Law perception... After waiting for you for so long, you finally came! !

Chen Xuanfeng took a deep breath, with a long-lost smile on his face.

Ever since he learned that he needs to understand the laws of heaven and earth to become a Valkyrie level, he has been talking about it, looking forward to when a new function will be launched in the system...No, I finally waited for it.

"For this moment, I have prepared at least nearly 3,000 laws of heaven and earth. Except for the most rare to the most powerful laws, I basically have everything to collect!"

Chen Xuanfeng's eyes were hot.

As long as the god of war, he has the lowest law of heaven and earth.

If it is a more powerful Valkyrie level, it is even more capable of comprehending two, three, or even four laws of heaven and earth!

Those geniuses at the sub-god level, without exception, are all beings who control at least ten laws of heaven and earth...otherwise, they will not be able to be at the sub-god level, and they will have a tyrannical strength comparable to that of the pinnacle god-level or even the semi-holy level.

The clones have long been fighting with many Valkyrie levels.

The Valkyrie level who died under the hands of the clones alone has already exceeded the total number of clones... Naturally, the repository of the Law of Heaven and Earth is almost full.

Three thousand laws of heaven and earth.

Now there are only less than ten, and you can make it all together... And this time, what Chen Xuanfeng lacks is not the law of time, the law of space.

It is a more profound and incalculable existence than time and space-the law of destiny, the law of creation!

So far, let alone the laws of heaven and earth, I haven’t even seen a few...According to the information obtained by Chen Xuanfeng, among the human races, only those great emperors and those quasi-emperor levels have been I have understood one or two by coincidence.

Therefore, Chen Xuanfeng wants to get it, one can imagine how difficult it is.

"First, the law of space!"

Chen Xuanfeng made the decision directly.

He has learned the benefits of space through "zero and seven".

Instant kill, as long as the space attribute is added, whether it is against a single enemy or a group of enemies, it can bring extremely strong lethality.

He has a deep understanding of the bonus that the body technique and space attributes bring to the body technique. Otherwise, the clones would not be able to bypass the semi-holy level and the holy level projections, and slaughter the golden emperor's Valkyrie level madly... It's a pity He has never seen the spatial artistic conception until now.

On the contrary, the law of space happened to be met, and it was successfully analyzed and stored.

Controlling the enemy, space stagnation, space stagnation, space compression, space blockade, etc....has a very obvious effect on the same level, even in the face of a stronger existence than yourself, you can still easily fight with space, or Get out of the battlefield.

Although the law of time is indeed very fragrant, with the law of life, the attributes of life, the mood of life... it can almost be a perfect immortal body, as long as the enemy is not incredibly strong, it will definitely not die.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, the law of space is of greater benefit to Chen Xuanfeng!

"The clone is practicing the law of will take 100,000 years for the law of space to reach the entry level."

The system prompts sound.

10... ten thousand years? !

Although Chen Xuanfeng had expected it, he still couldn't hold back his mouth twitching when he saw this shocking time.

Fortunately, this is a clone, which takes 100,000 years.

If 100,000 clones are together, it will take 1 year.

It takes 36 days for 1 million clones to work together.

It takes an average of a month to comprehend a law of heaven and earth... this speed is obviously much more difficult than that of the gods!

And you have to know that this is a simultaneous realization of 1 million clones.

It is ten times more than the clone of sentiment and cultivation!

But this is also normal.

There are high and low levels of artistic conception, and the same is true of the laws of heaven and earth.The five-element rule of wood, water, fire and earth is the simplest and takes the shortest time.

Space, time, death, destruction, life, etc...These are obviously much more difficult. To understand them, the difficulty is at least ten times that of ordinary laws of heaven and earth!

Therefore, this is the conversion.

If it were changed to the ordinary laws of heaven and earth, the actual time required would only be one to two times longer than that of the god-level exercises.

"My current treasures are worth... 1.16 million!"

"System, directly add 1 million clones to the law perception!"

Cultivating exercises, perceiving artistic conception, and the total composition of everything is only a few hundred thousand clones... The perceptual law comes out and it is over 1 million, which shows how much Chen Xuanfeng values ​​it.

"Exchange successful!"

"The clones are practicing the law of will take 36 days for the law of space to reach the entry level."

36 days.

It's okay at this time.

Chen Xuanfeng nodded.

