"Hey, a bunch of idiots, still stubbornly guarding that small place, they will be killed by monsters and zombies sooner or later!"

A middle-aged man said proudly on a pickup truck.

Beside him was the mayor.

The pickup truck carried a total of eight people, and several of them were in the truck bed.

They were fleeing.

There were three more cars behind, almost all of which were full of people.

They set out last night, and now it was just dawn, but they had already driven more than 150 kilometers.

Although they were a little worried about whether monsters would suddenly appear and attack along the way.

But none of this happened.

Besides, they had guns in their hands.

The mayor said lightly: "Those folks have their own ideas, and we don't have to force them."

"Mayor, how long do you think it will take for those monsters in the city to kill them?"

"I don't know. Maybe soon. We still have to hurry on our way."

There were one or two gunmen in the back of each pickup truck.

They held Ak in their hands and carefully looked around.

All scared!

Because too many people had died in front of them before.

"We should be close to the border of Dongguan now, right?" the mayor suddenly asked.

"Almost. It should be there in a few dozen kilometers. Mayor, is there really a large settlement over there?"

"If I say there is, there is. Why don't you believe it?"

"Is it official, or..."

"Of course it is official. Don't worry, the troops of the Dongguan Military Region are all over there. With the army, what do we have to be afraid of?"

The car was driving very fast.

The road ahead was going into a tunnel, and it was very long.

This made the driver a little worried.

The mayor lit a cigarette and said coldly: "Step on the gas and rush forward!"

In that dark environment, there might be monsters or zombies.

Turn on the lights and speed up!

The driver stepped on the gas and rushed forward.

But soon he had to stop the car.

Because there was a roadblock ahead.

There was a roadblock in the tunnel!

And there were soldiers holding machine guns behind the roadblock!

A dozen soldiers, holding cold machine guns, looked at them expressionlessly.

Stop the car.

"Who are you? Why are you stopping us?"

The driver got out of the car and asked loudly.

A soldier stepped out and asked coldly: "We are from the Dongguan Military Region. What do you do?"

The driver was delighted and said loudly: "We are heading to the large settlement! Comrade, we finally found you!"

How lucky are we?

How long has it been?

Soldiers from the military region were actually found.

The mayor felt a little unreal.

"Stop the car! Accept inspection!"

The soldiers stepped forward.

Everyone in the car got out of the car as if they had seen their relatives, with excitement on their faces.

Finally, they escaped!

Finally, they are safe!

The soldiers held guns and checked the cars one by one.

"Where did the Chongfeng gun come from? When entering the important areas of the military region, all weapons must be surrendered!"

The man holding the gun looked at the mayor.

The mayor nodded, "Now that we have found the troops, hand over all the guns. They are more useful in the hands of the troops than in our hands."

Everyone handed over all the guns.

The mayor even stepped forward to shake hands with the soldiers and to comfort them.

But the soldier pushed him coldly, "What are you doing? Go over there and stand still! Put your hands on your heads."


Everyone was dumbfounded.

What did he think they were?

"We are not criminals! We are going to the settlement..."

Da Da Da!

Before the man finished speaking, several bullets shot into his body.

"What are you doing?!" Everyone's face changed.

Never expected that they thought they had seen their relatives, but in fact, they met the King of Hell!

The mayor was so scared that his legs almost went weak and he fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha, there are actually people who believe that we are from the military district!" At this time, a bearded soldier stood up and slapped Liu Xiaohong on the butt.

Another soldier hugged the mayor's secretary, and with his hands, he cursed: "Why are you twisting? Stand still!"

The other soldiers glared at the mayor and his men fiercely, "Stand against the wall! Be checked one by one."

An old man cursed: "You are simply lawless! You...you will not be rewarded!"

"Old man, it seems that you have lived long enough? Do you want to live? I will help you!"

A soldier stepped forward and hit the old man's head.

The old man screamed, fell to the ground, and struggled twice.

But the soldier kicked him coldly and ruthlessly, and the old man did not move.

Another one died!

The mayor and his men were almost scared to death.

Several women cried.

Originally, they thought that a happy life was beckoning, but unexpectedly, they encountered bandits!

"Haha, today's harvest is good. Not only are there beauties, but there are also cars, a few guns, and food!" A soldier said happily.

The bearded soldier glanced at the mayor and his men and said, "You have a lot of food!"

What is the most valuable now?

Of course it was food.

The mayor and his men stood against the wall, holding their heads in their hands.

They didn't dare to struggle.

Liu Xiaohong and the secretary were held in the arms of the big bearded man and another soldier, and played with them at will.

"Brother, did you kill these people?"

The big bearded man sneered: "Of course, otherwise would it be a waste of food?"


The mayor and his men were so scared that they almost wet their pants.

The mayor is the mayor after all, with a good brain and courage that is not comparable to ordinary people.

At this time, he suddenly shouted loudly: "You can't kill me! I know a place with a lot of food, very, very much!"

"Oh? Where is it?"

The mayor shouted loudly: "That place is not far away! It's only half an hour's drive! It's really close. You can't kill me! You really can't kill people!"

The big bearded man became interested.

"Okay, come here."

The mayor walked over with a pale face.

At this time, someone else shouted: "Yes, you can't kill us, we can take you..."

At a glance from the big bearded man, a gunshot was heard.

Then there was a scream.

He took out a cigarette, lit it, and said calmly: "One person is enough to lead the way. Beauty, do you know the way?"

Liu Xiaohong was so scared that she was shaking all over. She gritted her teeth and nodded, "I... know."

As soon as she finished speaking, the bearded man pulled out a pistol from his waist, turned the muzzle, and shot the mayor in the head.

The mayor couldn't believe that he died just like that.

The bearded man took a puff of the cigarette, exhaled the smoke, and said calmly: "Really one is enough."

The secretary screamed in fear.

One is enough?

She shouted: "I... I know it too!"

The bearded man said calmly: "But for beauties, two is fine."

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