Going to Guangcheng Wildlife World can be said to be extremely dangerous.

Although Ye Bai already has a certain degree of confidence in his current strength, tomorrow and accidents, it is always impossible to predict which one will come first. After all, he is not the protagonist of the novel, his talent is just a little stronger, and he is not an immortal body.

Prepare for the best, prepare for the worst!

Therefore, it is urgent to solve the trouble of the Liu family!

The reason why Ye Bai did not solve the Liu family's problem in the first place before was because his strength was not enough. It may not be possible to directly break through the Liu family's defense, even if it is assassinated, it will take a lot of time.

And Liu's family doesn't have to come out, a phone call can make people harass his family.

The risk factor is too high.

What's more, at that time, his experience was still shallow, a college student who had just graduated not long ago, no matter how hard he spoke, in fact, he couldn't do such a cruel thing as going to the door to kill.

This can be seen from the fact that after he killed Luo Dayang's five people for the first time, he dug a ten-meter-deep pit and buried the corpse... Such a deep pit, five elephants can be buried in it. This shows that at that time, he still had a deep awe for the real law in his heart, and he was very worried that what he did would be discovered.

But now the situation is completely different.

The great changes in the world have accelerated, and after a series of recent events and witnessing so many lives and deaths, Ye Bai can be said to have completed his transformation. Coupled with the great increase in strength, he is no longer afraid to do some things that men should do.


Cloud City Lin family.

Not long after Ye Bai left, Lin Qiankun, who had a gentle smile on his face all night, gradually calmed down.

"Mistress." Looking at the direction Ye Bai left, he waved his hand towards Lin Shichang.

"Big brother, what's wrong?" Lin Shichang walked over in small steps and asked with some surprise. He was very familiar with his eldest brother, and when he saw this expression of the other party, he knew that something had happened.

Lin Qingfeng on the side was also surprised.

Why did Ye Bai change his face as soon as he left, could it be that it was just superficial efforts just now, but he was actually dissatisfied with Ye Bai?

"Let's go inside and say." Lin Qiankun just walked towards the secret room.

Now the talent of the whole people has awakened, and there are ears in the partition wall.

Even if you are far away, you can eavesdrop on secrets. Therefore, the Lin family has built a related soundproof room, which can effectively isolate talents such as Shunfeng Ear from eavesdropping.

The three came to the secret room and closed the door.

"Big brother, something happened, do you want to be so nervous?" Lin Shichang couldn't help but ask again.

"Tonight, Xiao Ye should be going to make a move on the Liu family." Lin Qiankun glanced around, and then turned around and said, "After all, he is still young, some things may not be done thoroughly, you go and help him."

"He wants to do something to the Liu family? Just went straight there? Hearing this, Lin Shichang opened his mouth and was shocked.

He knew very well that the strength of the Liu family was not weak, and it had been in a defensive posture like a turtle shell recently, and Ye Bai wanted to break into it alone, undoubtedly breaking into the Dragon Pond alone.

"I told him about going to Chimelong Safari Park tomorrow." Lin Qingfeng also frowned, thinking about it, he felt that it was very likely.

Because of this operation, there was a great danger, and in order to have no worries, it was reasonable for Ye Bai to solve the Liu family before leaving.

"He didn't need me to ask the driver to send him back, and he said that there were some things to do, and I knew he was going to Liu's house." Lin Qiankun sat on the seat, knocked lightly on the table, and said again:

"Xiao Ye, this child, since Xiao Yan likes it, I like it very much, and the potential is limitless, I don't want anything wrong with him."

"Well, then I'll take someone to help him." Lin Shichang nodded, and his impression of Ye Bai was also very good.

"We, the Lin family, don't strike directly. Now is not a real chaotic time, the Martial Association is still watching over there, it is really unwise for us to attack a family head-on. Lin Qiankun shook his head at this time, and said analytically:

"I believe that Xiao Ye is also a smart person, and he will definitely control the impact of this time within a certain range." Liu Jinghui is dead, and I guess his main target should be Liu Wanxiong.

"So what am I going to do?" Lin Shichang asked.

Lin Qiankun thought for a while and explained: "First, after experiencing the blazing angel thing, we all know that the role of public opinion at this stage is still very large. There are many drones and surveillance cameras in Liu's family, and everyone now has mobile phones in their hands, so they need to block the communication signals of the entire Liu family at the first time.

"Second, according to our intelligence detection, snipers were arranged in many places in Liu's house, and I don't know what means Liu Wanxiong used, and Barrett was also brought in, which may pose a certain degree of threat to Xiaoye." You can let the hidden stab out and help Xiaoye.

"Third, after Xiao Ye is gone, you will help do some aftermath."

"Well, I see." Lin Shichang remembered carefully, nodded, then opened the door of the secret room, and hurriedly left.

"Dad, then do I want to..." Lin Qingfeng thought about it and also asked in a loud voice.

"What can you do? Plan things well tomorrow, Xiao Yan will come back with one less hair, I will find you to settle the account! Lin Qiankun just glared at him and said.

"Dad, then I'll go back and prepare now." Reprimanded by his father, Lin Qingfeng naturally had no temper, so he had to obey and say.


Cloud City, Liu family.

Tonight's night, there will be no clouds, and the moon will be clear and stars can be seen.

This should have been a good night, but Liu Wanxiong, as the head of the Liu family, was sitting in the study at this time, looking at a copy of "Spring and Autumn", but he always felt that there was a bleak cloud in his heart, and his mood was always difficult to relax.

Since Liu Jinghui's death, he has often stayed up at night.

One aspect is the pain of losing a child, but this is still not the most important, the most important thing is that because of Ye Bai's existence, he has always felt that there is a sharp sword hanging over his head, so that he has no point to relax.

He knew very well that he had let people assassinate Ye Bai several times, and it was so coincidental that his son actually participated in the beast tide incident.

After these grudges, Ye Bai would not be able to let him go.

What he can do is to kill the other party at all costs before Ye Bai makes a move! But after many plans, he still did not find a suitable time to make a move, and could only constantly strengthen the Liu family's defense strength.

"Sir." Just then, one of his henchmen knocked on the door outside.

"Come in." Liu Wanxiong put down the hardcover version of "Spring and Autumn" in his hand, adjusted his mood, and said in a deep voice.

"Sir, find out clearly, Ye Bai did return to Cloud City today, and in the evening, he was picked up by the Lin family's driver and went to the Lin family." A middle-aged man who already looked a little hunched over came in and stood at the desk and whispered a report.

"So what now?" Liu Wanxiong's eyes froze and asked.

"The eyes and ears of the Lin family have just received the news, I haven't seen him at the drinking party, I don't know where he went..." the hunchbacked middle-aged man replied with some trembling and shock.

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