After the joint team entered the north gate, it was natural for them to scatter and explore.

Although many people knew that the security of joining together would be much higher, they still chose to act as a squad.

No way, with Ye Shen there, they can only drink a mouthful of soup!

Being a person still has to be a little dreamy.

"Cough, Ye Shen, the four of us plan to go around casually, it's okay to leave the team now, right?"

Zhong Tianmei found Ye Bai, and the other three teammates stood not far away.

Ye Bai looked at Zhong Tianmei for a few seconds and grinned, "Of course, no problem, what do you want to be your freedom." "

I'm not afraid that you will say that we are not righteous and angry..."

Zhong Tianmei was hairy in his heart, but Ye Bai agreed in the end, so he went back to report the good news to Wang Ran and the three.

The four of them hugged their fists at Ye Bai from a distance and walked towards the first road on the right, and the figures of the four disappeared after a while.

"I'm going to go it alone, and I'll end up going to Tiger Mountain, where we meet?"

Ye Bai looked at Lin Qingfeng's brothers and sisters.

Ye Shen is also leaving the team?

Although everyone was a little reluctant, they did not stop it, Ye Shen was a person who did big things, and they were expected to drag their feet.

"Okay, then we will take a safer route all the way to Tiger Mountain, and if the risk is too great, we will cancel the route and look for the mutant creatures that have been left behind."

Lin Qingfeng nodded.

Although the Guangcheng Martial Arts Association named to eliminate the White Tiger Group, if he couldn't do anything, he wouldn't take his teammates to die.

"That's the best, by the way, leave you something to defend yourself with."

Ye Bai said and took out a sledgehammer out of thin air, and placed a large shield on the ground.


The people of the strongest squad on the surface were shocked on the spot, they had never seen the sledgehammer, but the big shield had seen it!

Capable of frontally resisting the venom of the mutant queen bee!

Lin Qingfeng touched it with his hand, and couldn't help but look at Ye Bai in surprise: "The material of this hammer and shield should be the same as your knife, right?" "

Hmm." Ye Bai nodded.

I'll go!

Then the comparison is more intuitive, the mutant queen bee can almost be hacked to death by Ye Bai's knife!

"You better take it back, this is too valuable, you also need to..." Lin

Qingfeng gritted his teeth and refused.

"It's just a loan to you for now." But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ye Bai: "Now I don't need it, these two things don't help me much." He

was telling the truth, after killing the mutant bee, the Great Thunder Breathing Method naturally broke through a small bottleneck and reached a new situation, and it seemed that the final consummation was not far away.

It can be said that Ye Bai is now facing a situation where the weapons and equipment of the extraordinary alloy series are not enough, and the cultivation method is not available...

But he wasn't bothered in the slightest.

Because there is nothing that cannot be solved by chopping monsters, as long as there are enough monsters chopping and fierce, troubles will not catch up with me!

Ye Bai said so, Lin Qingfeng accepted it without pretentiousness, he was also as clear as a mirror, people were mainly for the safety of his future daughter-in-law, not for him.

Then he temporarily assigned two teammates with power talents, both of which were a bit heavy, and only power talent awakeners could use them easily.

Ye Bai, on the other hand, pulled Lin Qingheng aside, handed her the jade card that Han Fei had traded, and simply said the role of the jade card. The ice element and the water element complement each other, or the ice element is a high-level mutation of the water element, and he and Han Fei traded this thing, naturally for his daughter-in-law.

Lin Qingheng was a little confused on the spot, two hours ago Ye Bai said that he wanted to get her skills, and now this is done?

"I will master it as fast as I can!" Immediately, Lin Qingheng grabbed the jade card and looked serious.

Without Ye Bai sitting down, their squad is too different from ordinary squads, and at this time, she is very much needed to stand up as a third-class talent awakener.

"You're my daughter-in-law, it's a piece of cake."

Ye Bai smiled and pinched Lin Qingyan's pretty face, turned around and walked towards the innermost tour passage in his right hand, and everyone watched him disappear from sight, and the envy in his eyes could not be hidden.

They also want to go it alone, but they can.

"Okay, scout the duo to scout the nearby 500-meter area, see if there is a possibility of making a vote, if not, find a safe place to station, and cross tonight first."

When Lin Qingfeng gave the order, no one noticed that in the grass next to him, a small spore of a common plant suddenly cracked and withered.


On the first tour passage on the right side of the north gate, a team of four people walked easily, although it was a tour passage, it was already overgrown with weeds, and the surrounding area was covered with trees taller than people and twisted shapes.

It looks eerie in broad daylight.

But they still talk and laugh, highlighting the boldness of an artist master.

These four people are the four envoys of Douyin.

"It's so boring, I can't even shoot a video here, otherwise I will take a TikTok upload, and there are many girls who are going to give birth to monkeys for me..."

Zhong Tianmei nagged boredly while clearing out the monsters that jumped out to sneak attack.

His right hand turned into a metal knife at this time, looking at the shiny shape, it could not be said to be exactly the same as the extraordinary alloy knife that Ye Bai had slashed a street before, it could only be said to be completely consistent.

Suddenly, a green light flashed in Wang Shasha's eyes.

"Ye Bai really flew solo, and he walked the innermost tour passage on the right-hand side." Wang Shasha's little face was full of joy.

The other three also showed joy when they heard this, and Wang Ran thought for a while and said, "He may have gone to the White Tiger Observation Garden." "

One hundred percent, White Tiger Mountain is an extremely dangerous area, even the official is not able to go up the mountain, Ye Bai is not a fool to break over there alone, change me I will also go to the White Tiger Observation Park, the terrain is friendly, the original number of white tigers is about ten, very suitable for a single brush." Zhong Tianmei grinned.

"It seems that he is not interested in us, then, we really set off?"

"Let's go, we need to be ready before dark."

"GOGOGO, we have so much royal jelly right now, we can do a big ticket!"


Determining that Ye Bai did not stare at them, the four envoys of Douyin turned to the left excitedly, although there was no way to turn left, but the four had the ability to force a road.

Half an hour later.

Four figures broke out of the dense forest, it was Wang Ran and the four.

Obviously, they played a trick and chose the first tour passage on the right, but in fact, what they really want to go is the middle one on the right!

Seeing that there were no fresh traces of this half-blocked passage, the four of them were very satisfied and embarked on the road ahead.

It's just that what Wang Ran and the four didn't see was that on a big tree by the side of the road behind them, a person was smiling and looking at their cheerful backs.

This person is Ye Bai!

Wang Ran and the four of them played the old and doubtful formation, and Ye Bai also learned the same, clearly picking the first road, but secretly passing through the dangerous area to the second tourist passage waiting for them.

He had a hunch that these people had something to hide from themselves. Perhaps the most precious elixir resource in this zoo! The Martial Arts Association said that there were many of them, but he hadn't discovered much yet.

"This wave of you are on the third layer, but I am on the fifth layer, such a good friend actually does not bring a fortune together, then don't blame me for robbing the monster..."

Ye Bai grinned, then jumped to the ground and swaggered forward.

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