Global Evolution

Chapter 232: Various incidents

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So Liu Chang leaned down to pick up the bottle, and tore his own intestine by the way. Then, he squeezed the bottle, held a giant knife, held the minced meat, and looked at the flow in front.

Liu looks good, with the exception of the two small gun holes on his body. Only Liu Chang knew that his body was not as good as he saw it—because he was poisoned.

The poison was extracted by the boss, and it is very toxic. It can be extracted in such a small bottle in one month, and the effect should be good. Because Liu Chang ’s venom is originally a complex of all biological poisons, it is 100 times stronger than toxins such as King Cobra and Sea Snake. Ordinary people die immediately when they touch it. Of course, Liu's body is strong, and it certainly won't die so easily.

However, even if his body steals and how to evolve toxin resistance in a targeted manner, after all, it is still a flesh and blood body. In the face of the essence extracted by the King of Toxicants, he is not so easy to deal with.

Therefore, his breathing continued and his eyes became blurred again. The dual effects of blood toxoids and nerve-like velocities also really came into play.

Seeing this situation, Liu Chang was very happy, so he didn't hesitate at all, and didn't delay any time, so he raised his meat grinder again.

The first shot hit Liu Liu's forehead-but the bullet got stuck in the crystal armor-although a hole was opened there, he was blocked by his crystal armor and blocked by the skull. Living.

So Liu Chang's second shot aimed at Liu's eyeballs-after calculating the trajectory. A shot blasted out, but was avoided by the opponent-the range of dodging was not great, but the side of his head was sideways, and the bullet penetrated into his forehead again.

Seeing such a situation, Liu Chang no longer hesitated, "Boom Boom Boom" blasted out the last four consecutive shots, and dumped all the ground meat bullets into the opponent's body, he dropped the firearm.

All four shots entered Liu's body-including the last poison bomb. Looking at the last thing shot into the body of Liu, Liu Chang smiled.

Slowly crush the bottle in his hand to let the venom flow on the edge of the giant knife-Liu Chang knows. He is not far from victory. The last thing he needs to do now is to pierce the blade of the poison knife into his body while Liu is still paralyzed, and let the sixty milliliters of venom completely end this undefeated Giant, this war angel and Gundam generally strong species. Then he ran to the boss at the fastest speed and asked him if he had any cure.

So Liu Chang's mood is complex now—complex and contradictory—victory and death seem to come at the same time. This left him a little helpless.

But thinking that he could kill such a powerful thing, as a man, based on male instincts, Liu Chang was actually a little proud, but he didn't dare to let this elation delay him any time-because he knew that the venom The paralysis effect is not too long.

and so. He dragged a huge knife, holding back the pain in the lower abdomen and the discomfort of muscle loss, forcibly ran, and then stabbed the blade, pointing at the gunshot wound on his body-seeing victory coming.

then. He was kicked off.

The invisible kick flew him, getting him farther and farther from victory.

"There is still an amphibious?" From victory to defeat, even Liu Chang couldn't bear the blow anymore, and yelled angrily in the air, then. I don't know if it's because of a lack of alveoli or a ruptured throat. His voice is particularly unpleasant and has a pig-like sensation.

"You, his mom, your uncle!" After Liu Chang was kicked and kicked, he looked around with a sword, "Who, come out!"

"It's me, Liu Chang." Liu Xin's figure appeared in front of him. Admiration apologized on his face, "I was leading the way before, and I was always lurking nearby. Actually, I never thought you could beat my father! I came here to help, it was a complete accident."

"But I'm glad I encountered this accident." Liu Xin looked at Liu Chang, who had a big hole in his abdomen, with an unbelievable look in his eyes. "Seriously, I learned that my father was going to kill you, and then I was so big. Kung Fu went to evolve your body specifically for you. I still disagree. I feel like my father has made a big deal. After all, when I was in Zhengzhou a few months ago, you could n’t even beat me. I really did n’t think you could do this. . "

"Let's talk nonsense. Mom said!" Liu Chang made a hoarse cry similar to killing a pig, and then went straight to Liuxin with a big knife. "Want to sympathize with Lao Tzu or delay time?"

