Global Evolution

Chapter 199: Misty

"..." A few silent answers replied, and several clones joined the hypnotic ranks-this forcibly stabilized the girl's fear, and then calmed her bouncing body.

Then the hypnosis process continued.

"Still the question just now. Is that thing with a life strength of more than 3,700 real?" No. 4 asked with a calm voice as much as possible.

"Yes ... the real ..." The girl was mentally suppressed, so her psychological fear did not fully control her emotions. She seemed to choke hard and said, "Real, extremely real ..."

"Well, the second question, the scope of your perception of life, as far as we know, is within 300 meters. Why did you feel his existence before the super life entered Beijing this time?"

"I ..." Although the girl was hypnotized, this more reflects her inner truth, so she was afraid just now, and now she is facing a second question, and it is a doubtful expression on her. "I don't know ..."

The girl hesitated for a moment and still spoke decisively.

"I don't know? Well, do you know the reason? Or, is there any difference between the feeling in my head this time and when I felt life before?" After hearing the answer from the girl, No. 4 and a few brothers looked at each other for a while. Fan, at the same time saw the doubt in the eyes of the other party.

"I don't know the reason, the only difference from the previous perception of life is that it feels so terrible ..." the young girl answered honestly.

"It's terrible? Is it because the other person's life is too high, is it the natural fear of talking to higher species?" No. 4 asked another key question.

"No." Xiao Jing continued to answer, "It's extra fear, it's the deepest fear inside, not the fear of seeing powerful things ..."

Thinking of that thing, Xiao Jing's body trembled uncontrollably.

"Let her sleep." On the 17th, when she saw her situation, she waved her hands. "I already know everything I want to know, and I believe that everyone has the right view on this matter."

"Yes." No. 4 nodded, and with her brothers, the tired girl went into deep sleep-no longer disturbing her.

"Old fourth, tell me what you think." On the 17th, he looked at his brother.

"It's very simple. The creature that came from the outside should be Li Qingshui." No. 4 said, "Her brain must have been tampered with, so she can produce a certain life that is completely beyond her range. . And what can think of her mind, I can think of, only Mr. Li Qingshui and Mr. Li, there can be no other people. "

"Isn't Li Qingshui dead?" Liu, curled up aside, asked, "You all perceive that you are dead, dead completely. Isn't it?"

"Yes, Li Qingshui is dead, brain waves stop thinking, this can already declare a person's death. And there is absolutely no such thing as resurrection in the world without death. Now that he is here again, that means This person may no longer be Li Qingshui. "On the 17th, he looked at the ceiling, then looked at his own brothers with some uncertainty, listed himself as" nonsense ", and asked again. "Do you believe in resurrection?"

"I don't know," Number Four replied.

"I don't know ..." No. 7 answered the same.

The others were silent.

Silence represents uncertainty, which means that no one knows whether there is such a nonsense thing in the world as "resurrection from the dead." Because this is beyond the scope of scientific research, or more rigorously, far beyond the scope of today's scientific research. Although the little guys are all clones of Li Qingshui, all are brain-domain mutants, and they all have superb wisdom-but, after all, they are not prophets-they are even less omniscient.

Therefore, in the face of unknown things, they can only use their own judgment to analyze the possibility of this matter. And when everyone can't figure out whether this matter is impossible, the smart person naturally skipped this topic and moved to the next topic.

"That horrible life is Li Qingshui, or in other words, with the breath of Li Qingshui, can you be sure?" Looking around the audience on the 17th.

"Yes, the likelihood of this is ninety-nine percent."

"Well, to continue the topic just now, on the 4th, why do you think that this extra perception ability was forcibly implanted by others?" Asked the 17th.

"Because when I just hypnotized her, I felt something different in her brain-it was obviously unnatural."

"Then this must have been implanted by Li Qingshui?"

"Because other people don't have this ability, in fact, even if you grow up, you don't have the ability to forcefully implant things in other people's brains. I believe only Li Qingshui can do this." No. He firmly believes in his own point of view, "Even if there are other people in the world who can do this, I don't think this girl should have a chance to contact. So this must be a masterpiece of Li Qingshui. "

"Then why did Mr. Li do this?" Asked the 17th.

"Because he wants this young girl to feel his existence, and if this long-distance perception is also mixed with extreme fear ..." No. 4 said, "It only explains one thing-Li Qingshui Want to tell the other person that she is dangerous, and let her avoid it. "

"And before Li Qingshui did this, it must have been done before Liushu went to Zhengzhou-because the two had never been in contact since then. At that time Li Qingshui wanted to inform the other party that he was very dangerous in the future. This should be an explanation ..."