"With the current harvesting speed of the clone's loot, it can basically maintain an average value of 500,000 treasures every day."

"And now there are only two primary big worlds laid."

"After laying down ten, one hundred, or even one thousand primary worlds, how can the treasure value of the daily income be calculated in billions?"

Chen Xuanfeng clicked the corner of his mouth, "Keep this speed and see if the Golden Emperor Clan finds me first, or if I pull out the Golden Emperor Clan first!"

He knows that the Giant Golden Sage has released various rewards for him, using all human connections, intelligence networks, intelligence forces, etc.... just to find his place in the 1,000 middle-level big worlds.

This is no longer a needle in a haystack.

It can be regarded as looking for a needle in the vast universe!

The Intermediate World is not the same as the Elementary World.

Regardless of the area, the population, the number of city bases, and the number of ethnic groups, there is a huge gap...not to mention, just the size of the area, as long as Chen Xuanfeng can survive and actively hide it, even if it takes ten thousand years, gold The emperor would never want to find him!

During this time, Chen Xuanfeng has become so powerful that he does not know how strong he is.


"Wow, the golden emperor is still dying? The emperor's base is almost gone, and all the clansmen have been teleported to the big world. What is the use of continuing to die?"

"The other emperors are all time-savvy people, knowing that they can't beat them, and they can't find the deity of the endless gods, so they simply choose to take the initiative to discuss and surrender... I'll just say that the endless gods are not the kind of unreasonable people. As long as he is willing to be soft, he is still willing to let him go."

"Of course those emperors can be subdued. They have no deep hatred with the endless sub-god, but the golden emperor can't do it... Now not only is the No. 3000 big world, but the other at least five golden emperor branch bases in the big world have all suffered. It's the invasion of the endless sub-God clone!"

"How do you feel that there are more and more clones of the endless sub-God?"

"It's not just more and more, it's amazing!"

"In the beginning, it was 140,000, then 640,000, and then 500,000 attacking other imperial clans, as well as 100,000 legions that attacked other golden emperor branch bases in the great world... The number has been increasing crazily. To the end!"

"The Sub-God of Endless... really deserves the name of Endless. Fortunately, there is no conflict with him, otherwise it would be... bad luck!"

"But no matter how strong the hentai sub-god is, it is only a sub-god after all...have you heard? Yesterday, the golden emperor has already had many saint-level and even immortal-level characters. This deity, and the reward has been increased again. It used to be a royal quota, but now it is 10, plus a bunch of coveted super treasures!"

"The Infinite Sub-God is the first one who is not an emperor, and he dared to compete with the emperor alone... I don't know if the golden emperor is finished in the end, or is he finished first?"

"The golden emperor is finished? Don't dream, there is a great emperor-level existence! Now the great emperor has not made a move, it is really going to be made, no matter how many endless sub-gods, it is also a word, death!"


The fighting is still going on, and the Golden Emperors are still fighting stubbornly. Naturally, the controversy about this war has never stopped.

The people outside are admiring the bravery and awesomeness of the hentai god, but they are not optimistic that the hentai god will achieve a particularly good glorious record.

After all, that is the imperial clan.

It is a race with a great emperor.

Now it's just a little trouble, and when will it really rise to the point where the emperor pays attention...the consequences can be imagined.

If there is an emperor behind the endless sub-god, it's okay.

However, there is no power, and it is purely dependent on one person to fight alone.

No matter how genius, no matter how enchanting... there is no way to win at all.

However, the outside world is optimistic about the golden emperor.

The golden emperor clan is not optimistic about themselves.

"Damn!! Those clones are getting stronger again!!"

"The space blade I can't even hide, so I cut my holy projection into two halves when I came up, and also slaughtered a bunch of juniors...all the space rings have been harvested!"

"Clearly it is the law of space! With the law of space, his body speed is so fast that he can't catch up with the holy projections. Somehow the holy projections exploded before and could take away a bunch, now he can't take even one. It's all for nothing, damn it!"

"Have you not found the deity of the endless sub-god? If we drag on for a day, we will lose a day... Now that five branch bases of the primary world have suffered, I even suspect that the guy has sent more clones and is already on the way. Other great world bases are on their way!"


Each and every Saint-level figures watched their Saint-level projections die in vain, or were repeatedly hit, and eventually collapsed, extremely angry, but helpless.

Those clones are too strong.

And it keeps getting stronger!

Not only are their defenses gradually improving.

