Global Famine: Starting from Inheriting a Thousand-Acre Farm

Chapter 11: Cherish the maturity of crops

[Enhanced corn is mature and can be collected! 】

[Enhanced potatoes are ripe and ready for collection! 】

[Enhanced sweet potatoes are ripe and ready for collection! 】

[Enhanced peppers are ripe and can be collected! 】

[Enhanced garlic is mature and can be collected! 】

Listening to the system prompts one after another, Chen Fei almost smiled.

Looking at his sister who was still sleeping soundly, he kissed her again.

"Finally mature enough to work!"

After quickly putting on his clothes, Chen Fei rushed out of the room and arrived at the center of the farm.

"Come, come, do the work, collect what is due!"

Chen Fei said hello, and all the dozen smart robots rushed over to collect the crops together.

Even though the smart robots exchanged by Chen Fei have far exceeded those at that time, there are indeed a lot of crops planted this time.

Several robots and himself were busy together, and it took more than four hours to put it away.

He packed all the crops in baskets and stacked them neatly one by one in the open space in front of the room.

Pick a few items from each basket and place them next to them after they are put away. Chen Fei moved the scale out of the room.

Taking the trouble to weigh the crops one by one.

[Strengthen 2,000 pounds of corn! 】

[Strengthen 5,000 pounds of potatoes! 】

[1,000 pounds of strengthened pepper! 】

[Strengthen 8,000 pounds of sweet potatoes! 】

[Enhanced 6,000 pounds of garlic! 】

The total weight of all these strengthened crops actually reached 32,000 kilograms.

What a terrifying number.

Especially in this apocalyptic world, once these things are revealed, no matter how strong the defense of Chen Fei's manor is, it will not be able to withstand the ugliness in people's hearts.

There must be countless people with ulterior motives who want to get it.

Even the people above will try their best to get Chen Fei to hand over these seeds.


He waved his hand, and the baskets of crops in front of him quickly turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Chen Fei also received 320,000 points in his points account.

"Wealth! Wealth like never before!"

Just when Chen Fei was about to open the mall to redeem some rare seeds, the system prompt sounded again.

[Rare rice is ripe and ready for collection! 】

[The precious potatoes are ripe and ready for collection! 】

"Double happiness!"

Chen Fei was overjoyed. Although his body was still exhausted, he still couldn't resist the joy in his heart.

"Come and harvest!"

Looking at those fast-moving robots, Chen Fei showed a hint of envy on his face. These robots are so tireless and tireless. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ


Chen Fei suddenly realized that he had a huge amount of points now, so why did he have to do it himself?

After thinking about it, I opened the mall.

Exchanged 10 more junior smart robots.

Then I redeemed 10 intermediate smart robots.

After thinking about it for a while, I gritted my teeth and finally redeemed two high-level ones and one ultimate level one.

Looking at the ultimate intelligent robot in his backpack, Chen Fei's eyes were full of fire.

No boy can be indifferent to mechas.

Especially such a cool mecha.

Ever seen a bumblebee? It's ten times, a hundred times more cool than the bumblebee.

Looking at the above introduction, this is a mecha in three forms: sea, land and air.

Moreover, with the two high-level mechas and the intermediate mechas, the safety problem in the manor has been completely solved.

Chen Fei believed that there was such a thing. As long as the opponent was not a regular force or had a particularly large number of people, the manor would not be lost no matter what, and the safety of her and her sister would definitely be guaranteed in this apocalypse.

But the only thing that worries Chen Fei are those mutant creatures. He is in a mountain and lives on the mountain. There are the most wild animals on the mountain. If it mutates or attacks its manor, I wonder if these mechas can resist it. Live.

Just release those junior intelligent robots and let them harvest rice and potatoes.

However, Chen Fei, the intermediate mecha, arranged for them to patrol the manor in pairs, patrolling the manor 24 hours a day.

After all, he had experienced the apocalypse in his previous life, and he knew deeply that some people had simply lost their bottom line as human beings in the apocalypse, and would do anything just for a bite to eat.

With the addition of these junior intelligent robots, rice and potatoes are harvested faster and faster.

In just over an hour, they harvested the rice and potatoes.

If this speed were used in the past, even the fully intelligent harvester would be beaten.

The most important thing is that they not only collected the rice, but also beat it into rice.

"This is so powerful!"

Chen Fei swallowed.

"Weigh these crops."

After Chen Fei said something casually, those junior intelligent robots immediately became busy.

And Chen Fei also released the extremely cool ultimate mecha from his backpack.


The moment the mecha appeared, he immediately knelt on one knee in front of Chen Fei.

"What's going on with the system? How can he talk?"

Chen Fei frowned.

He had seen movies before, and it was not uncommon for those movies to feature intelligent robots massacring humans.

"Host, rest assured, this mecha is bound to your soul, and will be absolutely loyal to you and will not disobey any of your orders."

"Even if you ask him to self-destruct immediately, he will not hesitate, and as long as he has the heart of rebellion, you can destroy him with just one thought."

"And the ultimate intelligent robots are all autonomous."


Fade Chen nodded, finally understood.

He couldn't help but sigh at the awesomeness of this system!

I know that even if it is a gathering, the researchers in the world may not be able to come up with such advanced things.

However, in the system, it is like cabbage. As long as the points are enough, you can exchange as much as you want.

"If those researchers knew this, they would probably vomit blood."

"From now on, you will be responsible for the security and alert of the entire manor. Once an outsider invades, immediately control him, or report to me immediately."


After the ultimate intelligent robot agreed, it flew into the sky and disappeared.

"Is it so advanced? It can even be invisible!"

If it weren't for soul induction, he could know where the robot is now. He would have thought that the robot had escaped immediately after being released.

After finishing this, Chen Fei also went to help weigh it. It was an hour later when the weighing was finished.

There was no way his scale was too small to weigh too much at one time.

Even at this time, Chen Fei was considering whether to get a floor scale.

[6,000 kilograms of rare rice! ]

[7,000 kilograms of rare potatoes! ]

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