a final struggle.

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