The service staff wanted to tell Ye Bai that this test bench was a bracket made of superalloy materials, and the raw material of the floor was a new load-bearing rock, which could easily carry several tons of impact!

But Zhang Kunlun didn't want to explain anything, just urged to continue to enter the information, and in the end, Ye Bai was naturally in the talent rating column, the top three!

"Brother Ye, try activating the pillar quickly." Mo Yuan can't wait to see the buddy pretending, I can call a No. 15 dish like this, Ye Bai must get No. 1!

Ye Bai had this intention and walked towards the big banyan tree on the spot, but soon he realized something, and turned his head to look at the crowd: "Who of you knows where the toilet is, urinate urgently."


There's a tent over there." Zhang Kunlun saw something and pointed to the innermost part of the base.

It was the office of the Martial Arts Association in the base, and it was also a confidential place, but Zhang Kunlun still decisively let Ye Bai use it.

Because all the toilets in the entire base can't accommodate his three-meter-tall body!

Ye Bai went very quickly, and came back quickly.

Having recovered his human appearance, he walked out wearing a new luxury brand, not only did he not look embarrassed, but he seemed to be two points more handsome than just now.

Where did this dress come from, very lost!

As obsessed as his talent!

But Ye Bai doesn't confess, you can't take him, it's not necessary to grab it and slice it for research, now Ye Bai belongs to the national attention, a little movement will be stared at, and there is a mysterious awakened person in the country, which is actually a good thing for the whole country.

The moment of punching in the face really came.

Soon, the remarks of the No. 1 pillar that the head of the Guangcheng Martial Arts Association announced in public that the civil awakened could not activate were ruthlessly overturned by Ye Bai.

It's still the kind that smacks in the face.

As soon as Ye Bai put his hand up, only a dozen seconds later, his image appeared on the No. 1 pillar closest to the big banyan tree, just like the difference between a 10,000-yuan computer and a thousand-yuan computer, and the boot thief is fast!

For this result, the melon-eating masses are not so surprised, Ye Shen, the beast ape awakener, now he did not climb the pillar and flew directly up, very reasonable!

What the? Never seen a monkey fly?

Qi Tian Great Sage was eaten by you!

"Cultivate, you can catch up." Zhong Tianmei was still hard-mouthed.

The others did not speak, silently opened the pillar, not to say whether they could catch up or not, cultivation must be cultivated, this is a rare opportunity.

However, just as they were about to go up their respective pillars, a figure descended from the sky.

Ye Bai!

"What's the situation, why are you back?" Mo Yuan asked in surprise.

Ye Bai sighed: "Cultivating on it doesn't help me much, it's not interesting."

"How is it possible, can't pillar No. 1 accelerate 20 times?"

Everyone was stunned.


Ye Bai thought about it seriously before saying, "Scientifically speaking, it can indeed be accelerated by 20 times, but it has no effect on me." "

To put it properly, he has long determined that his exercises and various skills, there is no need to cultivate at all, there will naturally be progress, that is, he himself has his own accelerator!

So it is very reasonable that when the two accelerators are turned on at the same time, there will be no superposition effect, but only the one that accelerates sharply will have an effect.

"Oh..." Everyone

suddenly realized that this person was unscientific.

Suddenly I don't want to practice, what happened if I wanted to lie flat?

"Xiaoqing Pill, you go up and cultivate, don't waste it when you open it." Ye Bai smiled and looked at Lin Qingjing.

The latter's bright eyes were slightly bright, nodded, and she did not choose the indecent scheme of climbing the pillar, but walked at a leisurely pace, and the ice on the soles of her feet formed an ice ladder upward.

"Sister Lin, can you lend me your No. 6 pillar?" Wang Shasha shouted below.

"Good." Lin Qingyan's voice came down from above.


Wang Shasha jumped three feet tall and went straight to pillar 6.

Lin Qingfeng and Mo Yuan have something to say, but they can't say it, they can't grab something with a little loli, right?

Mo Yuan was better, after all, his own pillar was also good, and he turned around and climbed.

Looking at Mo Yuan crawling, Lin Qingfeng looked at Ye Bai to the side, others don't know, so he still doesn't understand.

It must be related to Ye Bai!

"Want to learn? I'll teach you back." Ye Bai grinned.

Lin Qingfeng was overjoyed and slapped Ye Bai's shoulder: "I really didn't misread you, good brother-in-law!" The

crowd also quickly dispersed.

Nothing is more important than becoming stronger, and the help of this base in Guangcheng is undoubtedly huge, and they can't be sorry for the cultivation of the country!

This cultivation Ye Bai couldn't be used, and he didn't want to cultivate, because he had already cultivated in the room during the day and wanted to vomit.

Combining work and rest is important!

He walked around the base, and then, strolled lonely.

In addition to pillars are still pillars!

Simply looked at the carry-on space, remembering that I listened to a few noises after killing Zhao Mingyang, but I forgot to check it just by dressing at that time.

The blazing angel is a little engaged, and a lighter has exploded, which is the kind of lighter in traditional cognition, which is still not windproof....

Fortunately, a total of three things were exploded, and the remaining two Ye Bai were very satisfied.

One is the extraordinary alloy rod, although it is the same series of products as the extraordinary alloy knife and the extraordinary alloy hammer, but the material of this thing is obviously much more luxurious, the thighs are thick, and the length of a foot is long, just ask you if it is big!

It's a weapon tailored for the state of the demon ape!

Finally, there is the madness potion, a one-time consumable that can burst out 300% of its strength within two hours after swallowing, and will weaken for 24 hours after that.

This thing is not usually used, but it can be used as a hole card to save your life.

By the way, go out or step on more cockroaches and ants, or burst more clothes, especially beastly demon apes will burst clothes!

"Ye Bai."

Ye Bai, who was counting the inventory, was startled, and turned around to see Zhang Kunlun looking at him with a smile.

"Is something wrong?"

Ye Bai was wary in his heart, this old man's eyes were a little unscrupulous.

"What do you think of the current global trend?" Zhang Kunlun was also very grounded and sat down next to Ye Bai casually.

Both of them sat on the ground.

This, to make the pattern so big in the first place?

Ye Bai thought about it seriously, and replied seriously: "I feel that money is very unworthy, Elder Zhang, do you say that I should exchange money for other assets, so that the risk resistance will be higher?" Zhang

Kunlun's smile froze, I have such a big pattern, you talk to me about your fart deposit?

"All the aspects affected by the great change should be solved in the next six months, and countries around the world are urgently negotiating to solve various issues including currency, law, and the division of the power of the awakened, by the way, you may also need to contribute to our country."

Zhang Kunlun deserved to be compiled, and opened his mouth to pull the topic back.

"I'm just an ordinary beast awakener, how can I help?" Ye Bai looked very panicked.

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