Global Evolution

Chapter 235: ending

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Therefore, guessing this kind of thing is also divided into three, six, nine, etc. Seeing one knows two is guessing, seeing a little and knowing the whole body is still guessing, and seeing a little that can guess even your ancestors' eighteenth generation-that is true guess.

Therefore, the old man who came here is obviously the kind of person who has mastered the "real guess".

Although the second child is not as clever as he is, he is also a clever person. Although he cannot guess the eighteenth generation of the old man's ancestor, he also knows the approximate identity and strength of the coming person.

So he changed the question.

"What do you want to do?"

"Rescuing." The old man looked at Liu Chang on the ground, and then the other side had stopped the convulsive flow.

"Who save?"

"Both are saved," said the old man.

"Still saved?" The third child glanced at Liu Chang. "It's all like this."

"You can try," the old man continued. "It depends on whether you want me to try."

"You won't make me unwilling." The third old man looked at the old man and smiled. "Since the decision has been made, hurry up and try it as soon as possible! I think you are so old, and your physical strength is also estimated. It ’s not going to be good, let it be too heavy over there, save this first! "

The third child said, he began to lift Liu Chang's body.

The old man pulled him aside, and picked up Liu Chang's body by himself, and then sent it to a special crawler transport device, and then he walked to the other side of the stream and supported his body. Pulled onto this special transport.

This particular vehicle is a very modified truck-or it can't be called a truck. It ’s more appropriate to call it a robot or something else-this type of vehicle does not have a windshield, and it looks complicated to operate. There is a track lifting and lifting "tire" device on the fuselage, which can perfectly overcome many common obstacles in cities , And fully ensure that the driving vision is unobstructed.

"How far can you look?" The third man looked at the old man sitting in the cockpit. "Did you design this thing?"

"It can't be far, but I have written down the whole terrain and terrain, and I can use humans for induction, so I can still drive." The old man started the equipment in the cockpit, then continued: "This thing is designed by my students. It is not easy to make it, otherwise I really want to spread it. But you also know that there is no global resources such as minerals from mountains and rivers and electricity. In the era of global industrial globalization, It is also difficult and difficult to set up a manufacturing industry, so this thing can be used on its own. It cannot be popularized. "

"Yes." The old man nodded, drank the snowflakes floating outside the cockpit, and said, "Speed ​​faster, otherwise I'm afraid Liu Chang can't stand it."

"Well, you can continue to stimulate his brain with brain waves, so as not to completely inactivate his brain." The old man said. Kicked a lever to make the machine move, the speed changed from slow to fast.

Although the transporter is walking on the road, although it is not as fast as the car of the previous era, it is really not slow-because even Beijing City. The ground is no longer flat, except for the cracks which are raised tree roots. This machine can do this step, which must be designed with incomparable calculations.

"Your student is also a smart person!" Seeing this machine, the third child suddenly lived on Liu Chang and raised his expectations again.

The third child is gone. Boss and second child came.

Soon after the third child left, a group of people came to the army. They inspected the site of the ruins but found no fighting army or monster. Therefore, after checking it, they left some people around the site, and most of them gathered. The main combat personnel who got up to deal with the unexpected situation were gone.

The remaining wavelet can circle the scene. The boss and the second child who rushed over in the natural circle couldn't stop them. They set off a few soldiers who stayed behind, and easily led people to the place where Liu Chang and Liu Liu fought.

Following the last place Liu Chang saw before closing his eyes, the boss took a large circle with people and found the blood on the scene, but found no trace of Liu Chang or flow.

"The third child is missing."

"Yes, where did he go?" The boss and the second child and Liu Chang shared their vision. They naturally came back to the third child in the battle.

"Someone should have come and taken them away." The second child guessed.

"Should be, that person should be very powerful, otherwise the third child cannot follow him obediently." The boss also analyzed: "Should be a very powerful main battle person or a person with more than 4 brain domain mutations. It's impossible to resist even if you don't do anything, just listen to others-that's a choice that can't be made unless it's absolutely passive. "

"Who will it be?" Qingyin asked when they heard the two talking.

"It should be from the Beijing Institute, and it is the highest level." The boss looked westward.

The boss looks west, not only because Beijing's Institute of Biology is on the west, but also for a reason—the west is here.

It is a child who came here under the protection of three adults. The child is only about two years old by visual inspection, but he has walked very steadily, and is obviously a very strong child.

"Brother, brother, haven't seen you for a long time." The child walked westward and eastward, and finally stopped in front of the other two children.

"Boss." The boss smiled.


"Did you take it with you?" The second child asked.

"No, the people from the institute took it away." No. 7 came to the eyes of the eldest and second child and said; We do n’t need to split the road anymore. I ’ll take you to where we are now. Seventeen wants to see you and tell you something interesting. ”

"Xiao Jing is not injured on your side?" The boss asked.

"No, how could we hurt her?" Lao Qi shook his head. "It's just that she's been working hard this time. We are also very hard. It's really hard to put together memories, especially the pieces of physical memory. A dozen people took turns doing it for more than a month, and finally they are about to produce results. "

"I don't know what the message left by Li Qingshui is?" The boss nodded and greeted the back. "He Zhizhi, Qingyin, all follow, let's go to their place on the 17th."

"Then I'll stay and leave a letter every day, or she'll be back at night, I don't know where to find us." The second child spoke and patted the boss's shoulder, "You go first."

"Okay." The boss nodded, and there was no nonsense. He followed Lao Qi to the west and walked a few steps. He asked, "What about the remaining amphibians?"


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