Not long ago, he even managed to comprehend the laws of space, which greatly strengthened his attack, body skills, and control... Originally, their holy projections either confronted directly, dragged several clones, or exploded and took them away. A batch of clones. 0

As a result, none of them worked anymore.

Head-on confrontation?

They are not rivals.


The opponent's body skills are extremely fast, as long as they see any signs of self-destruction, they immediately retreat...Even if the power can destroy half of their bodies, what's the use? He recovered within a second, there was nothing to do!

As a last resort.

In many intermediate worlds, the giant golden saint mobilized all the saint-level figures he could mobilize, and began to quickly spread out, frantically searching for traces of the endless sub-god.

As long as the saint-level figures sacrifice, they can join the search team, searching and gritting their teeth in the virtual network channel.

At this time, a new message came out:

"World 3000, everyone, evacuate."

After weighing for several days, the giant gold saint finally gave this order.

He was helpless.

Since the beginning of the war, the avatar of the endless sub-god has not decreased, and it has even been continuously increasing...On the contrary, the number of people under his command is rapidly decreasing.

No matter how reluctantly.

No matter how frustrated.

He could only choose to withdraw from the No. 3000 Great World first and come to the Intermediate Great World... at least in the Intermediate Great World, the endless sub-shen did not dare to do anything.

"World No. 2999, everyone obeys the order and evacuate!"

"World 2865, all evacuate, no one left!""World 2945, come back!"


Seeing the giant gold saints let go, the saints in charge of other big worlds suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and then they began to recall their clansmen who had fought in other big worlds.

In fact, they have long wanted to withdraw.

However, the giant gold saint is the imperial family.

Under the same realm, their status is not much higher than them... In this case, they withdrew first. Isn't that hitting the giant gold saint in the face?


World No. 2434.

"Huh? How did the golden thieves withdraw?"

"Have you never heard of it? The Human Race has produced an incredible genius. One person went to war with all the branch bases of the Golden Emperor Clan. More than 20 bases have already suffered!"

"Other bases are suffering. It is understandable to retreat. Now it is our ‘Night Blood Race’ fighting with them. Why are they retreating?"

"I can't see this yet? It must be an opportunity to escape! This war has lasted for thousands of years. Since nearly a hundred years, they are no longer our opponents, but they have been procrastinating for the sake of their self-esteem and face. It's just a retreat... Now that there is such a good opportunity and reason, how could the saint behind him let it go?"

"It's not too addictive! After the Golden Emperor race retreats, we have to find other races to fight and suck their blood. Have we defeated more than a dozen human races in a row? Human race, really weak!"

"Don't run, catch up, kill one is one!!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The saint-level projection of the Yeblood clan and the semi-holy-level life laughed loudly, chasing frantically, and did not let the people of the golden imperial clan leave in 4.6.

Junior big world.

Except for the No. 3000 Great World, which is unique to the human race.

In the other 999 big worlds, the human race only occupies a part of it... or even a small part.

In the other 999 big worlds, there are no so-called small bases, large bases, super bases... only the holy, fairy, and imperial bases!

They have been fighting with alien races, competing with each other for the territory of this primary world.

The Yexue tribe has already defeated many individual emperors, the immortals, and the saint tribes are even more numerous...their tribes are different from the human tribes.

You can become stronger by sucking blood, and you don't need to deliberately cultivate.

Using blood, they can also strengthen their attacks, strengthen their bodies, and strengthen everything.

Therefore, they are most suitable for fighting with each other. Almost the entire ethnic group is fighting each other and fighting each other!

Terran is their most important enemy.

Because the powerhouses of the human race are big tonics one by one!

Killing and absorbing one at random will be of great benefit!

Therefore, no human emperor can defeat the Yexue clan...Even the four major forces are at best contending.


"Hey, hey, look! There are a lot of golden armor giants appearing over there!"

"Black robe, holding a sword, sub-god...Is that genius of the human race, what is it called... the endless sub-god?"

"Sure enough, just like the rumors, they are slaughtering people from the Golden Emperor Clan!"

"Look! It was slashed and bloody!"

"The doppelganger actually bleeds? It's almost unprecedented!"

"Hahahahaha... so many big tonics, absolutely can't let go, kill them, let the golden emperor clan have a good understanding of how the guys they can't solve are swallowed and killed by our night blood clan one by one!!!".

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