Global Evolution

Chapter 9: 1st night

Body heat caused by wound infection is normal. In fact, no matter whether it is human or animal, it will always die the most. Even those carnivorous animals in the jungle, unless extremely hungry, generally do not treat aggressive animals as their prey-even if the opponent is much weaker than him.

Fear of injury.

Injury can infect wounds and cause death.

Because they don't have drugs to inhibit bacteria, a large lacerated wound is basically equivalent to death.

And that's what Liu Chang faces now.

Although he had drugs, it seemed that he couldn't control the bacterial group after mutation. He felt that his body was getting colder, his brain was getting more and more painful, and his glasses were blurred.

It took another hour to pass. People nearby had begun to prepare food. Liu Changqiang gritted his teeth and got to the crowd. He took a canned baguette on the counter and forced himself to eat his belly.

He understands that no one in this world can take care of him, and if he wants to live, he must eat-even now he has no appetite.

After eating Babao porridge, Liu Chang continued to lean against the wall, her body curled up, feeling the cold around her.

"What's the matter buddy." Seeing Liu Chang's curled up, several fat people gathered together.

"I said your feet really smell!" Liu Tao came over, covering his nose.

喂 "Hey, according to the general settings, there are not many sick and dead in the last days!" The glasses came half-jokingly, hoping to ease the tension.

"Oh, when do you have the most illness and death." Leaning against the wall, Liu Chang sighed.

"You have a fever?" After several people got closer, they found that Liu Chang's face was not right.

"It's all right."

"Take some antipyretics." Several people took out antipyretics from their bags and fed them to Liu Chang.


The bitter pill was swallowed to the abdomen with mineral water, Liu Chang nodded his thanks.

At the moment Liu Chang enters the abdomen, the direction of the convenience store's toilet suddenly burst into a terrible scream. The scream was a real "heartbreak". The weave was blocked by the viscous blood in the middle, turning into a "cooing" sound.

"Mom!" Hearing this voice, the fat man's face changed greatly, his plump body jumped from the ground like a sturdy elk, and rushed towards the convenience store toilet as fast as possible.

Some other people, also because of curiosity, followed the fat man in the direction of the toilet.

畅 Liu Chang also stood up reluctantly, mixed with the direction of the flow of people, and walked towards the inner room.

有人 The candlelight was already lit there.

Then, following the direction of the light source, as soon as Liu Chang stepped into the inner corridor, he smelled a strong smell of blood, and then saw some people in front of him vomiting against the wall. Such supper turned into a sticky thing, and the breath of the stomach filled the corridor.

Through the moving head, Liu Chang saw a scene that also caused his stomach to swell.

A broken corpse.

The body was intact except for the head. The entire body was lying there, and a large bowl-sized hole was pulled out from the buttocks. This large hole then penetrated her dirty chest and smoothed the broken internal organs. With this big hole all over the ground. Except for this big hole, there is a similar hole in other parts of her body, but none are so deep.

What's even more disgusting is that it is probably because the fat mother is too fat, and the yellow and orange fat oils are mixed in the ground meat pieces. Anyone who sees this picture cannot stop his stomach twitching.

Fortunately, now Liu Chang is weak and his body is extremely slow, but he can't hold back the feeling of stomach fluid.

He turned his head away from looking at the scene, and turned his gaze towards the fat man. He saw a distraught and angry face.

He knew that it was useless to say anything comforting at this time.

So he took two steps backwards and leaned against the wall.

"Hoo!" A slow breath of heat, Liu Chang's heels softened, and he knelt on the ground.

Alas, no one paid attention to him at this time. People were attracted by the more **** scene. Except for the fat people, everyone showed a self-dangerous look.

"What the **** has attacked her?" Someone whispered.

But he won't get the answer, maybe only the first fat man who ran in saw the attacker, but now he won't talk to anyone.

Even so, this sentence is not completely ineffective. When someone in the crowd asked this sentence, all twenty people began to pay attention to observe the surroundings.

But the surroundings are too dark. With the light of candlelight alone, people can only obscure what is around them--but if not, then there should be more people who vomited just now.

People watch carefully around. No one wants to die tragically on the spot ~ ~ There are smart people who have pulled their families away from this place silently, they are afraid that the **** smell will attract more strange things.

For a while, the scene was very tense.

I never seemed to notice Liu Chang curled up in the corner.

畅 Liu Chang felt that his temperature had become higher and higher, and his consciousness had gradually blurred, and the person had entered a semi-conscious state.

This situation continued to be discovered until the middle of the night-it was still the biology teacher wearing glasses that found him abnormal.

He saw Liu Chang curled up at the foot of the wall and reached out and touched his forehead.

"It must be more than forty degrees!" Li Qingshui exclaimed as soon as his hands were put up.

Then he didn't know where to find a thermometer and put it in Liu Chang's mouth.

After twenty-five minutes, Li Qingshui took out the thermometer and placed it under candlelight to take a closer look—the thermometer showed full scale, which was 42 degrees.

"Did not die?" Generally speaking, thermometers are rarely marked above 42 degrees, because a person's body reaches forty-two degrees and will die of heart failure.

It is very obvious that Liu Chang's body temperature has now far exceeded this figure.

"How is he?" In the vagueness, Liu Chang heard another voice approaching himself, and Liu Tao's voice should be heard.

"I don't know, it should be dead, but it is still good now." Li Qingshui's voice came out again.

"Are you saved?"

"If you go on like this, it will be dead, because his body temperature is too high due to a bacterial infection in the wound. If the bacteria are not killed, even if he does not die now, he will be burned to death."

"What then?"

"If there are antibiotics, there is still rescue!"

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