Liu Chang was unable to run his abdominal muscles because of his hands on his abdomen. According to normal human standards, he could no longer run—because running requires the muscles on the side of the abdomen—but Liu Chang is different. His body structure is different from ordinary people. The same, and the training in the past few days, let him control the muscles as ordinary people control the tongue, so he can run, although the running posture is very strange, but it can be considered to run, and not slow.

What's even more amazing is that during the running, the residual muscles around the abdomen cavity were exerted hard, and then each piece of muscle was close to the center like a human's straight tongue, and finally connected together to form A thin protective film, although it looks fragile, will not let the internal organs flow out.

This special function, even Liu Chang could not imagine.

But he didn't think about it now, what he thought now was how to end the battle quickly-so he rushed to Liuxin, used the fastest speed, and then split it with a knife.

This is a dazzling knife, because Liu Chang did not think about what kind of function this sword can build, because he is not a fool, he wo n’t stand there and keep him chopped. He will run, move, and hide. So Liu Chang I didn't want to hack him in the past, he just wanted to force him to run to Liuliu at full speed and wave his real sword—because Liu Chang knew that pure speed was not as good as him—even if he is now He was seriously injured.

However, some things in the world are always so coincidental—for example, when Liu Chang is about to kill Liu, the enthusiasm arrives at the right time. When he arrived, he was too late to evade, or he gave up his will to evade.

Later, standing rigid, he was cut into two halves by Liu Chang, splattered with blood, and even splashed into the face of a dozen meters away, making his eyebrows twitch unconsciously.

"Fuck, don't think that only you have a helper!" The third man hurried over, apparently also a coincidence, and he yelled after he rushed over: "Time is just right, Liu Chang, don't delay time, quickly solve That big guy, then Shanren went to the hospital, I will treat you! "

After the third child shouted this sentence, he ran out of breath in the direction where Liu Chang's intestines were.

After Liu Chang chopped the stream of heart into two pieces, he gave him a surprised look, but did not dare to delay time, so he accelerated again on the ground and rushed into the stream.

The sword was cut, and this time it was no longer a shot. Liu Chang saw the victory getting closer and closer, and then went away from himself again.

At the very moment of the attack, Liu raised his arm and blocked Liu Chang's undercut with Gatlin in his left hand. When Liu Chang cut off the four barrels, he smashed him out with his gun.

"Recovered so soon?" Liu Chang flew seven or eight meters upside down in the air, then adjusted his shape, and put his feet into the ground.

"He didn't reply, and now he must be slow to move!" The third child had to turn around before Liu Chang's intestines, and he looked at Liu Chang and shouted, "He has absolutely reduced his mobility. We cooperate. Kill him!"

"Slow?" Liu stiffened and dropped Gatlin, who had become a scrap iron, to the ground, and then pulled out his own five-meter-long super giant knife from behind, and laughed: "I'm even slow, Faster than you! "

After saying this, Liu licked his son's blood on the cheek, stomped on the ground, and then the giant knife crossed in front of him, hitting Liu Chang like a train.

It is true that his speed is much slower.

But it is more true that even though his speed is much slower, he is still faster than Liu Chang.

So Liu Chang grabbed his knife, gave up the first round and Liu Liu's power contest, and rushed to the third child not far from him.

"Can you put some brain waves to control him? It doesn't take long, half a second." Liu Chang rushed to the third and hugged him.

"No, Liu is also a brain domain mutator, close to the second mutation, and an adult, I can not control him directly." The third child clasped Liu Chang's neck tightly, "but interference is still possible!"

"That's good ~ ~ It's used at the most critical moment!" Liu Chang said this sentence, turned around and ran-in the open space, he still dare not fight with Liu so hard and hard-although His eyes are better, and the knife is poisonous-but after all, the body has been seriously injured, and the strength can not make much out. If you want to stab the stream and let the poison work, you still have to pierce his wound, otherwise With his current strength, he could not break the armor at all.

So, this is a difficult job.

Therefore, the battle environment is still important to Liu Chang now.

Looking up, the sight is full of rubble and rubble, and there is no longer a complete house, but Liu Chang still spotted one direction and ran at full speed.

Because he knew how wide the explosion range of that bomb was, a hundred meters away, there would always be some broken walls-that was his chosen battlefield.

Running all the way, the flow behind Liu Chang was getting closer and closer. Just when Liu Chang had seen the house moving, the flow behind him finally caught up. RQ


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