"Is this the talent that awakens and can turn into a stone man?" Seeing this scene, Ye Bai couldn't help but look a little more seriously.

Like Liu Jinghui, who saw it in the video, this is the first time he has seen a human who has awakened his talent.

His hearing had been strengthened by cultivating the Little Thunder Breathing Method, so he could also hear Lin Qingheng calling this awakened person the Third Uncle.

"This third uncle of Xiaoqingmaru also seems to have some confidence in himself, and he actually feels that he can block it for a while, but he doesn't know what Xiaoqingmaru's talent is?" Ye Bai looked down.

"Get out of the way, wait for me!" At this time, Lin Qingjing's third uncle also let out a shout, and then rushed towards the big lizard like a bulldozer.

And those gunners and shields who were still alive all retreated, but they still protected Lin Qingyan's side one by one.

It can be seen that Lin Qingheng's status in the Lin family is extremely high, even surpassing her third uncle.

Saying that it was too late, the big lizard swept away the corpses and shields that were blocking the front with its tail, and when it saw the stone man of the third uncle Lin Qingheng rushing, it let out a roar and directly crashed over.


A solid bang.

What is shocking is that under this blow, Lin Qingjing's third uncle was not directly knocked away like the shield team, but supported the ground with his feet, and then resisted the impact of this big lizard with both hands.

"This innate ability seems to have reached at least Grade B." Ye Bai was a little surprised, just this one can see the gap between awakened and ordinary people.

It can be said that just the third uncle Lin Qingheng alone is more powerful than more than twenty other people combined.

And the big lizard saw that his impact was actually ineffective, and he was even more angry, flicked his tail, and jerked towards the stone man.

What surprised Ye Bai was that in the face of this blow, Lin Qingheng's third uncle did not dodge or dodge, and actually allowed the tail of this big lizard to hit his body.


There was another loud noise, and the third uncle Lin Qingheng was directly pumped away, and fell heavily to the ground, smashing out a big pit.

But it didn't take long for him to stand up again.

He looked at the stone skin on his body, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough, he withstood the blow, just felt some pain in his body, and almost no injuries.

"Come again!" This made him fight more and more courageously, and he rushed towards the big lizard again.

One person and one lizard, soon entangled again.

Although Lin Qingjing's third uncle was thrown by the big lizard several times, he was always able to get back on his feet quickly.


This made the big lizard extremely angry, and suddenly, it roared, and a mouth, actually spewed green mist in its mouth.

"Be careful, it can be toxic." Lin Qingheng reminded in a loud voice, and at this time she suddenly thought: "This may be its weakness, take advantage of it to release poisonous mist and attack its throat!" Hearing

this, Lin Qingyan's third uncle, Lin Shichang, hurriedly climbed with a rolling belt to avoid the spray of poisonous mist.

It can be seen that as soon as the poisonous mist fell on the ground, it immediately corroded the ground into a big pit, and if it fell on the person's body, I am afraid that it would melt the body immediately!

"Yes!" When the gunmen who were still alive heard this, they also reacted, and the bullet shot sharply towards the blood plate of the large lizard.

All of a sudden, it was the big lizard with a mouth full of blood, and he quickly closed his mouth, did not dare to release the poisonous mist again, and gave up the stone man turned into by Lin Qingheng's third uncle, and wisely rushed towards Lin Qingjing and the gunman beside him.

"Be careful!" Third Uncle Lin Qingheng hurriedly shouted, and then the whole person pounced on the big lizard, wanting to block its advance.

It was also at this very moment.

The temperature in the entire valley suddenly dropped, as if it suddenly changed from hot summer to winter.

"This is Xiaoqingmaru's talent?" Ye Bai's eyes froze, and he saw Lin Qingheng below suddenly standing still, and vaguely, he could feel that this icy coldness was emanating from his body.

In the next instant, the ice wind blew.

The ground under the feet of the big lizard that was rampaging suddenly turned into ice, making it unstable to stand, and it stumbled a few steps before falling.

The ground of the ice became very slippery.

In fact, not only it, Lin Qingyan's third uncle also fell to the ground.

The big lizard struggled, desperately trying to get up again, and after trying several times without success, it began to go crazy, directly hitting the ice with its tail, and it didn't take long to beat the ice to pieces.

This made it finally stand up, and first another tail strike threw Lin Qingheng's third uncle flying.

Then he pounced and came to Lin Qingheng's group.

Less than ten meters apart!

The fishy smell of the big lizard's gasp seemed to have blown in front of him, and the black-clothed people in front of Lin Qingheng were all like great enemies, shocked and afraid.

I can only frantically pull the trigger, trying to use bullets to block the progress of this big lizard.

Unfortunately, all in vain.

The big lizard braved the rain of bullets, and the time to breathe was rushed over, those men in black gritted their teeth, and wanted to block with their flesh, but undoubtedly the praying mantis blocked the car, one by one was either knocked flying, or was directly pumped by the big tail of the big lizard to vomit blood, or even directly flattened by the big lizard.

Lin Qingheng took a few steps back and saw that the big lizard had reached a distance of five meters from her.

There was also a hint of panic on her originally calm face.

"Qingling, go quickly!" Lin Qingjing's third uncle finally arrived behind the big lizard, hugged the big lizard's tail deadly, roared, and tried his best to drag the big lizard.

But his talent is mainly based on skin defense, and his strength is not as strong as this mutated lizard.

Lin Qingheng didn't want to leave like this, only to see her grit her teeth and urge her talent with all her strength.

Then, I saw that at the foot of the mutant lizard, two large ice cubes suddenly appeared, which looked like two ice buckets, and continued to grow upwards, until they became two icicles, completely freezing the two forefeet of the large lizard and firmly connecting them with the ground.

No matter how much the big lizard struggled, it couldn't pull its feet out of the freeze.

Seeing this, Lin Qingheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, at this time, this big lizard was only more than three meters away from her, and if she took one more step, she could attack it.

However, because of this, she felt a pain in her head, and suddenly the sky spun around, and she almost fell to the ground.

"Miss is too powerful, she must be a talent above Grade A!" When the others saw Lin Qingheng freezing the big lizards, they all showed joy on their faces, thinking that the overall situation had been decided.

"Not good!" Lin Qingjing's face changed, and she remembered something.


Sure enough, the next moment I saw that the big lizard that couldn't struggle suddenly opened its mouth, ready to emit a poisonous mist!

You know, now in front of Lin Qingheng, there is no obstruction, and no one can attack the throat of this big lizard, this big guy can be unscrupulous.

Lin Qingjing's pretty face turned pale in an instant, and she wanted to dodge, but such a close distance, coupled with her extreme urging talent just now, was already weak, and it was impossible to avoid it.

"Am I going to die..." At this time, I don't know why a very serious face suddenly appeared in her mind, originally thinking that they would meet again.

She closed her eyes, ready to accept fate.

Huh –

and right now.

But suddenly there was a sound of breaking the air like thunder and electricity.

A purple arrow of light, as if coming from outside the sky, is as fast as a shooting star that cannot be captured... When the mutant lizard opened its mouth wide, and before it had time to spew out a poisonous mist, it shot fiercely into its throat!

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