Global Evolution

Chapter 4: ready

After walking a few steps, Liu Chang endured the pain in his ankle and made a circle in the room again, but still found nothing else.

He still had only one and a half fingers of his father-one of them was half off by the mouse.

I picked up those **** from the ground, and Liu Chang looked at this thing, and couldn't bear it anymore. My throat kept sulking, but I couldn't cry.

Unlike females, tadpoles are much weaker at releasing pain.

Fortunately, Liu Chang is optimistic. He doesn't think his parents are dead. After being sad for a while, he went to the water pipe, rinsed the blood off his father's fingers, and put them in his pocket.

Then turned around and went into his bedroom.

Turn on the computer, he wants to see if the network can still be connected.

After the computer is turned on, Liu Chang clicks the client link-success.

"Something that can be used is still available." When I turned on the computer and just connected to the Internet, the overwhelming information was passed over.

那些 The software that was responsible for playing small advertisements has now changed the news.

The overwhelming news is all about the "end of the world."

After tapping into the news, in addition to seeing the overwhelming news, there are also overwhelming comments and speculations.

I randomly clicked on some of the largest news websites, Liu Chang quickly browsed some news and comments, and then summed up a few important pieces of information: First of all, this red misty event is not only his , But the country and even the world are filled with this fog at almost the same time; Secondly, this fog is determined to be able to shield all wireless signals, including satellite signals, as long as it is transmitted by wireless, it has no effect Thirdly, bizarre mutation events have occurred in animals and plants around the world, and this mutation continues to deepen over time.

Finally, the world is in panic.

The official did not come forward to explain, but only the most real news, together with a horrifying blood incident.

Animals and plants all over the world seem to become bloodthirsty and horrible at this moment. Every creature is full of aggressiveness. It seems that every species is crazy like fighting for living space. It is subconsciously afraid of itself here. Eliminated in the torrent of competition.

While Liu Chang was searching for overwhelming news on the Internet, the webpage suddenly failed to open. At the same time, he heard the voice of "Xixixoso" on the ground.

Looking down, I don't know when a black iron beetle covered the ground. They seem to have found the **** smell, and are scrambling to go to the living room to devour the mouse's body, and left by Liu Chang's father on the other side. Blood stains.

I even had a few nose-nosed people who wanted to climb up Liu Chang's injured foot and made him stand upright.

"I fuck!" Scolding is a subconscious, a natural reaction to panic.

畅 Liu Chang shook his legs vigorously, removed several beetles from his legs, and stomped them down.

jump jump jump!

The sound of stomping the soles against the ground came out, and Liu Chang's feet felt the feeling of stomping on the stones. Those hard beetles were just injured and not dead under his slamming step. No one could imagine how strong those bright black shell beetles were. Liu Chang is thinking, if the volume difference between the two sides is not too large, I am afraid I can't even hurt the other side.

"The house can't stay!"

The black beetle on the ground made Liu Chang think of the scarab beetle in "Tomb Raider".

Although these bugs currently look far less aggressive than scarabs, in the world of red mist, God knows how they will change tomorrow.

I saw here, Liu Chang knew that he could no longer wait for his parents to go home.

As for the broken wires-obviously, it is also a masterpiece of these bugs.

I walked to my study, Liu Chang took out the writing brush and rice paper on the shelf, and wrote a line on the largest rice paper on it, "Parents, I'm at school now, go to school to find me."

Wrote three large notes in a row, Liu Changyi posted to the bedroom door, one posted to the living room, then walked out of the room and posted the last one at the courtyard door.

As soon as I opened the door of the room, it was a world of overwhelming red mist.

After pasting the last piece of rice paper, Liu Chang entered the room again.

He first picked up the blood-stained crowbar from the swarm carefully and threw away the worms above, and Liu Chang came to the kitchen again.

Xu first cleared the blood on the crowbar, rinsed his wound, and then found the medicine box to disinfect and put on a bandage. Liu Chang began to think about the current situation.

There is no doubt that the end is now.

But it seems different from the last days written in most books. There are no disgusting zombies, nor is it a ruined world after the nuclear bombing.

The world is dark and bloody. Although you ca n’t reach your fingers, it seems that everything except humans looks good. What seems to be the case now is that humanity's consistent dominance of the earth has been challenged-as for food and living environment, it is not so tense.

"But maybe, the end of the world doesn't happen overnight." After thinking for a moment, Liu Chang lowered his head and saw that those iron beetles that were only about the size of a fingertip just grew stronger in this time. ring.

"Or maybe, this doomsday will be much harder than the doomsday in any novel, but it has not yet appeared."

After seeing these beetles growing at super speed, Liu Chang knew that he couldn't delay any more. From the closet, I took out a huge schoolbag bought in junior high school ~ ~ Then I came to the refrigerator and packed some food, as well as some commonly used medicines and a kitchen knife in the medicine box. Inside the schoolbag.

After a short while, the bag was stuffed with a full weight of several tens of pounds-no matter how much stuff he loaded, he couldn't carry his back.

I did all of this. He lowered his head and saw a few beetles crawling to his feet in the smell of blood. After throwing away these hard things, he suddenly thought of a problem.

"These **** smells may cause trouble for me." Thinking of this, Liu Chang turned back and went back to his mother's bedroom, found a bottle of perfume and sprayed it all over his body.

"I don't know if it's useful, but this scent is bad and pungent for the animals!" Actually, Liu Chang didn't know how much the perfume had to cover up the **** smell on his body, but now he can only Yes-do everything and listen to destiny.

After spraying perfume, she was sure that she hadn't missed anything. Liu Chang was carrying the big schoolbag, holding a crowbar in one hand, and inserting a kitchen knife on the side of the schoolbag, leaving the door.

It's still **** outside, and you can't see your five fingers.

The fog is even greater.

畅 Liu Chang lowered her head and carefully distinguished the familiar traces on the road. Now there are fewer and fewer familiar signs. The walls and houses along the road are covered with crazy vines, and the solid road on the ground is broken by the grass with strong vitality. Potholes, and visibility on the road was less than three meters.

It seems that under any circumstances, plants grow much faster than animals.

畅 The beetles in the house have already shocked Liu Chang, but compared with the growth rate of these plants outside, some little witches can see it.

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