Global Evolution

Chapter 178: Gaia Consciousness (2)

Human curiosity is sometimes heavy.

The three were at the door, hesitant to go into that dangerous place, but after seeing the war angel-like creature passing by their shoulders, they suddenly didn't hesitate.

All three told themselves in their hearts that the battle was over, then gave the action to their most instinctive curiosity, and shrank into the government compound.

They walked very lightly, basically looking around one step at a time, until they found that there was no roar in it, and then changed the three steps one step into two steps one step.

Among the three, Zhou Kai was a little bolder. Because of the three, he knew more.

Walking into the government compound all the way, the three of them first saw the quiet courtyard empty, were in doubt, and felt the slippery feet, and then saw the broken limbs all over the ground.

"It's all torn, no wonder those soldiers ran!" Li Feng looked at the wreckage under his feet and found that it was all the soldiers' remnants.

"It's amazing. A monster that scared our entire city's army can't fight it. Behind the powerful deterrent is the powerful strength. How strong is this monster?" Milan also crouched on the ground, feeling With the horror of that giant monster.

While the three were terrified by the horror scene on the ground, a hoarse crow-like voice that broke the gong scared the three to jump in place.

"Miss, save me, my waist is folded !!!" The voice is vocal, but it is much louder than the average person's voice, and it has a strange tone and a hoarse voice, which makes people very uncomfortable. You did n’t leave, the monster just ran away, save me, and I will die if you do n’t save me !!! "

"Save a fart!" Another voice came from the air, which was a girl's voice, and it sounded very clear. "Did you just sell me just now, decisively? Did you know to ask me at this time?"

Huh! !! !!

"Ah ~~! Miss, don't kick me, I broke my leg, don't kick, I'm wrong." A muffled noise came from the air, and a more grumpy voice "... I just It's just an expedient, I know that it must be the same as that red-skinned monster, hurry up and get me away, I'll never dare !!! ''

"But you are so heavy, how can I get it?" The clear female voice came again. "Three people over there, stand still and throw all the weapons in your hands to the ground, and then obediently come to help. As I said Do it, otherwise ... "

"Who, who is there?" Although there was a voice in the deep fog, the three of them couldn't really see that far, so no one knew what was happening over there.

"Less nonsense, do as I said!" As the crisp female voice came again, it was accompanied by three gunshots, and then a crater appeared in front of the three of Milan's feet.

At this point, they finally understand that the other party has a wider field of vision than them, that is, the other party has the ability to shoot and kill them at any time.

Knowing current affairs is Junjie.

The eschatology is full of current affairs.

Therefore, the three obediently solved the equipment and obediently went in the direction of the sound source.

Later, they saw a huge injured parrot on the ground and a young girl pointing a gun at them.

"The three of you come here to help." The girl held the gun and pointed at the three of you. "You, the biggest one is you, go and find a trolley, there is in this courtyard, go and find the two of you, and now Stay here, don't try to run away, I look farther than you! "

"Go, hurry." The girl pointed her gun at Li Feng.

"Um." Under the roof, Li Feng nodded, and left in the direction of the girl's gun, and walked inside the government compound.

"Don't leave me 100 meters."

"How to find it?"

"Then I don't care!"

"Fuck." Li Feng cursed. Although he had imagined many scenes of coming in, he never expected that he would face danger in this way.

Groping all the way into the deep courtyard, Li Feng used his poor eyesight to search for the so-called stroller that the girl said.

I do n’t know if it was God ’s care, or the girl was very familiar with the things in the compound. Li Feng followed the direction of the girl and did not go far, and she saw a few iron carts. But as soon as he saw the trolley, there was a roar in the other direction of the courtyard.

It was the sound of the building collapsing.

It was the sound of the entire building collapsing.

The sound was dull and violent. The smoke from the collapse of the building could spread hundreds of meters, and accompanied by the smoke, there was a sound he was familiar with.

"Li Feng?"

"Liu Chang, are you?" The voice was familiar, and it seemed to be a little smelly, but Li Feng could still guess who was coming.

"It's me." Along with the smoke and dust, Liu Chang dragged his tired body and walked slowly to Li Feng.

Red scales, monster cheeks.

"You" Li Feng This is the first time I saw Liu Chang change his appearance. Although he had a glimpse before, but now he saw each other at first, still shocked. "Is it you?"

"It's me." Liu Chang was too lazy to talk nonsense to him. His bones, scales, skin, and foramen muscles were all painful, so he greeted the other party and went straight to the direction where the parrot had just fallen.

And then, I saw the scene where three people and one bird confronted each other, and he saw the other side better than him, and it was naturally better than his static vision that lighter woman this year.

Seeing that the two monsters have finished fighting ~ ~ One side left without a trace, and the other side did not die ... i This ending is unexpected for a girl anyway.

"You're not dead?" The girl cried, "Don't you have deep grudges?"

"But I'm not dead." Liu Chang looked at the girl who hated him. "But he has been badly injured, and still has the opportunity to save my loved ones. All this is thanks to you. And people do wrong. It always pays, doesn't it? "

"The bird returns to you, don't kill me." The girl held a gun and looked at Liu Chang who was approaching step by step. She spoke these six words sharply, which was cleaner than when the bird sold her ten minutes ago.

"I killed you, the bird is still mine." But Liu Chang was unmoved, because he really bored the girl in front of him.

"I give you whatever you want."

The girl cried, "If you really kill me, he will not follow you sincerely. After all, how can we betray each other? After all, we still have more than four years of affection. You are not afraid that one day it will fly you to In the sky, and then throw you off your back while you're not paying attention? "(To be continued

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