"He would have had this day long before he arrived?" The 17th took the conversation. "He knew he would die, he would die under Willow's men, and then ..."

"Yes, resurrected by the willow tree, no no no, should not be said to be resurrected ..." No. 4 waved his hands, and then all the children present showed the same horror look as the little girl just now, "This world has no Resurrection is such a horrible thing, but now that he is alive, it only shows that the 'thing' with Li Qingshui's body is not Li Qingshui anymore, is it a willow? "

A few children, you say, I say, gradually use the fragmented information to gradually restore the original appearance of the whole thing.

"The willow tree is going to destroy the most powerful weapon of mankind through the body of a powerful human being?" Everyone showed a terrified look. "And if the willow tree really occupied Li Qingshui's brain, then those of us are not The first to be extinct? "

"No, no ... now that Li Qingshui has decided to die in the body of the big willow, there should still be some reservations." On the 17th, he frowned deeply, revealing a thoughtful look, "If He also knows the existence of us, that the girl woke up to this move would be meaningless. This girl should be Liu Chang's side, she should be alert to Liu Chang's group. Then we should not know the existence of the other party Yes, and then he thought, we would take the initiative to find him ... "

"But what's the point of him doing this?"

"And why did he know he would die in the hands of Willow and then be used by Willow? Why did he choose this move?"

On the 17th, I felt that I had solved a mystery, and then another bigger mystery was shrouded in him-so that he was always as if in a drum, there was a kind of incomprehensible to Li Qingshui's plan, he could not guess feel.

At this time, because the other group lost Xiaojing, they were ignorant of everything at this time-they were the group of people who were really caught in the drum.

"This shop looks good." Liu Chang walked to a bar, it was almost dark at this time, and finally came to the group of people in Dongcheng District who had tossed for another day, and didn't want to leave in one step.

"You see, here is the bar. Above the third floor is the place to stay. It also provides three meals. What is even more exciting is that this one says that it can take a hot bath." Liu Chang looked at the shop front. The billboard said heartily, "I can take a hot bath, what a luxury place, I think it's fine."

"It must be expensive." Milan poked his lips beside the team. "Can we afford it? We don't live for a day or two."

"It's okay, I'll use Zhou Kai's weapon first today, tomorrow will not work, I will grab some points." Liu Chang is more and more comfortable with doing bad things. Since Xiaojing left, he seems to have figured out a lot of problems "Anyway, the willows are coming, and the people here will not be able to settle for a long time. It ’s okay to lose some money or something. Just walk around, let ’s go ahead and say that late autumn nights are uncomfortable.”

"That's it!" Li Feng and Zhou Kai didn't have as many worries as Milan. After all, they did not suffer when they were in Xingtai, so they didn't have the same concept of money as Milan.

The two just followed Liu Chang's buttocks and watched the other person first push the door open. A warmth came from the room, and everyone entered a fairly regular reception room. This reception room is very orderly, but it is definitely not large-because this is a compartment, which is isolated from the huge hall on the right-hand side-behind the door on the right-hand side, there is a bar hall, bursts The sound of the music came from inside. Although it was not very explosive, this kind of electricity-consuming behavior was already extravagant.

So after several people went in, they were ready to be slaughtered.

"These are the rooms where we have to be able to take a bath. Each of them has to be a single room. How much does it cost?" After Liu Chang entered the door, he went straight to the reception desk and watched the lady inside say the words.

"S $ 150 per person per 24 hours per room. Ten of you in total, plus discount, would also cost S $ 1,000." The waitress at the help desk looked pretty dedicated.

"A child is a human being?" Li Feng picked up the number two. "It's just like that. A three-year-old child also needs money?"

"Let them live with grown-ups, it doesn't count as money." The waiter said, "We charge per room, not per person."

"That line, I'm staying with you tonight, don't count my money." It seems that I'm a little dissatisfied with Li Feng's arbitrarily picking myself up. No. 2 body is selected in the air, turning to smile at Li Feng.

"Then I live with you." The boss saw Zhou's behavior and found Zhou Kai himself.

After the third man understood the behavior of the boss, he naturally turned to Milan-they thought that it was time to spend one night to let the new players understand the issue of the right to speak for this team.

"Then 700, no less." The waiter reported a number.

Liu Chang took out a pistol.

