Huoyan didn't come back, so his mission was to try to delay the military district, no matter what means he used, and of course, he couldn't kill people randomly.

It's good to have such an ultimate robot.

Chen Fei also smiled.

"Forget it, I should be able to sleep well now, right? I'll think about tomorrow's things tomorrow. Defense! It seems that we have to strengthen it. Forget it, come tomorrow!"

It was very late now, and Chen Fei was very sleepy.

Before going to bed, he went to see Nuonuo and found that she was sleeping soundly, so he didn't disturb her. He went back to his room, lay down and fell asleep.

Time passed bit by bit.

In the darkness, the big yellow dog suddenly trembled all over, and his ears stood up.

Then it opened its eyes.

It saw that Nuonuo had gotten out of bed and was standing on the ground barefoot looking at it.

What a terrible look!

At this time, Nuonuo's eyes were actually red, and she looked very scary.

"They, actually wanted to beat my brother, they are all bad guys!" She whispered.

Then she said softly: "Yes, they are all bad guys, they all deserve to die, sister will take you to kill people, okay?"

"No, brother doesn't like me to kill people."

"You have to learn to protect your brother, you can't always rely on your brother! Let's go kill people, kill all the bad guys who want to harm your brother."

Then she looked at the big yellow dog with bloodshot eyes and said coldly: "If you dare to bark, then you are a big bad dog!"

The big yellow dog shuddered all over.

It's terrible!

Is this a little Lolita?

No, definitely not!

What's going on?

Why did she become like this?

It's obviously one person, but it seems that there are two souls, talking.

"Yes, I want to protect my brother."

"But who can you beat now? We need to practice more so that we can better protect our brother in the future."

"Where to practice?"

"I'll show you the way. Let's go, big yellow dog."

The big yellow dog Baozi didn't dare to move.

But at this time, the little girl had already jumped onto its back, pulling its fur, and said the most terrifying words in the most gentle voice: "Don't bark, or I will really beat you to death. Let's go, let's go."


Where to?

The big yellow dog didn't know where to go.

But it knew it had to go.

So it stood up, walked almost silently, and came to the yard.

"Jump over the high wall, let's go outside."

The big yellow dog could only jump.

When it landed, it was already outside the manor.

The night sky was pitch black.

There were no stars.

The little girl pulled the dog's fur and said with a smile: "Go in that direction."

The big yellow dog began to walk.

The little girl pulled the dog's fur, "Hurry up!"

The big yellow dog started to run.


The big yellow dog used all his strength to run faster.

"It's still too slow!"

The big yellow dog gritted his teeth fiercely, and his speed burst out again, running directly to a speed of 70 miles per hour.

"That's more like it! Dog, just keep running!"

Then she suddenly asked, "Do you feel something calling us over there?"

"What is it?" She continued.

"I don't know, didn't you hear it?"

"I heard it! It seems to be calling me over. Do you want to go over and take a look?"

"Let's go, let's take a look."

After pulling the dog's hair, the big yellow dog turned slightly and ran quickly under the instructions of the little girl.

Not long after, the man and the dog passed the No. 2 mine and continued to run forward.

They came to a forest.

The big yellow dog's fast running caused the animals in the forest to panic.

Just as it passed under a big tree, a black shadow suddenly shot down from it.

It turned out to be a big snake, trying to prey on the man and the dog at lightning speed.

The little girl stretched out her hand and smashed the snake head that shot down with one punch.

The big yellow dog was furious again.

The dog was scared to death!

What happened to her?

Two souls!

Master, this is terrible.

There is a demon living in her body!

It's a pity that the big yellow dog can't speak, otherwise it will definitely tell Chen Fei what it found.

Not long after, it came to a huge cave.

When did the cave appear?

It didn't know.

It just felt a shiver when it got here.

There seemed to be some monster inside.

And it was very powerful.

It didn't know what was inside.

But instinctively, it wanted to retreat.

The little loli pulled its dog hair, "Go in, why retreat?"

Go in?

It didn't dare!

It wanted to struggle a little.

But the little loli had already slapped it on the forehead.

It hurts!

Such a heavy slap!

I'm injured, little master, I'm injured, I can't walk!

"If you don't go in, you will be a big bad dog."

The big yellow dog Baozi was almost scared to death.

All the big bad dogs deserve to die.

Then go in!

Anyway, she is here, she should be able to protect me, right?

The big yellow dog walked into the cave.

The cave was very dry.

The air was fresh.

In the darkness, it seemed to see a huge meat ball.

The meat ball seemed to be jumping.

No, that’s the heart!

The little Loli jumped off the dog's back and walked step by step towards the big meat ball in front of her.

"Ah, what did you say?" she asked the big meatball.

The big yellow dog’s psychological activities are enriched again: Oh my god! She can still hear this outrageous heart talking!

She must have too much imagination, right?

Little master, this is a monster!

But the little Loli didn't seem to be afraid at all. Instead, she was a little excited and came directly in front of the heart that was as big as a basketball court.

The heart was beating, but the big yellow dog didn't hear the heartbeat.

it's wired!

"Ah, are you mine?" Little Loli asked strangely.

Then her hand touched the strange heart.

This weird heart suddenly disappeared.

The big yellow dog is furious again.

Damn it, damn it!

What exactly is going on?

It can't be said!

The little Loli pouted, "It's gone now? You lied to me."

She continued: "How did I lie to you? Let's go, let's go see other places."

"I'm not going! I have to go back to sleep. I can't let my brother worry. You must be lying to me. I must be dreaming."

"How could you be dreaming? Otherwise, you can ask the big yellow dog."

Little Loli walked up to the big yellow dog as she spoke, "Baozi, do you think we are dreaming?"

I don’t know if the big yellow dog is a dream or real.

It can't be said anyway.

He could only whimper.

"I'm going back!" She jumped on the back of the big yellow dog and pulled the dog's hair, "Go back!"

Then the big yellow dog fainted.

When it opened its eyes, it found that it was already dawn.

It jumped up immediately.

Only then did I realize that it was in the kennel. Then I looked up at the bed and found that the little Loli was sleeping soundly.

Is it really a dream?

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