Global Evolution

Chapter 261: Man, woman

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A biscuit.

While introducing himself, Liu Chang showed his kindness. But the little girl stared at Liu Chang's hand, her eyes widened, but he was afraid to take the cookies in his hand.

"Is it really for me?" After three seconds of hesitation, it seemed that she couldn't stand the temptation of cookies. The little girl laughed and asked, "Is it really for me? Such a big piece?"

This biscuit was brought by Liu Chang from the research institute. Compressed biscuit, and now such rare goods are rarely seen in the market. Because of the use of higher-tech anti-corrosion technology and vacuum packaging, the packaging of this biscuit looks exquisite, so the little girl will not dare to pick it up.

The woman next to her saw the beautifully packed biscuit, and her face was surprised, and Liu Chang's eyes looked a little more trusting.

"Are you really from outside?" The woman asked again, confirming it.

"Yes." Liu Chang shook the biscuit in his hand and stuffed it to the little girl. "Hold on, there are a lot in Uncle's bag."

"I've never heard of people from the sea going to the inland. I haven't heard how people from the sea run to the sea." Although some believe what Liu Chang said, Li Cheng still had some illogical things. Confused, "Is there anything wrong in the inland? It's harder to survive now than the sea?"

"That's not there, although the inland is not easy now, but I think it is much better than the seaside after all." After speaking, Liu Chang thought of the monsters with fangs and teeth in the sea level, "but there is now It's cold, and many places can't grow anything, so there are a lot of hungry people. What about your side? So many monsters in the sea have to come up because the sea level is frozen, but these days it is easy to get food? "

"It's not that easy." The woman retracted her gaze from the biscuit, and looked at the parrot standing behind Liu Chang. "The competition in the sea is more fierce than land before or after the last days. So ... that Those who can live to the present and can get the oxygen outlet are the best in it. They are strong and dangerous. If you want to hunt them, you must be ready to be hunted by them at any time. And you should be able to Imagine that the people who remained at the beach after the end of the world are those who have nothing to do with no ability. Those who can get good equipment, good weapons, or evolved to be stronger. They all run with their family members to the inland to seek The more comfortable living conditions, and the men who remain here are either weak and thin, or those who are insatiable ... "

The woman said here, at the entrance of the underground parking lot, a squeaking sound of the iron gate was opened suddenly, and the sound of rust rubbing the cement stone pillars echoed in the empty underground parking lot, letting you hear The voice of the woman shuddered subconsciously. As if the mouse heard a meow, he quickly left here with his daughter.

"I have to go."

Leaving this sentence, the woman picked up her daughter and ran to the crowd on the other side, and Liu Chang also smelled the smell of a man at the door.

"What do you think?" The woman left. Before the man came, Liu Chang leaned against the parrot.

"My opinion is that this woman's **** is fat and should be more delicious." Parrot answered truthfully.

"Seriously." Liu Chang frowned.

"This is really my serious opinion. From my parrot's point of view, this woman's **** is very fat and should be delicious, just like you humans can see chicken thighs." The parrot laughed and chuckled. : "But if you look at it from a human perspective, this woman should be pretty good! So, this may be the woman of the leader."

"Same as I thought." Liu Chang said. He smelled the man's smell getting closer, and then in the darkness, he saw dozens of men, and heard the frustrated and loud complaining—

"He. Damn, I lost a few more people, those fish monsters are too cunning. And those dead octopuses, just after breaking the ice hole, they dragged in people outside." The leading man's voice was extremely loud, Liu Chang It can be heard that a person who can emit such a strong air flow in the lungs is very strong-at least much stronger than ordinary people.

In contrast, with the exception of the leaders in the front, the men in the back are not very good. Footsteps are flimsy, and the body is lean. Obviously, it is the result of perennial malnutrition and mental depression, and after they approached, Liu Chang found that these men were really thin and thin, and their equipment was very rough.

Not some homemade iron spears, or some shields made of door panels, not even a decent firearm-as if he was in the doomsday, when he was in Kaifeng.

However, after seeing these people, Liu Chang didn't take the initiative to say anything. Anyway, he could see these people, and these people might not see him. Therefore, he didn't want to appear suddenly like the beginning. The instinctual hostility of the man has grown, and he has already been in a certain relationship with the woman anyway. He wants to let the men know their existence through the mouth of the woman.

So he thumped the fire just in front of his eyes a few times to make the flames dim. Then in the crackling sound of the fire, focus all your attention on the ears and listen to the situation on the other side.

The leading man walked into the women's group and continued to complain.

"Those fish monsters ~ ~ don't eat the bait on the fishhook at all, and those fishing nets can't stop them at all. Each one is smarter than ghosts, how do they hunt for food?" The man shouted loudly Dissatisfied, he threw himself into the tent pile and cotton wool prepared by the women. This cotton wool was the place closest to the flames. The heat and softness provided Liu Changneng with the light and saw the expression of the man.

It was a frustrated and unhappy expression.

As he continued to complain about food, he pulled over a woman and vented the anger of her hunting failure on her.

"I didn't mean to let you prepare a sofa? What is this? Break the cotton wool!" The anger seemed to find a vent, and the man started firing at the cotton boots. "Sofa sofa, this ruined city is everywhere Is it so difficult to find this kind of thing? Our men are exhausted outside, desperately looking for food for you, hunting, and letting you do little things? Can you have a little ... "

The man vented his anger loudly, and everyone was trembling. For a moment, in the dark underground parking lot, there was only the roaring vent and the occasional "cracking" sound of matches burning. RQ


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