"Boss Liang, long time no see!"

"Are you coming down by yourself or am I asking you to come down?"

Looking at Liang Youde who was shivering in the car, Chen Fei said indifferently.

"Don't come over! I tell you I won't call the police about this matter today!"

"Just let me go! I promise I won't tell anyone anything!"

Liang Youde was terrified now. He didn't expect that all the people he brought with him would die in just one minute. These people were still bragging to him an hour ago.

He never thought that human life could be so cheap, like an ant.

He didn't even think that Chen Fei had such a modern robot.

The robot stood in front of him, and he only felt hot inside, and a smell of urine soon filled the entire car.


Chen Fei sneered.

It seemed that Liang Youde was really scared. At this time, there was no police who would care about such things, and it was too late to protect himself.

"What's more, in this mountain, it's difficult for the police to get in even if they want to."

"Since you don't come out, I'll ask you to come out!"

"Do it!"

Fade Chen took two steps back gently, and the Ultimate Robot instantly inserted one hand into the car, exerted a strong force, and the car door was easily pulled down.


The robot gently swung the car door in its hand to the distance, smashing it on the mountain, and there was a violent roar.

Countless gravel flew.

"Come out!"

The Ultimate Robot grabbed Liang Youde's neck and threw him out.

"Cough cough cough!"

Liang Youde, who was lying on the ground, coughed violently, his face was extremely pale, without a trace of human blood.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Liang Youde, who was lying on the ground, held his head with one hand, and took out a bank card from his pocket with the other hand.

"I'll give you all my property, which is five million!"

"I only ask you to spare my life, I have old people and young children!"

Looking at Liang Youde's cowardly and fearful appearance of begging for mercy.


Fade Chen kicked him on the back.

"You have old people and young children, you brought these people to rob my food, and when you wanted to kill me, why didn't you think about my sister, and how we both need to live?"

For people like Liang Youde, Fade Chen had no mercy at all.

You know, it's not just her who bought food from him. ׺°"˜˜`"°º×

If it weren't for the help of the system today, she and her sister would definitely be abandoned in the wilderness.

He treated himself like this, so how could he be soft-hearted to others? He didn't know how many people he had robbed before him, and how many people died in his hands.

For such a scourge, Fade Chen felt that if he lived one more second, he would be disgusted one more second.

"What about the food in your own granary? The supplies in your supermarket are more than enough for your family to live for ten years, right?"

Although Chen Fei wanted to kill him immediately, he couldn't help but ask.

"Food, what food, it's gone, it's all gone!"

Chen Fei's light words caused Liang Youde to resist violently, and his eyes became red at this moment.

"If I had food, would I bring people to rob you?"

Looking at Liang Youde's resentful look, Chen Fei's expression froze.

The last time Liang Youde called, he refused so straightforwardly because he knew how much food this guy had stored at home, especially for supermarket owners. Which supermarket owner doesn't have a few warehouses?

"Where did all that food go?"

"Without food, you should have something else, right?"


"I don't know if you live in the mountains, are too isolated from the news, or something else."

"The country is collecting food from all over the country. In order to respond to the country's call, I handed over 1.5 million kilograms of my 2 million kilograms of food!"

"I thought they would leave me some, but they took another 300,000 kilograms from me."

"Not only did they take away my 300,000 kilograms of food, they also swept away everything else in my supermarket, leaving me nothing even in the warehouse."

"What do I have left? I still have 200,000 kilograms of food!"

"You have 200,000 kilograms of food, why do you want to rob me?"

Fade Chen asked with a frown.

"Go to hell 200,000 kilograms of food, all of which were taken away by those bigwigs in the town!"

Listening to Liang Youde's words, Fade Chen was calm on the surface, but his heart was full of huge waves.

Ordinary people like him, under the coercion of those powerful and wealthy people, how could they keep their own food? It was already very good to be able to save their lives.

But what he didn't expect was that this group of people had been so crazy that they openly robbed food!

"Logically speaking, you handed over a full 1.8 million kilograms of food, so the country didn't give you any subsidies?"

"What subsidies?"

Liang Youde showed a sneer on his face.

"They only care about food now, not people. As long as you hand them food, you can live. If you don't hand them food, they have ways to punish you."

"Why would the country suddenly collect food on such a large scale?"

"Why? I can only tell you that this time the food is collected as a strategic resource reserve!"

"Think about why?"

As he spoke, Liang Youde, for some reason, seemed to know that he was going to die, but he took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it tremblingly.

After blowing out a smoke ring, he spoke slowly.

"Do you know what strategic reserve resources are? They are things that will only be used in war."

"So the world war is about to begin. Even if humans don't die in this virus apocalypse, they will die in this war."

"This war is definitely the opportunity for human extinction, or the beginning of human extinction."

"Now all countries are going crazy in order to grab food."

"It's just that everyone still has a little bit of rationality now, and they are just planning, but after a long time, the war will definitely start."

"Qihua will definitely be the first to bear the brunt of the war. After all, the vast land and abundant resources are not just talk. Our food reserves alone can match the food reserves of one-third of the countries in the world."

"What a terrifying number, guess it yourself!"

After listening to Liang Youde's words, Chen Fei was stunned.

Even his eyes became a little distant.

But he didn't notice that Liang Youde, who had originally removed all his defenses, was staring at this moment.

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