5 minutes passed.

10 minutes passed.

20 minutes passed.

40 minutes....

Suddenly, Ye Bai's face changed drastically, and he blurted out a sentence of national essence.

Then he shouted: "Quick, hold me!" "

Is this talking to me?

Abel was stunned until he found that Ye Bai's body was twisting, and then reacted violently.

Without saying a word, sharply, hugged a thigh!

In the next second, the two disappeared out of thin air.

Thousands of meters away, Abel, who came back to his senses, discovered a terrifying thing before he had time to praise his limit operation.

Mont Saint Michel, shaking!

"Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit!"

The three heavenly and human realms that were fighting fiercely were the first to notice that something was wrong, and there was a sudden burst of breath under their feet!


Leia turned into a streamer and burrowed directly into the violently turbulent seawater.

Stinky woman, you backstab me!

Leon cursed in his heart, Leia was retreating if he wanted to retreat on the periphery, and he was not so easy to walk as the one who was restrained head-on.

But after trying, he was surprised to find that Sophia did not miss this rare opportunity to "single out".

Even, the cooled skills are not coming at him.

"God said, suppress!"

This time, not only by mouth, Sophia stirred up a stream of fingertip blood and hit the holy bell.


belongs to the true ringing of the holy bell, echoing between heaven and earth.

Then I saw that the bronze bell rose thousands of meters into the air and became the size of a mountain, smashing fiercely towards Mont Saint Michel.

"The last thing you should do is take this broken bell, otherwise you can suppress me for another year and a half, and now... Late! Sensen's

voice came from the trembling holy mountain, and it actually dispersed the bell.

Sophia could no longer maintain her calm, gritted her teeth and recalled the holy bell, forced herself to endure the pain of the backlash, and shouted at Leon and Rea.

"The extraterritorial devil has been revived, we must join hands to kill him, otherwise the entire Europa continent will be reduced to hell!"

Leon pouted, but felt that Sophia was making a fuss.

But Leia's face changed, and she was about to ask questions, but the movement of the mountain and rocks splashed around, but it was the side of Mont Saint Michel that was pierced by the mountainside.

It was a bloody wing!


On the other side of the mountainside, it was pierced by another blood-colored flesh wing.

This blood-colored flesh wing, the length of the exposed wing, is more than forty zhang!

"Boom..." The

ground shook violently, the mountain body continued to split into pieces and fall, the rich smell of blood rushed straight into the sky, and half of the sky was dyed with demon red.

"This, what the hell is this monster..."

Leon swallowed.

The monster under the mountain can obviously get out of trouble easily, but it actually wants to destroy the entire Saint Michel mountain!

No one answered him, but soon there were.


Mount Kinabalu has collapsed!

Smashed into the sea, set off a hundred huge waves of Dao, indiscriminately vibrating in all directions, frightening the strong people pale and dodging in panic.

The most unfortunate on the other side of the continental shelf, earthquakes above magnitude 8 combined with tsunamis, if it were changed to peacetime, it would not be a problem to take the lives of millions of people.

Fortunately, the support of the Gallic chicken country has arrived, keeping the tsunami out of the hinterland.

But no one cares about this side anymore.

Because the extraterritorial devil under Mont Saint Michel has revealed his true face.

An incomparably huge, bat!

"This is..."

Leia moved her gaze to Sophia and asked in an uncertain tone, "Blood Demon King?"

Sophia nodded.

Confirmed, Leia couldn't help but gasp.

"Hey, what riddle are you guys playing, what the hell is this bat?!"

Leon was annoyed.

As a child of three generations of horses, these children with ancient traditions always make him feel offended when they chat!

"Extraterrestrial life knows, this is also, ancient legend said that it was suppressed by the first pope, but I didn't expect it to be true, and it was suppressed under Mont Saint Michel."

Seeing that Sophia did not pay attention to Leon, as a temporary teammate, Leia was not good not to give face.

Seeing that this raising horse was still a little confused, he said again: "The god that Ye Bai killed in Xinghai City is the same level of existence as this Blood Demon King. "


Leon nodded abruptly, and then said disdainfully: "Then what are you afraid of, that Ye Bai can kill the gods when he first enters the Heavenly and Human Realm, and our three Heavenly and Human Realms can kill this Blood Demon King, isn't that easy?"

"I just said that the level is the same, but the blood demon king at this time is not the same as the combat power of the gods at that time, this is his essence, and the gods are resurrected by corpses."

"Does it make any difference?"

"This... Forget it, in short, don't be careless. "

Leia is so tired, they are all people in the realm of heaven and earth, and it's not good that the cultural score is so low!

Leon has no culture, but the celestial sense is not fake, and he finds that this bat is absorbing the aura of the outside world.

He should, in regaining strength!

And the scarlet eyes of the bat were looking at them, but there was no movement, which also confirmed this!

Leon hurriedly said: "While he has just escaped from trouble, it is better to start now!" "


Sophia and Leia spoke in unison.

Uneducated children feel great humiliation.



Sophia obviously didn't want to say even a word.

Leia had to appease the frustrated raising horse baby: "We can't kill him in a short time when we start now, wait for other heaven and human realms to come, there are many people and great strength, and we can also reduce many risks." Leon

thought it made sense.

As far as this bat overturned Mount Saint Michel, any corner of the entire Europa continent, as long as it is the realm of heaven and man, it is difficult to find it.

How many Heavenly and Human Realms there are in the Europa Continent, it is estimated that no one can say an accurate number, but it is definitely more than their three Heavenly and Human Realms.

A large number of people can share the risk....

Leon decisively began to take out the pill, the three of them fought for an hour and consumed not less, seeing that there was a tough battle to be fought, it was necessary to restore their peak state.

The melon-eating masses retreated tacitly and retreated to the mainland, which was a distance that the naked eye could not see clearly.

However, the strong will adapt to the environment, and the way they retreated, they sprinkled a lot of soul power props.

There are naturally soul brothers in the crowd for high-definition broadcasting.

I saw that above the ruins of the island that had jumped for most of the time, the three Heavenly and Human Realms surrounded the Blood Demon King, their eyes constantly colliding, but they did not move.

The whole picture maintains a delicate balance.

"Mr. Ye, you said that two or three more Heavenly and Human Realms will arrive, and they can kill this Blood Demon King by joining forces?"

In a crack in the ruins of the island, Abel asked worriedly.

He is not Leon and understands the situation.

Both sides are waiting!


Ye Bai said lightly.

Abel's face changed suddenly, and he hurriedly asked, "Are you sure about dealing with the Blood Demon King?" "


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