A large settlement in Dongguang Military Region.

After a night of tossing, it seemed that I had finally calmed down a little.

The entire District 1 is searching for the ghost in the night.

"Don't you have any clues?" the commander asked, patting the table.

At this time, all the people attending the meeting were from the military.

"Yes." One stood up, holding a piece of information in his hand.

"Talk about it!"

The man said loudly: "From the analysis of the footprints, it should be an adult, wearing size 43 shoes, and weighing about two hundred pounds."

"Two hundred pounds? Are you telling me, a person weighing two hundred pounds will be so fast that he can't see clearly? Will he be so fast that he can't even be captured by the camera?" The commander was angry.

Two hundred pounds! Shoes in size 43!

How fat does that person have to be?

Everyone looked at each other.

The man wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "According to the analysis, it should be like this. Maybe... that is a super human?"

Of course super humans exist.

In fact, the military does too.

It's just that everything is under control.

Super humans are simply too unstable.

This is also after the end of the world. Not only animals and crops have mutated, but some humans have also mutated.

It's just that those mutated humans are extremely unstable and difficult to control.

More or less prone to violence.

It has always been controlled by the military.

Only this time, could it be that a super human appeared to be causing trouble?

The commander was silent.

Everyone was silent.

Suddenly, a person stood up and said: "Commander, we also have ten super humans here now, right..."

The commander shook his head, "No, it's too difficult to control."

"But...Commander, No. 5 and No. 6 are our soldiers, and they have always performed very well before. I think it won't be a big problem to send them two."

Not a big problem?

I'm afraid that once the problem arises, it will be difficult to deal with.

The commander was still hesitant.

"Commander! Make your decision! Only super humans can fight against super humans!"

Someone else said: "If this super human is always targeting us, what should we do?"

Another person said: "Actually, everyone knows that this guy must be from that small settlement. It turns out that they have super humans, so they can establish themselves. But the problem is, if he keeps causing trouble, we won't be able to survive at all." Possibly to capture that small settlement."

"Moreover, he has been causing trouble, and the order here has been seriously threatened. In addition, there has been a loss of materials. This is a very serious consequence!"

The commander took a deep breath and said, "Bring No. 5 in.

Everyone's faces showed a hint of joy.

"Would you like to bring Number Six here too?"

The commander slapped the table and said, "Bring No. 5! It's too dangerous to let two of them out. If they get out of control, we may not even be able to deal with it! It's decided, bring No. 5 here. I'll ask him personally. And, please Psychologist Lao Yang is here."

Soon, a fat old man in his fifties was brought in by the soldiers.

It was Expert Yang.

As soon as Expert Yang sat down, two more soldiers came in escorting a young man wearing a hospital gown.

As soon as he came in, he saluted: "Hello, chiefs!"

"Relax, don't be so nervous." The commander tapped the table lightly.

"Yes!" There was a big "5" written on the man's hospital gown.

It was number five.

He stood up straight.

Look serious.

He looks like a solid soldier.

The commander said: "Professor Yang, I'm sorry to bother you."

"It should be." Expert Yang nodded, and then looked at No. 5.

Number Five remained motionless, as if standing guard.

Suddenly, Expert Yang asked: "How do you feel about your recent life?"

No. 5 solemnly said: "Life is good. Thanks to the leaders for their concern. We live in a big place, and the food is good, and there are places for activities."

Expert Yang nodded and asked: "Do you think the military is right or wrong to do this?"

"Of course it is the most correct approach! I understand the leaders' approach very well. Seven of the ten of us are very easy to lose control. In fact, I don't know when I will lose control too. But I have always told me You must stay awake at all times.”

"Very good, you have such a good idea."

"I'm a soldier!" Number Five said proudly.

Hearing these words, the commander and others were a little moved.

Expert Yang asked a few more questions, and No. 5 answered them all very appropriately.

Then there is no problem.

"Very good, I think No. 5's mental state and consciousness are very clear. There should be no big problem." Expert Yang finally concluded.

The commander asked Expert Yang to go out.

Then he looked at Number Five and asked, "Do you remember your duties?"

"The duty of a soldier is to defend our country and protect our people!"

The commander nodded, "Very good. Since the psychologist Professor Yang says there is nothing wrong with you, then we believe you."

Then someone stood up and handed the information to No. 5.

After reading the information, No. 5 asked in surprise: "Do you suspect that the person who infiltrated is a super human?"

"Yes. So I want you to deal with him."

"This... Chief, I can't guarantee this. Because I can't say that he is more powerful than me. In fact, I can't achieve his level."

The commander tapped the table gently, "You just need to find him and point out his location. The army will cooperate with your actions."

No. 5 took a deep breath and said, "Okay! Reconnaissance is my specialty, I will do my best!"

The matter was happily settled.

The commander waved his hand, "Put on a military uniform for him. This is our soldier!"

Someone brought a military uniform, and No. 5 almost had tears in his eyes.

After changing into the military uniform, he stood at attention and saluted again.

"Okay, Colonel Wu, you take No. 5 out, and you must find out where that guy is hiding. Other departments will fully cooperate. At any cost, you must find that guy!"

Everyone stood at attention and saluted.

Colonel Wu took No. 5 out of the meeting room, took a deep breath, turned his head and looked at No. 5.

"Don't worry, Chief, I fully understand what I am doing. I also fully understand who I am. I won't lose myself like others."

"That's good. The weapons will be equipped for you."

Come to the street.

No. 5's eyes suddenly condensed, and he looked at the ground.

Crouching down, he gently touched the ground, "Did he come here last night?"

Colonel Wu nodded.

This superhuman is really amazing. He found the man's footprints in one go!

In fact, it is still very difficult for ordinary humans to find the guy's footprints.

No. 5 took a deep breath and looked to the northeast, "He's over there!"

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