"How much is this thing worth?" Seeing what Liu Chang had secretly pulled out, the waiter's face changed, and he hurriedly put the stuff he pulled out into the counter. Do you dare to work against the wind? "

Although the waiter's tone was severe, he didn't plan to take out his gun and return it to a few people. Obviously, the recent arrival of the willow tree made everyone feel a little hesitant. And the more this time, the more pen and paper in the hand, the less reliable it is without weapons and food. Correspondingly, the government will investigate the rejection of pen and paper more severely. That's why we had the previous conversation.

"Then you haven't said how much it can be worth?" Liu Chang asked in a low voice after he figured out the key.

"Those of you, stay for three days and provide fresh water." The waiter said, taking out seven keys from the drawer, and at the same time said something uneasy: "I'm okay to say, if you want to go to the bar to spend, Do n’t come here. People there are so many eyes that you will be in trouble if you do n’t know. "

"I understand, I understand." Liu Chang nodded, took the key and went up to the third floor with a few people.

After walking to the third floor, everyone looked at this quiet corridor, except for the three clones, everyone showed a look of nostalgia.

The quiet hallway, and the rows of neatly arranged doors outside the hallway, all this looks just like five years ago, everything looks so beautiful-but so nostalgic.

Because in the past five years, in addition to here in Beijing, who has seen such a "pre-epoch" thing. Who has seen such a clean house, and even who has seen an accommodation store?

All this looks so beautiful-because nostalgic, so beautiful.

Walking into this quiet corridor, everyone became silent for a while. It seemed that no one was willing to talk to break this wonderful atmosphere. Everyone walked in this clean corridor, as if they had reached the world of oil painting.

"I really want to continue this way forever!" It was Milan who broke the silence first-because her hand showed that her room had arrived.

Seven-story house, she happened to be the first.

"This sentence sounds like dog-blood lines in a love drama." Zhou Kai's room also arrived. "But it's just right to use it here."

"Dip" opened the electronic lock in his hand with his card, and Zhou Kai pushed in the door-of course, followed by a child.

"Now, good night, I wish everyone the first night spent in Beijing, it will be wonderful." Liu Chang looked at the crowd, said a rare sensation, and then opened the door and walked in.

Quiet space, clean world, and snow-white bed sheets. You can see at the first sight that there are water sprinklers.

Liu Chang threw off his backpack and wanted to throw himself into the bed like a child, but he looked at his clothes as dirty as a miner, but he dispelled this idea, and took off the "tooling" honestly and walked into I went to the bathroom and started washing for a long time.

The feeling of hot water running on my body is great!

Can eliminate fatigue and relax.

In these days, or since he left Zhengzhou, he hasn't lived a day of well-being. Whether in the hidden forest, outside Beijing, or on the bird's back, Liu Chang has not relaxed for a moment. Your own spirit. So the first time he entered this relatively safe environment, he suddenly felt aching.

This soreness isn't really muscle pain-in fact, he hasn't felt muscle soreness for a long time, except since fighting with Liu.

The soreness this time was so obvious-it was mentally-induced neuralgia, a throbbing pain that completely relaxed after a high-strength tension in the spirit-a comforting feeling.

After taking a bath for nearly an hour, Liu Chang's second thing was to use the clean toilet and quickly spit a shit.

There is not much shit-it is not directly proportional to his current food intake, maybe it is the evolution of the body's absorptive function that has allowed humans to absorb and use food energy to a new level-in fact, since the end of the world, I don't know if he is hungry What's more, everyone's **** has become less, and most of it is pulled out of some hard lumps, which makes people look like gallstones, but also the product of many days of drying.

But even so, it can't change the everlasting truth of "pleasant **** ~ ~ can make people happy". As the saying goes, "One **** a day, happy all day", so this **** after bathing again made Liu Chang's mood soaring again by three points.

Because in the last days, especially in the wild, **** is also a matter of tension. Many beasts and bugs today are very clever and will look for strange smells to determine the location of their prey. Human beings can usually use chemical products to cover up the smell on their bodies, but they cannot when they shit. So, in general, **** is a very dangerous thing. It is dangerous in the wild and still dangerous in the city.

Liu Chang ’s **** can be pulled so fast because the toilet ’s drainage system was previously sealed with a steel plate, which means that you do n’t have to worry about sewer creatures breaking your **** and dying. .

Therefore, this is the most refreshing **** Liu Chang has pulled in five years.

When it was over, he pressed the flush button, and the steel plate opened automatically, flushing his waste. Then Liu Chang had to be sighed by the strength of Beijing's personnel, and by the way sighed the injustice of life, thinking that there are more than one million people who are out of control, but they enjoy a luxurious life here, Liu Chang took a hot bath .


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