"Little girl, what are you taking pictures of?"

While Chen Fei was quickly handling the fish in his hand, he asked Nuo Nuo in confusion as he was holding an iPad and taking pictures of himself.

"I want to record every move and every moment of my brother. My brother is the best person to me in the world."

"So I want to treasure these beautiful memories with my brother."

"Little girl..."

Hearing these words, Chen Fei felt his heart suffocate, and an unspeakable feeling filled his heart.

"Then you have to make your brother look more handsome in the photo. If he looks ugly, I won't be able to spare you, little girl."

Chen Fei said a little funny.

"Don't worry, my brother is the most handsome man in the world. Even if he doesn't need to be modified, he is definitely unmatched."

A smile appeared on Nuo Nuo's face.

"You're just a sweet little girl. Go and wait in the room. My brother will be busy by himself in a moment."

Chen Fei said with a smile.


She agreed, held the iPad in her hand, and ran towards the house, but something fell out of her pocket while running.

This thing fell to the ground without making any sound, and just lay there quietly.

But the darkness on his body seemed to be swallowing up the light.

Any light shining on him has no effect.

Half an hour later!

After finally finishing handling the three big fish, Chen Fei walked towards the kitchen with the basin in hand. However, just halfway through, he fell down.


After a loud noise, Chen Fei fell heavily to the ground, and the fish in the basin in his hand was also clasped on his forehead.

"What the hell?"

Chen Fei pulled the basin off his face in one fell swoop.

He rubbed his butt that was sore from the fall and asked with some confusion.

He had obviously just cleaned this room yesterday. If Luoluo was so obedient, he would definitely not throw garbage or anything on the floor.

How could he suddenly slip and fall?

"Huh? What is this?"

Looking at the dark stone lying at his feet, Chen Fei had a look of doubt on his face.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Why did you fall suddenly? Doesn't it hurt?"

At this time, Nuo Nuo, who was sitting in the room watching cartoons, ran over quickly and helped Chen Fei up from the ground with a look of distress on his face.

Looking at Chen Fei's eyes, Nuo Nuo also saw the stone in the ground at this time.

"Hey, why did he come here?"

Nuo Nuo was a little strange, so she bent down to pick up the stone and put it into her pocket.

Chen Fei's brows almost turned into knots when he saw this scene.

"What was that Nuonuo just now? Where did you come from?"

Chen Fei was very sure that there was absolutely no such thing in his home, but Nuo Nuo knew this thing very well, and it was obviously Nuo Nuo's.

"I picked this up at the door when I was playing with Dahuang last time. I saw it looked good, so I picked it up and kept it in my pocket. I didn't expect it to fall off today. It must have been caused by this broken stone. Wrestling."

As he said that, Nuo Nuo actually took out the stone with an angry face and wanted to throw him out the door.

"Don't throw it to me yet!"

Chen Fei immediately stopped Nuo Nuo's movement and took the stone in his hand.

This stone is extremely round and extremely dark. This blackness seems to come from the darkest place in the world, without a trace of light.

Because any light there will be swallowed up by darkness.

"Ding, it's detected that the host has energy crystals in his hand, activate the technology system page!"

At this moment, the long-lost system prompt sounded in Chen Fei's ears.

"System What is the Technology System Page?"

Chen Fei asked with a frown.

"The technology system page has been unblocked, please check it yourself!"

As soon as the voice fell, a button appeared on Chen Fei's home page, with the words "Technology" printed on it.

With a thought in his mind, Chen Fei clicked on the technology page.

The entry is divided into four categories.

Technology mall!

Tech lab!

Agricultural laboratory!

Tool Lab!

Out of curiosity, Chen Fei clicked on the so-called technology mall.

After clicking on the technology mall, Chen Fei gradually opened his mouth wide with shock.

Because what was happening in front of him was so shocking, no matter who in the world saw this scene, there was no way to stay calm.

[Noah’s Ark, 100,000 technology points! 】

[Space Navigator, one million technology points! 】

[Light speed gun, 100,000 technology points! 】

[Space battleship, 100 million technology points! 】

[Space jumping spaceship, 100 million technology points! 】

"Fuck! That's outrageous!"

Looking at the things that could be redeemed on it, Chen Fei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

It's like letting these things out casually, even if you can't find anything similar in the entire solar system.

But now they actually appeared in front of Chen Feiren like this.

You must know that on Earth, when robots are not yet commonplace and the artificial intelligence of machines is not yet high, something like this actually appears.

If this is released casually, then Chen Fei can guarantee that a world war will come with 100% chance, and it will break out immediately.

No matter which country it is, they all want to control such things in their own hands. After all, if they have these things, it means that they have a transcendent status.

However, for Chen Fei now, as long as there is enough time, they can get them easily.

He took a few deep breaths and suppressed the excitement and shock in his heart.

He closed the page casually.

These things are not what he can think of for the time being. After all, he doesn't even have a technology point now, and he has no idea how to get this technology point.

Clicked on the second major category, the technology laboratory!

There are only six small words in sight.




As Chen Fei clicked on it, an introduction appeared behind this small paragraph.

Analysis: Can analyze any item to see if it contains technology points and separate them. (Unlock, 100,000 technology points!)

Strengthen: As long as there are technology points, you can strengthen any item you want to strengthen. (Unlock 100,000 technology points!)

Synthesis: Can combine two different things together to become a new item. (Unlock 100,000 technology points!)

These three things or these three abilities, no matter which one, make Chen Fei envious.

But all he can do now is just envious, he can't do anything else.

After all, he doesn't even have a single piece of technology now.

After thinking about it, Chen Fei finally exited this page and clicked on the agricultural laboratory.

The layout of the agricultural laboratory is very simple.

There are only things that can be exchanged on one side.

[King-level cabbage seeds! ]

[King-level cabbage seeds! ]

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