Global Evolution

Chapter 321: Marine life

Sea beasts are huge in size. The big hammer-like forelegs are a big hole on the surface of the sea ice, and because of the "brittle" physical nature of the ice, a single hammer can often lead to a large area of ​​ice. Cracking.

After that huge sea beast, there are all kinds of marine creatures that are relatively small in size. Although these creatures are not as large as the previous ones, they are all in a neat formation and the ice speed is very fast. The sea monster in front smashed the giant ice with a hammer. The little guys behind shattered the giant ice into ice powder, and then used the temperature and the current to keep the cold water around his body from recondensing for a short time-so that People surged behind.

Staff, surging.

Behind these sea beasts, of course, are human beings-a large number of undersea people swim on the surface of the sea like leeches one by one. At first glance, it looks dark, and I don't know how many there are.

And if a human is not surprised to see such a situation-the stuff behind these underwater people-it is really amazing.

Behind tens of thousands of undersea people, there are countless human warships, including transport ships, cruisers, and even aircraft carriers. At first glance, warships are made in the United States, because some warships still have broken American flags-just some American flags are full of undersea cartoon doodles.

And on the decks of these warships, most of them are also undersea people-the undersea people have very flexible tentacles, and their size is not much different from that of humans. Therefore, humans can operate equipment that these undersea people basically can . However, not all of these warships were undersea. If you watch carefully. There are still traces of human beings found among a group of black and red guys.

The ocean finally approached the continent.

And when marine life came across the mighty ocean. After some searching, Liu Chang finally found He Zhizhi who was too busy in the middle of a dense forest.

This frozen jungle. It is less than a hundred kilometers away from Jinan, but He Zhizhi is obviously stuck in this time.

Walking silently in the dense forest like a civet cat, Liu Changcha, when he smelled the smell of He Zhizhi, crossed the distance of several kilometers at the fastest speed and found the person.

"What's going on?" After Liu Chang saw He Zhizhi, he found that the other party was already crying.

"You are here at last, I thought you were dead!" He Zhizhi was scarred when he talked, and there might be severe water shortage, and his face had dried up. When he saw Liu Chang, he let out the last breath in his body, and sat on the ground with one butt.

"I'm not dead, the boss is fine. Why did you not leave here?" Liu Chang asked, looking at the empty ground behind He Zhizhi, "What the **** is going on? The boss didn't say you were sitting on a big foot machine Is it? Is it broken? "

"Well. It's a bad road, there are still a dozen little guys inside. I can't fix it anyhow, and I don't know the principle structure of that thing." He Zhizhi breathed and said: "I'm not you guy I run so fast. I traveled hundreds of kilometers in this dense forest, and I was very slow. Also, at first I was afraid to come directly because I could n’t rest the body of those little guys. Later, I could n’t help it. The machine threw it, ready to call someone. "

He Zhizhi is just an evolutionary who is not much stronger than ordinary people-there is nothing very special except the nose. It is difficult to survive in the dense forest, so it is said that it is hundreds of kilometers to travel through the frozen forest alone. It is now the limit to get here at this time.

"So many days, aren't those bodies hungry and thirsty?" Liu Chang raised He Zhizhi, who was slumped to the ground, and asked, "Can you hold on?"

"Yes, if you don't come, I can walk to Jinan by myself." He Zhizhi's face still has the strength unique to female soldiers.

"Well, where do you remember the big feet?"

"Remember." He Zhizhi wiped his chapped lips, and then pulled out a charred branch from his body. "I used this to mark all the way, and I will definitely find it if I go back the same way."

"Then hold my neck tight and let's go." Liu Chang said, carrying He Zhizhi on his body, and then went all the way in the direction she was pointing away.

Then He Zhizhi was on Liu Chang's back and felt the feeling of drinking the wind that Liu Chang once felt on the stream back-because the speed was too fast, the feeling on Liu Chang's back was like driving a car to a high speed , The head feels the same as it sticks out of the window-the strong wind that wins the face can go down the cheek into the nostril and mouth, except for "wheezing" beside the ears-if you insist that you feel like Liu Chang used to have What different words.

That is, the wind is much colder than that day.

Crossing hundreds of kilometers may be a difficult thing for He Zhizhi, but it is an easy thing for Liu Chang-Liu Chang does not have to worry about the danger of the creatures in the forest, let alone bypass. The difficult terrain, physical strength and speed are not on a level with He Zhizhi, so Liu Chang traveled hundreds of kilometers before reaching dark and reached the place where He Zhizhi hid the big foot machinery.

Time is not too late ~ ~ After Liu Chang arrived at this place, he lowered He Zhizhi, opened the cockpit door, and drilled in.

After drilling into it, he was glad to find that the heating equipment inside had not lost its function, and the inside was obviously much warmer than the outside-which made him more than half relieved-because of hunger, thirst and cold Now the first killer, if a person loses consciousness, the internal circulation will not increase. In this case, if it is placed in the weather at minus dozens of degrees, the body will be stiff within a few hours.

From this point of view, He Zhizhi is very attentive.

"Before I left, I wrapped them and made sure that there was no air leakage before I left." While Liu Chang looked at the bodies of the clones, He Zhizhi also drilled in, "It's quite warm inside , But the bigfoot machine can't move, I don't know if it's too cold. How about these little guys?

He Zhizhi said this, looking inside the bigfoot machine, lying in a row of neat little guys fiddled with by her.

"Well, seven are dead." Liu Chang looked at these dozens of little guys, one by one detecting their body temperature and heartbeat. "There are three more breaths that have failed, but the consciousness is still there."

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